who ya got?

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Re: who ya got?

Post by DCHawk1 »

ousdahl wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 9:27 am
TDub wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 7:01 am
twocoach wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 12:33 am

Agreed on all points. He was above only Sanders and Warren on my list of candidates. But my primary still hasn't happened yet so no one can blame me that he is our presumptive nominee.
So I guess Trump or Amash can count on your vote then?
yeah, as soon as I learn DC quoting up a bunch of sarcastic posts from 2 years ago results in *me* being the one to wear the clown suit, I thought, shit! The only way I could possibly regain my dignity now will be to reelect Trump!

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Re: who ya got?

Post by seahawk »

ousdahl wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 9:28 am
DCHawk1 wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 9:23 am
japhy wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 8:05 am

BUT.....let he who is without sin cast the first match....lulz
I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean.
oh wait, you don't enjoy it when other posters are all condescendingly vague?
Ousdahl wins the day!
Don't inject Lysol.
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Re: who ya got?

Post by ousdahl »

here DC, have like literally 10 minutes of my time!
DCHawk1 wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 3:42 pm
ousdahl wrote: Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:56 pm Kavanaugh doesn't even have the job yet.

how often can a candidate be interviewed, the employer calls the references, allegations of sex assault come up and the employer reacts, meh just conjecture and questionable memories
this is the one sincere quote, and it stands. For an office as high as potus, vet the fuck out of any candidate, even if it must be Biden. (now go back and find some posts from 2 years ago of you and your homies saying the same about Brett)
DCHawk1 wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 3:43 pm
ousdahl wrote: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:26 am Could you imagine how OuTrAgEd psych would be if libtards were trying to ram through a scotus judge instead of investigating credible allegations of assault?
here, I'm mocking your boy psych. Has any democrat said we *shouldn't* bother to investigate this, rather than just ram it through like team GOP tried to do with their nominee while he sat there crying I LIKE BEER!
DCHawk1 wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 3:43 pm
ousdahl wrote: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:42 am This dude could be a violent sexual predator convicted how many times over, but so long as he was also a “conservative constitutionalist” who made psych feel like he’s on the side that’s “winning,” he would still want him confirmed ASAP
again, mocking psych.
DCHawk1 wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 3:44 pm
ousdahl wrote: Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:51 am No time to investigate, just confirm him ASAP! #winning
I'll let you decide whether this one is sincere or sarcastic. Lulz.
DCHawk1 wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 3:45 pm
ousdahl wrote: Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:59 am ^^^

and after we get done investigating those wimmin, let’s reopen the case on Crooked Hillary too.

and after we get done investigating the current allegations, let's schedule another however many more hours of hearings about Benghazi!

for real, I highly doubt that anyone here's lack of a swift and total condemnation of Biden is meant to condone a thing. I, at least, have intentionally spent less time on the pols bored, cuz instead of any meaningful dialogue, we've just got is you being snarky, and condescendingly vague and pulling these stunts.

you spend your Sunday digging up posts from 2018. If you want to tell me sincerely what issue you took with any of my posts that was so significant you had to quote it 2 years later, please do so, I'll sincerely discuss it. Seriously bro, get it off your chest, cuz it sounds like you've been stewing about it for years. Either way, just realize this all comes across as incredibly petty and antagonistic.

And if, heaven forbid, someone asks you to actually make a fucking point, all you've got any more is the nihilistic refrain of "burn it the fuck down," as if that suddenly makes you the smart one in the room?

You ever thought maybe nobody said anything sooner cuz they're just tired of this bullshit?
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Re: who ya got?

Post by DCHawk1 »

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Re: who ya got?

Post by DCHawk1 »

ousdahl wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:07 am
you spend your Sunday digging up posts from 2018. If you want to tell me sincerely what issue you took with any of my posts that was so significant you had to quote it 2 years later, please do so, I'll sincerely discuss it. Seriously bro, get it off your chest, cuz it sounds like you've been stewing about it for years. Either way, just realize this all comes across as incredibly petty and antagonistic.

And if, heaven forbid, someone asks you to actually make a fucking point, all you've got any more is the nihilistic refrain of "burn it the fuck down," as if that suddenly makes you the smart one in the room?

You ever thought maybe nobody said anything sooner cuz they're just tired of this bullshit?
You really don't understand how any of this works, eh?

I thought to myself "I wonder if this board was operational when Kavanaugh was confirmed, cuz the comparison of the ouTRagE then vs. now would be lulztastic." So...I go to the search function andI enter the search term "Kavanaugh" and it returns "too many results." So I try "Blasey Ford" and Bingo. One thread. Filled with bucketloads of dipshittery.

Don't flatter yourself. I have not been stewing about your posts for two years. I rarely give your posts more than a second's thought -- exactly the same amount of thought you put into writing them. And if you think it's "antagonistic," perhaps that's because you're feeling defensive. Because from my perspective, it was a simple but fun task to look back at the hypocrisy on display here.

As to your apparent deep desire to have me "make a point," I make them all the time. And when I do, you respond with a sarcastic post that took a second to think of, Seahawk screeches about the Catholic Church, Geezer calls me arrogant, and Ferally angrily wanders off into the tall grass to bitch about Nixon.

But that's the way the game is played here. I get that. I'm under no illusions that anyone other than japhy, defix, chikn, or Leawood is ever going to respond (from the other side) with anything thoughtful. It's been this way since I joined .com 13 or 14 years ago. It is what it is. What's weird is that you've, apparently, been asleep for most of that time. I mean "You ever thought maybe nobody said anything sooner..." is the most lulztastical thing you've ever posted.

They've all been saying something since the day I joined the board.
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Re: who ya got?

Post by ousdahl »

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Re: who ya got?

Post by DCHawk1 »

I know, right?
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Re: who ya got?

Post by ousdahl »

if I may sincerely ask, what about my posts do you think is hypocritical?

cuz you've thrown that word around, but as far as the content of the posts you quoted, you still haven't actually addressed a thing.
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Re: who ya got?

Post by DCHawk1 »

Their existence.

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Re: who ya got?

Post by ousdahl »

you still haven't actually addressed a thing.
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Re: who ya got?

Post by DCHawk1 »

ousdahl wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:42 amYikes.
I mean...how predictable was this?

As to your new accusation, I just accept that you're a Catholic male misogynist who will never forgive my generation of "Slutty 1960s Women" for refusing to knuckle under to the terrorization of women that the pedophile loving priests and bishops you so revere promoted successfully for so long. And we'll always be accused of something whenever you need someone to blame.
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Re: who ya got?

Post by DCHawk1 »

ousdahl wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:49 am you still haven't actually addressed a thing.
Yes, I have. You just don't get it -- which is the point.

That's a 19-page thread filled with all sorts of craziness about a claim that was far LESS credible than Reade's claim, plus Geezer getting moist about Michael Avenatti.

And this thread is filled with...crickets.

If you don't see the issue there, I can't help you.
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Re: who ya got?

Post by ousdahl »

crickets? I'm here do discuss now.

What do you want from me? Further condemnation of Biden? Louder calls to take the allegations seriously? Should I go investigate personally? Let me take this thought a step further: I BELIEVE HER. Happy?

regarding my posts you quoted, if you want to address something from one of those, please do. Cuz you still haven't.

Do you realize you keep calling me a hypocrite, without giving me a straight answer why? As if I am a hypocrite because of the same posts you identify as sarcastic and not requiring more than a second's thought, but that you still can't or just won't address?

You ever thought that maybe nobody said anything sooner cuz we're tired of YOUR bullshit? You think we all wanna race over here to subject ourselves to your vague condescension? oh, wait, maybe I just don't get it.

now, quick, post some other quote from lord knows when without any additional context, and this time, don't even identify who said it! How predictable would THAT be?
Deleted User 89

Re: who ya got?

Post by Deleted User 89 »

DCHawk1 wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 9:15 pm
Mjl wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 8:54 pm I'm confused.

My understanding is that this allegation is basically every bit as shady as the Ford one. Did something change that I missed?
You'll note that there are no quotes from you in my little screed.

That's because you stood alone, suggesting that maybe...just maybe...35 year-old recovered memories about an alleged incident, with zero corroboration, zero contemporary confirmation, and zero evidence, shouldn't be used a political cudgel with which to beat political opponents and destroy their reputations.

Now, with respect to the Tara Reade story. At least two friends and one neighbor have said she told them about the incident at the time. She filed a complaint of some sort. Her mother called into Larry King's show to ask what to do about a powerful person who had done something wrong. Etc. etc.

NONE of this is even close to proof of anything, but it's MOUNTAINS more than existed with Christine Blasey Ford.

And trad still doesn't know what the problem is cuz "if Biden" did it, then he'd be mad.
deep breath

you’re looking unhinged

curious, tho, why YOU might think these revelations are coming out now? why not when he was vice president? or during any of the years previous?

i’m not saying this didn’t happen...it probably did. but, why now?

and why in the world would dems try to take the high road here, even if this all is true? why not play by the rules YOUR party has been playing by?
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Re: who ya got?

Post by Deleted User 89 »

PhDhawk wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 10:18 pm Lulz.

Not sure which is funnier, DC putting clown suits on so many. Or the flailing and squirming responses to try to get out of them.
clown suits

lulz indeed
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Re: who ya got?

Post by Deleted User 89 »

ousdahl wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 11:21 pm Holy shit.

Biden sucks. Add this to the list of reasons I wish he wasn't the candidate.

Take the allegations seriously, and investigate in good faith.

I'm so glad I didn't waste my Sunday digging through posts from 2018.

DC sure got everyone good tho

doing god’s work, i tell ya
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Re: who ya got?

Post by Deleted User 89 »

twocoach wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 12:33 am
ousdahl wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 11:21 pm Holy shit.

Biden sucks. Add this to the list of reasons I wish he wasn't the candidate.

Take the allegations seriously, and investigate in good faith.

I'm so glad I didn't waste my Sunday digging through posts from 2018.
Agreed on all points. He was above only Sanders and Warren on my list of candidates. But my primary still hasn't happened yet so no one can blame me that he is our presumptive nominee.
and he was maybe my 5th or 6th choice
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Re: who ya got?

Post by PhDhawk »

TraditionKU wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 11:43 am
PhDhawk wrote: Sun May 03, 2020 10:18 pm Lulz.

Not sure which is funnier, DC putting clown suits on so many. Or the flailing and squirming responses to try to get out of them.
clown suits

lulz indeed
I don't understand why you're getting so worked up about this. Are you even one of the posters who DC quoted?
I only came to kick some ass...

Rock the fucking house and kick some ass.
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Re: who ya got?

Post by Deleted User 89 »

i actually find it funny and sad

not worked up at all
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Re: who ya got?

Post by ousdahl »

PhD, if you don't mind, please clarify: how is DC quoting me from 2 years ago putting a clown suit on me?

I addressed each quote individually. DC hasn't. Would you like to?
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