I am out

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Re: I am out

Post by PhDhawk »

No. I knew who you were talking to. That's not what I asked.

You keep saying "many of us", are there people you represent? If not please speak for yourself.
I only came to kick some ass...

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Re: I am out

Post by Walrus »

Let's just say, there are some not posting or people who left entirely who I'm speaking of. No, I won't list names. You'll have to use that Phd to figure it out. ;)
"This whole thing was a big dick-waving contest, it's just that my dick was bigger than yours."
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Re: I am out

Post by TDub »

Oh! I figured it out. Lies. You cant ever actually tell anyone anything because it would expose your lyong ass. Youre so full of shit your eyes are turning brown.
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Re: I am out

Post by Walrus »

TDub wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:08 pm Offending. Ha. Nobody's offended by your dumbass.

Nobody takes you seriously enough to be offended.
moments later...
TDub wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:32 pm Oh! I figured it out. Lies. You cant ever actually tell anyone anything because it would expose your lyong ass. Youre so full of shit your eyes are turning brown.
"This whole thing was a big dick-waving contest, it's just that my dick was bigger than yours."
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Re: I am out

Post by pdub »

Walrus wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:11 pm Let's just say, there are some not posting or people who left entirely who I'm speaking of. No, I won't list names. You'll have to use that Phd to figure it out. ;)
Who left bc of Geezer?
I mean, besides Min.
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Re: I am out

Post by TDub »

Walrus wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:14 am
TDub wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:08 pm Offending. Ha. Nobody's offended by your dumbass.

Nobody takes you seriously enough to be offended.
moments later...
TDub wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:32 pm Oh! I figured it out. Lies. You cant ever actually tell anyone anything because it would expose your lyong ass. Youre so full of shit your eyes are turning brown.
Me saying youre a lying fucking idiot doesnt mean im offended by you. If youre too stupid too understand that then the only thing offensive about you is your lack of intelligence.
Just Ledoux it
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Re: I am out

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Walrus wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:36 pm Gutter, a few points. I'm not going to address everything.

1. Things have happened to blacks (especially young black men) because they, like it or not, commit more crime. Young men in particular commit more crime, and it's even higher for black males. I've already said why I believe this is happening, and it has to do with the broken families. You might say this unfair, and maybe it is, but even black people have told me that they feel more safe when a white stranger is walking towards them at night on an empty street. What does this tell you? It's not racism. Blacks cannot be racist against another black. They are playing the probabilities. Police do the same, even black police. Black police in some cities will tell you they are more suspicious of young black men than young white men. Black police will tell you if they see a young black man with his pants hanging down, they are more suspicious. The real people the blacks should be angry at are the other blacks who are giving them a bad name. My main point here is the unfair things happen, but it's not always because of "racism".

2. Our government has already thrown millions of dollars at poverty and it hasn't really helped. Things in the black communities are worse in many areas, as you indicate in your post. In a lot of ways, it has just incentivized the problem. I see it in LA, and it's not just blacks that do it.

3. I tend not to not feel sorry for people who play the victim card. Why? Because I went through a lot of difficult things in my life that most on here have not. Things I've never talked about here, and never will. I once saw myself buying into the victim card but quickly snapped out of it. It will only lead to the problems we are seeing today when people buy into it. You've got to keep going in life regardless of what hand you are dealt. Things are unfair, they always will be. Some people are smarter, some have better health, some have more talent, etc. -- it's just life. You either move forward and take responsibility or you blame others for your problems. The latter doesn't lead to anywhere good, and there's too much of this attitude that is being promoted by BLM and other people on the left.

1. Yes, things happen to young Blacks because they commit "more" crimes. I don't dispute that.
Now please tell me/us about and why things happen to young Black men who do NOT commit crimes.
I have no reason to doubt your claim that "black people have told me that they feel more safe when a white stranger is walking towards them at night on an empty street". Ok, then you tell me about playing the probabilities. I have posted about 100% true stories of Black people who were "profiled" for one single reason. The color of their skin. Shit, people get off on it. Have you ever had people call the cops on you to accuse you of breaking in to your own home - when the people who called the cops know damn well you live in your home - but just feel it would be funny to call the cops and watch what transpires for entertainment purposes?
Interesting that you tell me about Black police and feel what you tell me is the norm.
For a few years, 3 to 4 days a week I worked directly with a well respected retired Black cop.
We would often be in a vehicle and come across different situations and he would comment on them.
The most interesting thing to me, he was extremely honest about everything in terms of sharing his views and opinions. He didn't hold back. I promise you when he saw a kid with his pants hanging down he didn't think he was any more "suspicious" than if he saw a kid who didn't have his pants hanging down. He would often laugh but he wouldn't be any more "suspicious".
One of my favorite stories in terms of "Black culture"..... I have a family friend who was a teacher at Thornridge High School (predominately Black). She had a good relationship with her students. One day she asked why the kids in her class had their pants hanging down. The kids gave honest responses. Then one kid laughed and responded, "Mrs. G, White people try to copy everything we do. This is one thing no White person wants to copy us. It's ours".
You say police are "Playing the probabilities"? You mean racial profiling.
Let me let you in on a little secret. Whites commit crimes too. Do they get profiled because their skin is White?
One ignorant/foolish thing you said was, "Blacks cannot be racist against another black".
Do you really believe that? I am asking because as a Jew I assure you I have been "racist" against other Jews. Hardcore. More often that not deservedly so.
One thing you said that I agree with is, "The real people the blacks should be angry at are the other blacks who are giving them a bad name". I wouldn't say "the real people Blacks should be angry at" but I 100% agree that Blacks should be angry with other Blacks who give them a bad name.
Just as I am angry with Jews who give other Jews a bad name. Just as I get angry with a Jayhawk fan who behaves like an asshole at a sporting event while "representing" KU.
I also agree with you when you say, "unfair things happen, but it's not always because of "racism".
Right, it's not always because of racism. BIG problem is, too often it IS because of racism. If racism didn't exist, it wouldn't happen.

2. So you agree with me that things are worse in Black communities than they are in white communities.
BINGO! That very well can be an example of "systematic racism" - which you claim doesn't exist.
Now when you say our government throwing millions of dollars at poverty hasn't really helped, are you implying that it's the Black people's fault?
I'm not sure what you mean by it's incentivized the problem. Are you referring to welfare?
What is "it" that you are referring to in LA? Handouts?
I'm talking about schools, I'm talking about the upkeep of neighborhoods, I'm talking about "profiling" based on where one lives and the color of their skin. I'm not talking about welfare checks.

3. I'm confused. To you, it seems playing the "victim card" is being a bitch. To me, it can and often does mean rightfully speaking up about injustices. Should people just sit back and take it? Easy for us White people to say and do. I think most of us have gone through shit in our lives. I have had horse shit psychoanalysts tell me things about myself and I have had phenomenal psychoanalysts tell me things about myself. Not so funny how most of them like to bring in the "victim card" at times when I don't feel like a "victim" at all. Sad thing is when I express I am a victim and then my feelings get discounted or neglected simply because they don't agree.
Anyways, I agree that "you've got to keep going in life regardless of what hand you are dealt".
Now tell me what you are going to do when you sit at a Black Jack table, you are dealt a Queen of Clubs and a 3 of Hearts and the dealer is showing an Ace of Diamonds. I figure most people are going to hit. I wouldn't fault someone for standing.
Point of my saying that is people deal with the hands they are dealt but a) what control did they have on the hand they were dealt and b) different people deal with the hands they are dealt in different ways and who am I (or you) to tell them that how they deal with the hand they were dealt is right or wrong?
Bad analogy but let me ask you something. You're 10 years old. You are sitting in a classroom and the Black girl sitting behind you keeps getting picked on because her name is Chiquita. Do you laugh with the rest of the class, do you not do or say anything, or do you stick up for the girl? Now tell me what you feel Chiquita should do in that situation? What do you feel the Teacher should do?
Point of my asking is people respond in different ways and what you may feel is right - someone else may not. What makes you right and them wrong and vice versa?
Moving on, you said, "You either move forward and take responsibility or you blame others for your problems.
While I generally agree, should a woman take responsibility for being raped and not blame the rapist/s? Should a person take responsibility for being shot while sitting on their front porch because they were in the way of the intended target and not blame the shooter/s?
Ok, those may be bad examples in terms of the discussion.
How about this? Should a Black person take responsibility for being called the "N word" and being spit on and not blame the person/s who did it?
I happen to disagree - in that sometimes I feel it is good to speak up and speak out when there are unfair injustices being reaped upon someone. Is it wrong for me to feel that if you sit back and take it - it makes you a coward and an enabler to the continued problem?
BLM is not easy to define. I think LeBron actually woke some people up yesterday in saying, "BLM is not a movement… it’s a lifestyle". I am 100% against violence used by the BLM "movement" but I am 100% in support of the message of something/anything/everything needs to continue to be done to address racism and racial inequality in this country be- and hopefully one day a person will not have to live in fear or be judged strictly because of the color of their skin.
You call people being rightfully pissed off about racial inequality and injustices in this country an "attitude" that is being "promoted" - and are actually BLAMING people for speaking up and out about it. WOW!
Seems you are implying those who don't give a shit about it are in the right. REALLY?
Sorry but if what I am concluding is true, my extremely blunt response to that is - you and those who tell others to shut up and deal with it - are simply insensitive dismissive assholes and are people I am ashamed to be fellow Americans with.
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Re: I am out

Post by ousdahl »

pdub wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:31 am
Walrus wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:11 pm Let's just say, there are some not posting or people who left entirely who I'm speaking of. No, I won't list names. You'll have to use that Phd to figure it out. ;)
Who left bc of Geezer?
I mean, besides Min.
there seems to be some correlation between geezer calling DC an asshole, and DC going into seclusion in the west wing?
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Re: I am out

Post by pdub »

And here I thought DC's absence had something to do with me.
Geezer and DC have fought for over a decade.
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Re: I am out

Post by Deleted User 141 »

Wait, does that mean Min is DC?
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Re: I am out

Post by CrimsonNBlue »

I don't particularly want to get wrapped up in any of this stuff, but I finally have to comment on DC:

If I know DC, he's not near sensitive enough as he's made out to be to leave the board over a post or two.

Several "missing" posters mentioned are still around in some capacity.
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Re: I am out

Post by Walrus »

Not telling the names is ≠ lying. ;)

I remember way back when everyone migrated to .net, and Geezer got hammered. He was so upset he left for while. There have been plenty of posters and former posters who do not like Geezer, and for obvious reasons.
"This whole thing was a big dick-waving contest, it's just that my dick was bigger than yours."
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Re: I am out

Post by dolomite »

ousdahl wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:28 am Is there any way to establish a correlation between loosing good posters for the sake of harboring asshole posters?
Wondering if people on this board mispell "losing" on purpose?
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Re: I am out

Post by ousdahl »

sounds like someone loost their dictionary...
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Re: I am out

Post by pdub »

Uh oh, dolomite is on the lose.
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Re: I am out

Post by Deleted User 310 »

Plano sock?
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Re: I am out

Post by TDub »

Surprised walrus wven has time to come here and school us.... what with his "many more projects" to work on.

Good luck putting your money where your mask is on the rest of it.
Just Ledoux it
Deleted User 289

Re: I am out

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Walrus wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:05 pm
PhDhawk wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:00 pm Well, glad I stopped watching it then. If there's nothing to complain about why'd he make a video complaining?
Thugs that go out and riot because they believe in lies like systemic racism is a real problem.
Hey Lobster - These guys have a giant fuck you they would like to share with you.
But what do they know? Obviously to you they are nothing more than just rich stupid Black guys and should be thankful they live in this country......Where ignorant fucks like you pretend it doesn't exist.
Well, not all of them are stupid and/or Black.

Deleted User 62

Re: I am out

Post by Deleted User 62 »

I just ran through this thread.
Thanks to many of you for the kind words.

And, as per usual, Lobster is a complete, impotent, fucking idiot.
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