Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/11/20

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Deleted User 289

Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/11/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. What was the last FOOD you ate last night?

2. Are you, or do you have any friends/acquaintances that are extremely religious to the point of insanity? Define "insanity" however you choose.

3. You are single. You have a former co-worker who is recently divorced. You and him/her always got along well but there was never any indication of a "romantic" interest by this person. You learn that this former co-worker is coming back to work so you send him/her a text saying you heard they are coming back to work and you look forward to seeing him/her soon. He/she responds "Yes, hope to "see" (see in " ") you soon". That's it. End of text exchange.
About a month later, it's Saturday night at 10:00pm and you get a random text message from this person simply saying, "Hey, how are you, when am I going to see you again"?
Why is this former co-worker sending you a random text at 10:00pm on a Saturday night asking you when are they going to see you again?

4. Yesterday, without giving it any real thought, I wore KU Basketball shorts (blue), an Oregon Ducks 2020 Rose Bowl Champs shirt (black), and a Chiefs Super Bowl Champs ("locker room" - white) hat.
If you can't remember exactly, approximately when was the last time you wore a NON-KU or NON your favorite team shorts, shirt, or hat? What team/school was it?

5. Yesterday I went for a long bike ride along the lake. While the beaches are closed, there are some "spots" where people congregate near/on the water. Around Fullerton Ave and the lakefront there was a group of about 25-30 kids who I would guess are probably going to be Freshmen or Sophomores in High School.
Of course they were not wearing masks nor "social distancing". Forgetting that, it seemed not a single one was drinking alcohol nor smoking weed. Not sure why but I found it to be surprising.
At what age did you start drinking and/or smoking weed "frequently"?
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/11/20

Post by pdub »

1. Pad Thai
2. Used to
3. New phone who dis
4. I'm guessing I cant count Chiefs, Royals or Wizards gear so itd have to be NC State like 7 years ago
5. 16
Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/11/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Gummy Bears
2. Yes
3. No clue
4. Yesterday. Ducks shirt & Chiefs hat
5. 16.5
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/11/20

Post by ousdahl »

1. Peanut butter on celery sticks
2. Not so much any more, but I had a lot of uber Catholic friends in college who were so crazy I don’t even know where to begin. And my mom is somewhat religious but mostly just insane.
3. Booty call! I’d text him right back. I mean her!
4. Coincidentally, I too have an Oregon Ducks shirt that I like to wear sometimes just to fuck with the beav.
5. Who, me?! Nah.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/11/20

Post by TDub »

1. Fries. Was the kids birthday and her chosen dinner? Mcdonalds. Ugh.

2. No.

3. What up

4. Dont recall. I dont think i have anything from any other teams.

5. 15
Just Ledoux it
Deleted User 141

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/11/20

Post by Deleted User 141 »

1. Some Honey Bunches of something cereal.
2. Yes. Mormans.
3. Ours not to reason why, ours but to do or die.
4. I have a broncos shirt I wear working out quite often.
5. College.
Deleted User 310

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/11/20

Post by Deleted User 310 »

1. Filet. Baby potatoes. Bacon wrapped asparagus. Cant remember which was the last bite.

2. No. But have several that are so republican to the point of insanity.

3. Hard to say. But curious wording and timing.

4. Never. I have KU hats and Nike golf hats.

5. Summer before freshman year of HS for both iirc. Although i did both in middle school too, but probably not what i would consider "frequently"
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