Dumbfuck in charge

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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by MICHHAWK »

There were stupid people pre covid 19. There are stupid people during covid19. There will be stupid people post covid19. No amount of local or state or federal regulation is going to change that.

Stupid is gonna be stupid no matter what.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by dolomite »

Grandma wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 7:41 am
dolomite wrote: Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:47 pm Good God twocoach, I didn't cherrypick anything regarding the DNC paying for this Russian dossier. Here are some other links with the facts. The fact is that political campaigns do dirty deeds in order to win.
The dems will do anything to discredit President Trump. I've never seen a political party so bitter over losing an election. It's time for the DEMS to pull their heads out of the sand and MOVE ON!

That’s the firm used by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to secretly pay research firm Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative, to compile a dossier of uncorroborated raw intelligence alleging Trump and Moscow were colluding to hijack the presidential election.
https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/40981 ... ier-before
n this case, the alleged "collusion" means Hillary Clinton "colluded with the Russians to get dirt on Trump to feed it to the FBI to open up an investigation into the other campaign," as House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes put it in this Washington Post fact check.
https://www.axios.com/clinton-foundatio ... 44baa.html
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump%E2% ... ia_dossier
https://wsau.com/blogs/ben-armstrong-bl ... collusion/
Bombshell number 1. Hillary had a secret private server with classified information on it.
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 ... trump-rus/

Bombshell number 2. James Comey drafted in exoneration letter for Hillary Clinton months before the investigation was concluded. Even before Hillary Clinton was interviewed.

Bombshell number 3. The Clinton Foundation took in millions upon millions of dollars from the Russians. Bill Clinton was given $500,000 by the Russians for a speaking fee.

Bombshell number 4. Hillary and the DNC we're actually the ones behind the Russian Dossier. Hillary and the DNC paid for the Russian dossier through a law firm and then through Fusion GPS.

Bombshell number 5. Hillary's campaign violated campaign Finance law by hiding and not disclosing the payments to Fusion GPS.

Bombshell number 6. Robert Mueller (as head of the FBI) signed off on the Uranium One deal that gave the Russians 20% of our uranium. Yet, he is the one tasked to investigate Trump Russian Collusion.

Bombshell number 7. Text messages from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show a plot to stop candidate Donald Trump from winning the election. Extreme bias and hatred were displayed in text messages by Peter Strzok who was the lead investigator looking into Donald Trump. Peter Strzok was also the lead investigator into Hillary Clinton's illegal server scandal.

Bombshell number 8. The fake Russian dossier, a political hit piece, was paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign and was actually used in the FISA courts. Fake Russian information tricked the FISA courts into allowing the Obama Administration to spy on the Trump campaign.

Bombshell number 9. The FBI lies and says it lost five months of text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Bombshell number 10 Democrat congressmen say the Nunes memo cannot be released because people will die if classified information is released. The Nunes memo is released, and simply confirms that the bulk of the FBI information used in the FISA court was from the fake Russian dossier.

Bombshell number 11. James Comey lies to Bret Baier on Fox News and says the Russian dossier was NOT the bulk of information used to obtain the FISA warrant.

Bombshell number 12. The Grassley Graham memo confirmed Hillary colluded and paid a foreign British agent Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, and the Russians in order to trick America and the FISA courts about Trump Russian collusion.

Bombshell number 13. Christopher Steele was the only source behind the Russian dossier. He leaked the dossier to Yahoo news, and then the FBI pretended and tricked the FISA court into believing that the Yahoo news story was separate and additional confirmation about Trump Russia collusion.

Bombshell number 14 Christopher Steele never even went to Russia to obtain information.

Bombshell number 15. Christopher Steele testifies in a British Court that his Russian dossier is unverified information. Confirming James Comey's statement that the Russian dossier was salacious and unverified.

Bombshell number 16. The FBI placed spies into the Trump campaign even before the FISA warrant. The media justifies it by calling the spies “Confidential Informants".

Bombshell number 17. The Inspector General report confirms that the FBI handled the Hillary Clinton investigation with kid gloves. No real investigation actually took place.

Bombshell number 18. Hillary, the DNC, and the Russians we're behind the “Trump Tower Meeting” as a setup. The Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr was a client for Fusion GPS. She met with Fusion GPS before and after the Trump Tower meeting. Fusion GPS was receiving money from Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Russians at the same time.

Bombshell number 19. Lanny Davis and CNN both lied about Michael Cohen having direct knowledge that Donald Trump new about the Trump Tower Russian lawyer meeting. Lanny Davis apologizes to the Associated Press for giving them misleading information, but CNN refuses to backtrack the story. Lanny Davis also had his client pled to fake campaign finance violations. (2 non-crimes) in order to try and falsely connect Trump to some sort of crime.

Bombshell number 20. One of the FBI spies (AKA confidential informant) into the Trump campaign is directly linked to the Russians and Russian intelligence. Stefan A. Halper is the spy who set up meetings with George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, and General Michael Flynn. Stefan A. Halper was clearly trying to set up the Trump campaign and frame them for colluding with the Russians. All the while, it was Obama's FBI and the Hillary Campaign who clearly colluded with the Russians.
The Clinton campaign received a steady flow of briefings on its paid-for Christopher Steele dossier, whose unverified Trump-Russia collusion charges made their way into election news stories and Clinton talking points.

The dossier emerged again as a Washington hot topic in recent days with the release of four FBI applications to a judge to spy on a Donald Trump volunteer. The petition’s evidence to convince the judge was largely based on the dossier.
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 ... trump-rus/
Wasn't sure where to post this so I guess this might be as good of a spot as any......

https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/me ... 20SSCI.pdf
No question the Clintons play dirty. Campaigning for Biden?
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by sdoyel »


"The real issue with covid: its not killing enough people." - randylahey

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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by seahawk »

She should resign.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 289 »

I found it interesting when she had a rehearsed/written response to a question a couple of days ago in regards to why she said that because of President Donald Trump, “we will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here.” She actually looked at a piece of paper and read her response to the reporter.
I'll give her credit, she truly had a very good explanation and clarified the context.
Problem was she could/should have left it at that and instead she pulled a Trump and felt a need to be a complete douche bag.

Last night I read about how in 2105 she basically said Trump is a fucking asshole and a horse shit candidate. I would be interested in hearing/reading her explanation. Not so much for that but why she feels the desire to be his puppet and support him now.

Today I'm reading about how she had the balls to make that comment in regards to the WWII Veterans. I would like to ask her why she felt the need to speak for the Veterans when he job is to speak for the President - and not the Veterans. Then I would ask her if she is one of the brainwashed cultists in this country who really put God and "Nation" ahead of their own life in terms of importance.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by sdoyel »


Dumb fucking idiot.

"The real issue with covid: its not killing enough people." - randylahey

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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 62 »

This fucking idiot has the codes.....
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Shirley »

ousdahl wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 6:11 am In a whistleblower complaint filed this week, top federal scientist Rick Bright alleges he was removed from his post for failing to go along with the president's push to promote a drug as a cure for COVID-19.

On Wednesday, Trump dismissed the complaint, telling reporters Bright "seems like a disgruntled employee who's trying to help the Democrats win an election."

https://www.npr.org/sections/coronaviru ... iveupdates
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 289 »

jeepinjayhawk wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 5:22 pm This fucking idiot has the codes.....
It blows my mind when I watch the man and the lightbulb inside his head is clearly OFF.
Then sometimes I see it just may be starting to flicker - when it should have been ON all along - and as bright as the sun.
He has proven either he can't comprehend simple concepts - or he simply refuses to. Why?
After all, he's the self proclaimed "stable genius".

What upsets me almost as much as he does, are the Republicans who sit back and allow themselves to be his enablers.

In terms of politics, I have never been more ashamed to be an American.
Not just blaming the Republicans in that regard, plenty of Democrats are assholes too.

Happy Saturday everybody!

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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by sdoyel »

"The real issue with covid: its not killing enough people." - randylahey

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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 289 »

sdoyel wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:14 am
He can and will run on Joe Biden.
Not too many people are enamored with Joe. His best thing going is that he's not Donald Trump.
I believe a good percentage of voters are not going to vote FOR either candidate. They are going to vote AGAINST a candidate - and many will not vote at all.
Dems should be damn worried Joe is the guy they have chosen to beat Donald Trump.
Another thing Donny will run on is his ability to sell himself to White Christian Americans. Not all of them but a good percentage of them. The one's who are easily manipulated, often times hypocritical, and what are basically the 2020 version of the "moral majority".
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by twocoach »

MICHHAWK wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 9:18 am There were stupid people pre covid 19. There are stupid people during covid19. There will be stupid people post covid19. No amount of local or state or federal regulation is going to change that.

Stupid is gonna be stupid no matter what.
Hence why we need to proceed cautiously. The vulnerable among us must be protected from the stupid among us. And if we end up having to get locked down again, the stupid will most likely be to blame.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by twocoach »

Grandma wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:04 am
jeepinjayhawk wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 5:22 pm This fucking idiot has the codes.....
It blows my mind when I watch the man and the lightbulb inside his head is clearly OFF.
Then sometimes I see it just may be starting to flicker - when it should have been ON all along - and as bright as the sun.
He has proven either he can't comprehend simple concepts - or he simply refuses to. Why?
After all, he's the self proclaimed "stable genius".

What upsets me almost as much as he does, are the Republicans who sit back and allow themselves to be his enablers.

In terms of politics, I have never been more ashamed to be an American.
Not just blaming the Republicans in that regard, plenty of Democrats are assholes too.

Happy Saturday everybody!

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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by HouseDivided »

sdoyel wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 1:30 pm GTFO

I like her. She’s hot and she doesn’t put up with any back sass from the press. And she’s hot.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by ousdahl »

sdoyel wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 7:14 am
he can run on the one quality his base has valued most all along:

his ability to spite the libs?
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by DCHawk1 »

You guys know who Matthew Dowd is, right?
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Shirley »

DCHawk1 wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 10:02 am You guys know who Matthew Dowd is, right?
The guy who worked for democrats Teasdale, Gephardt, and Bentsen, then changed parties in '99 and became a chief strategist for the 2004 W campaign, who seems tired of republicans making him look like a fool? That, "Matthew Dowd"?
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by DCHawk1 »


What did he have his incumbent president run on?
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Shirley »

DCHawk1 wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 11:58 am Exactly.

What did he have his incumbent president run on?
Swift boats.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Shirley »

HouseDivided wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 9:36 am
sdoyel wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 1:30 pm GTFO

I like her. She’s hot and she doesn’t put up with any back sass from the press. And she’s hot.
“The Electoral College is DEI for rural white folks.”
Derek Cressman
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