The Maidan Revolution!

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The Maidan Revolution!

Post by japhy »

discuss for fuck's sake.....if anyone is interested.
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Re: The Maidan Revolution!

Post by ousdahl »

fuck yea! Most bestest thing to happen on the pols bored since the pronouns thread!

so in late 2013, unrest was growing in Ukraine. There was debate over whether to get more on bored with European countries to the west, or with Russia to the east. Protests grew in Kyiv.

Then, in early 2014, the protests turned into some sorta armed right wing militants, who had themselves a coup. The incumbent president, out of fear of getting too cozy with Russia, was ousted; and a new, more western-friendly president was installed.

Of course, there's at least smoke to the fire of, did the US have our hand in the coup? Cuz, the thing is, that's kind of like totally the US's thing. We love fucking around in other people's countries! You can read all about it on places like! But, of course, that sort of intel is usually kept classified until AFTER things blow over. In real time, that shit is kept on the down low.

Cuz, why wouldn't it be? The LAST thing Merica wants is its imperial subjects at large to gain some sort of actually educated real time understanding about just what in the actual fuck Merica is up to.

But, without being able to confirm whether the US DID stage the Maidan coup in Ukraine, we at least CAN confirm that, coincidentally, we were parading our own politicians around there the whole time. McCain was there in December 2013. And Biden was there shortly after the coup in 2014.

now like I've said, correct me if my timeline is off, but - The buildup of Maidan was late 2021 and early 2022, finally resulting in thousands of euro-friendly protestors storming the capital on February 18.

Then, beginning on February 20, Russia invaded Crimea - in other words, AFTER all that western-friendly coup shit went down.

So, again, maybe there's some question of timeline.

But also, maybe there's some question of, if we weren't parading our own politicians around there (and also potentially being the ones to stage the entire thing all along), would Russia have even invaded?

*not that I'm saying we PROVOKED Russia. All I'm saying is, if we saw Russia in a bar and we felt like getting in their face, it's simply up to them to keep their cool, and not up to us to possess any self-awareness.
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Re: The Maidan Revolution!

Post by japhy »

I really love what you have going on here, keep up the good work.
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Re: The Maidan Revolution!

Post by KUTradition »

straight outta the Koch talking points
Have we fallen into a mesmerized state that makes us accept as inevitable that which is inferior or detrimental, as though having lost the will or the vision to demand that which is good?
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