Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

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Deleted User 289

Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. The city "sponsored" Fireworks were cancelled in Chicago. Meanwhile, I was able to look out my windows last night between 8:30pm and 11:30pm and see more fireworks in this city than I have ever seen on any other 4th of July. I'm predicting that when I look after posting my 5 questions, I can and will read about shit that was blown up, things that caught on fire, and people (including children) who were injured.
Did you either light off any fireworks or attend a "private" (at someone's home - and/or by invitation) fireworks "show" last night?

2. Yesterday while at Navy Pier I observed a few people use hand sanitizer at a station that was set up near the main entrance/exit. I myself chose to use some. It had an extremely strange consistency and I began to think what could have been added to the hand sanitizer to give it the weird consistency.
While highly doubtful, and as sick as this would be, I am thinking someone could have "jizzed" in the hand sanitizer. If that in fact happened, which of the following would be a/the proper punishment if that person were to get caught?
a. $500 fine
b. $10,000 fine and 1 year of 2 day/s a week community service.
c. 3 days in prison.
d. 1 year in prison.
e. A high five from the Mayor.
f. Have their testicles surgically removed.
g. Death by firing squad.

3. Based on the names alone, who do you feel is probably the best looking woman?
a. Bunny Johnson
b. Victoria Frost
c. Kimmy Coffee
d. Diane Choksondik
e. Candy Gertz
f. Felicity Smokestack
g. Kaitlyn McWhendeesberger

4. Today would have been my father's 92nd birthday. He died when he was 60. Do you have (present tense) or did you have (past tense) any parents or grandparents who are/were 92 or older?

5. You are swimming/playing around in a public pool and a young kid sharts in the pool. You see just a slight brownish mist but it's unmistakable. The mist dissipates quickly. Do you say fuck it and stay in the pool or do you get out of the pool never to go back in the pool that same day?
Deleted User 310

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by Deleted User 310 »

1. No. Watched what we could see from our neighborhood on our back patio.

2. Death by firing squad.

3. Don't know who any of those women are.

4. No. Great grandmother made it to around 100 though iirc.

5. I never go back, ever. I also rarely (if ever at this point) swim in public pools.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by ousdahl »

1. Nope...I went for a run last night, yelled MURICA to all the Texans burning sparklers in the front yards of their cabin mansions that are vacant for the other 50 weeks a year (now and Christmas), and was in bed by 10pm.
2. That dude needs to do at least some prison time, so he can develop a greater understanding of what it’s like to encounter unexpected jizz.
3. Diane, it’s right there in the name.
4. Nope. Last year my grandma died just a few days short of her 90th
5. I would be nowhere near a public pool, especially with little kids around.
Deleted User 141

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by Deleted User 141 »

1. No. Sick ad in bed early. I was woken by explosions many times. My cats were not happy. The trade gap with China doubled yesterday.

2. So, the sanitizer was in a squirt bottle?

3. Weird motherfucker.

4. One great grandmother. Ironically, on side of family that has yielded all the heart issues for generations since. I think she made a deal with the devil.

5. I usually only swim in the kiddy pool. The warmth is refreshing.
Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. No
2. F
3. F (Side note - I have met B and E and B is good chicken!)
4. Nope
5. A lot depends on how much time I have spent at/in the pool and how much more time I had planned on staying at/in the pool. I would like to think I would leave and not come back but I know myself well enough that I have made poor decisions and would possibly if not probably make another one in this situation.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by TDub »

1. Did a couple sparklers with the kid. It was the first year old enough to understand any of it. 5 sparklers.

2. Cut their nuts off

3. A or B

4. Nope but grandmother is 91.

5. I hate public pools, i actually dont like pools at all really. Lakes, streams, ponds are better
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by ousdahl »

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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by jhawks99 »

1) No
2) A, the thickening agent is likely Agar.
3) Victoria's are always hot. I don't need evidence to the contrary.
4) Mom just turned 90
5) I'm out
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by NewtonHawk11 »

1. Had a small get together with family. Some kids did fountains and the like we’re used. But overall, a quieter 4th than I thought it would be.
2. legit answer B. Want G
3. B..?
4. Nope but close. I had a great grandmother who was 90+ but don’t remember her much as I was about 4 or so when she died.
5. Yeah no
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/5/20

Post by zsn »

1. No, but sitting in my backyard it felt like what Omaha Beach may have been like on June 6, 1944
2. b. Most likely polyethylene glycol. It’s cheap and effective thickener. A friend in Italy made a bunch of sanitizer in their plant during the height of their infections.
3. b. Although d sounds intriguing
4. Not 92. But one grandma lived to 91, grandpa to 90 and other grandparents and great grandparents lived well into their 80s
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