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Re: Behind QT

Post by ousdahl »

oh man.

you guys appointing illy as the voice of reason very well may go down as the funniest thing that's ever happened on the boreds.
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Re: Behind QT

Post by ousdahl »

DeletedUser wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 1:57 pm
1. You misapply the term gaslighting a lot.
this might be the most gaslighty comment so far!

But, feel free to elaborate.
2. Leaving isn't submitting to the bullying.
Not necessarily. But when the leaving happens as a response to another poster relentlessly telling another poster that they should leave, it kinda might be.

3. “no maybe Nazis really ARE liberators and the bigger problem is ousdahl just trying to call that shit out”....this is exactly why people who used to like you now seem to dislike you. This didn't happen. Repeating it over and over again won't convince anyone you're right.
oh, but it did. On March 7, 2023, in you know which thread. To be fair, it was actually posted as one of those "just asking questions" sort of questions, with liberated in quotations, as if the nazis "liberated" Ukraine. It just blew my fucking mind to read, cuz I just never in a million years thought anyone in their right mind would see "nazis" and "liberated" in the same sentence, even as spitballing a rhetorical question.

Trad then went on to say that the nazi - posted in quotations as "nazi" - situation in Ukraine is actually much more nuanced and complex than I seem to appreciate. But, again, all my life I've personally just thought nazis - any and all nazis - were and are just plain clear evil, with no nuance or complexity to it.

And, for the sake of this thread, especially when considered in the context of also downplaying genocide as "genocide," and of siding with the poster making death threats as if the poster being threatened deserved to die or something, I think it's fair game. It's inappropriate to say anywhere else, but man is it some quality smack talk Behind QT!

4. LOL at you being the one with awareness and humility. That shows exactly how unaware you actually are.
ok, I'll try and be aware and humble going forward.
5. You're doing it again. Repeating yourself and your allegations against others. No matter how many times you say it, nobody is going to change their mind.
okay, I'll try and be aware and humble here. I'll try to not repeat myself, nor repeat my allegations against others.

But, yes, I've realized nobody is going to change their mind around here.

Can I offer, as an example of humility, my willingness to change my mind? About pretty much everything. Heck, the fact I changed my mind about things like political views is what landed me on so many of your guys's shit list to begin with!

6. Your deep breath should be "delete account". Find a different place for a while. Come back at a later date. Hopefully after some self improvement. It worked for me.
I mean, I do take breaks from this place from time to time too. But, again, to acquiesce to deleting my account just cuz a few other posters are antagonizing me to do so, just seems...well..antagonistic.

I am being as nice as I can. Eventually I will stop being nice. I am honestly concerned about your well being as you've mentioned depression and I don't want you to take a fist full of pills and kill yourself as a solution to your struggles.
no, actually, you're kind of being an asshole.

besides, we're behind QT, this is the place you ARE supposed to stop being nice! Don't keep us hanging until eventually, just go full blown asshole, you asshole!

But yea, I'm depressed as fuck. But, of all the reasons for it, I honestly don't think message boarding ranks even in like the top 50. Maybe top 69.
Just leave for a while. Seriously. For yourself. For others.

Again, I do take breaks from time to time. But I just don't feel compelled to take a break when you're pressuring me to do so, in this way, in this thread.

And, again, I'll ask to you and to other posters at large:

if I'm really so annoying, have you considered just ignoring me? Why should it be my responsibility to remove me from your message board experience?
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Re: Behind QT

Post by pdub »

Saying someone does something or is something does not immediately mean gaslighting just because they disagree with it.

If you’re an asshole and everyone agrees you’re an asshole but you don’t, well there’s a better chance you’re actually an asshole than there being one big gaslighting scheme.
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Re: Behind QT

Post by Back2Lawrence »

Ousdahl is decent folk IRL. That’s fact. I don’t read the poli bored, as I think it’s two groups of people expressing opinions as group think in most cases.

Had Oussie said something fucked up about my cat that just died, I’d be on board with you all in him being over the top and such. But nah.

Mich, of all people, has nailed his intent much of the time.

And as I write this, how bout them Royals? (It’s the QT logo affecting change, right?)
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Re: Behind QT

Post by ChalkRocker »


I haven't been jumpin' on the Board as often as I should. Shame on me. I love it here.

But this sort of exchange (tbh, tldr, but I think I got the gist), fatigues me. And, on SAT BOARDS!??

Not a whole lot of fun goin' on in this place for a while. NOT a critique, just an humble sinner's observation. Maybe I'm wrong.

I'm truly not suggesting anyone is at fault for anything.

I genuinely like you f**kers. mostly

Stop breakin' each others' balls. Try to talk about difficult stuff w/o flippin' shit all over each other. Try to grin or just roll yr eyes.

Or, conclude you can't stop there and proceed.

Maybe I'm the one that's outta step.
Please, I implore you to be reasonable...
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Re: Behind QT

Post by ousdahl »

see you guys?

now THAT is reasonable.
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Re: Behind QT

Post by ousdahl »

KUTradition wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 8:00 am yep, defiantly ignorant as usual
Trad, I implore you.

Just leave me alone.

If you don’t want me commenting about you, then don’t comment about me first.


Just put me on ignore if you have to!

But, come on, if you’re really gonna stoop so low as to insult me, but also expect me to just sit there and take it for your own sadistic amusement or whatever. Just realize I can’t help but at least politely ask you to stop.

This is what raised such a fuss in the war thread all along!
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Re: Behind QT

Post by KUTradition »

do you stomp your feet and hold your breath too?
Have we fallen into a mesmerized state that makes us accept as inevitable that which is inferior or detrimental, as though having lost the will or the vision to demand that which is good?
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Re: Behind QT

Post by ousdahl »


I was gonna comment about just how shamelessly antagonistic you’re being, once again.

But, at least in this thread, that post is actually pretty good.

not POTD good tho, I already gave it to gutter.
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Re: Behind QT

Post by DeletedUser »

You've said all that.

Day 3 is off to a quick start. Here we go.

Don't you have a job?
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Re: Behind QT

Post by ousdahl »

Oh yeah, speaking of…

brb gonna go log into that EmployedOusdahl sock
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Re: Behind QT

Post by ousdahl »

Speaking of, and in the spirit of this thread…

Wanna know something funny?

My coworkers all just confronted me about my attitude being too good.
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Re: Behind QT

Post by TDub »

totally happened, and so cool. Hercules, Hercules!
Just Ledoux it
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Re: Behind QT

Post by pdub »

Welp, that settles it, you've been totally in the right these last 3 days, it was just all of us who were bad ones.
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Re: Behind QT

Post by Shirley »

I noticed this thread was particularly busy recently, but decided not to click on it.

Ah but I was so much wiser then
I'm dumber than that now...
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Re: Behind QT

Post by ousdahl »

pdub wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 2:24 pm Welp, that settles it, you've been totally in the right these last 3 days, it was just all of us who were bad ones.
We’re all bad ones.*

But I still think trying to discuss the politics of war in the war thread is more appropriate than, oh, say…

suggesting I deserve to be killed, or doubling down on Nazis as liberators, or declaring illy is reasonable.

Unless, of course, you wanna claim that’s all meant as just good old fashioned QT smack talk, in which case, here’s your chance.

*except maybe CR and B2L
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Re: Behind QT

Post by KUTradition »

you’ve turned into such a childish pos…grow the fuck up

i never said i viewed the nazis as liberators. i said, quite accurately, that some Ukrainians viewed them as such ... round.html

get a fucking grip dude
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Re: Behind QT

Post by Overlander »

What an interesting trip it has been.

Less posts from folks like Japhy and Defix.

Shirley steps out long enough for Oussys transition into “full-Illy”…and subsequently Illy to turn into a reasonable poster. Then, Shirley jumps back in the fold after a hiatus.

Illy tries to advise Ousey NOT to go full Illy.

Ousey ignores pleas from all of us to step away.

Mich (unfortunately) goes no where, while also adding nothing of value to the board.

Psych and Randy show up from time to time just to show Ousey how pro level trolling is done.

And…99 remains steady.

Good times
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Re: Behind QT

Post by Shirley »

I'm flattered that anyone noticed my absence.
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Re: Behind QT

Post by ousdahl »

to me, "full illy" is being annoying as fuck on every single bored.

I've made an effort to keep pols talk on the pols board. And the pols board is the source of so much of this, where everyone ultimately got so pissed off at me, right?

if I may ask, has anyone else noticed I'm still mostly my same old goofy self on pretty much every other bored?

cuz if you haven't, please consider that maybe you're otherwise holding some sort of pols bored grudge against me.

Heck, I'll try to steer clear of the war thread, just for you guys. How bout that?

(but I still might have to click on it if and when twocoach finally drops his much-anticipated "definitely not" theory, which, no doubt, shall display JimWest Big 12 Excel spreadsheet levels of brilliance.)

Now, do the QTs in Missouri sell any good single malts?
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