Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/26/20

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Deleted User 289

Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/26/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Do you know who Gene Blecher is?

2. Most people think of John Hughes as a Director. He is also a Writer and an Executive Producer. Assuming you have seen all or some of them, which of the following is you favorite John Hughes movie.
a. National Lampoon's Vacation
b. Sixteen Candles
c. The Breakfast Club
d. Weird Science
e. Pretty in Pink
f. Ferris Buleller's Day Off
g. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
h. Uncle Buck
i. Home Alone

3. If/when you retire you can live anywhere on this planet and you have to live there at least 8 months of the year, where will/would you choose to live?

4. I turned on FOX News (Fox & Friends) this morning. I like to get different perspectives on the "news".
Hate is a strong word. I can honestly say I am this/close to hating FOX News as a whole.
Anyways, they interviewed a college student who is "arranging" for a BACK THE BLUE billboard to be displayed in St. Helens Oregon. His name is Caden Willaby and he is a Freshman at Pacific Lutheran University.

I laughed when at one point he said, "I have always supported the police for a while".
Yesterday I showed up for the last 5 minutes of a Back the Blue "rally" in Chicago. Only "incident" I witnessed was a schmuck wearing a red white and blue construction type helmet and a Baseball jersey with TRUMP 45 on the back of it get in to a Black man's face and go off on him for an unknown reason.
Apparently the same guy
All that being said, if there is/was a Back the Blue "rally" within 2 miles from your home TODAY - would you attend - for any period of time?

5. Two parter. Pay attention to the wording here.
Most people have no problem tolerating the odor of their own farts and dumps.
Part A) On a scale of 0 to 100 (0 being the WORST odor ever and 100 being the BEST odor ever) rate the odor of your average dump.
Part B) On a scale of 0 to 100 (0 being the BEST odor ever and 100 being the WORST odor ever) rate the odor of the average person's dump.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/26/20

Post by ousdahl »

1. Nope
2. Either home alone or Ferris Bueller. GTFO with that whiny ginger chick in the other ones
3. Lawrence, KS
4. Nope...though if we can still talk about BLM protests, kudos to the Kremmling, CO police department. It’s a super conservative/libertarian rancher town on the far end of the county. BLM protests had a good presence in Fraser, but less so out there in MAGA country. The protestors went out to “Kremm-tucky” and were harassed, threatened, and commonly “rolled coal” upon by local assholes in diesel trucks. The cops contacted the protestors and said, “take video of the coal rolling, try to get license plates, and we will follow up with legal action against the perpetrators, cuz we’re here to protect and serve, including protect and serve your right to protest”
5a. 1
5b. 100
Deleted User 141

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/26/20

Post by Deleted User 141 »

1. No
2. Breakfast Club
3. Windward side of Oahu
4. No.
5. Gotta agree with Ousdahl here. Same as ordering Rudy’s pizza to dorm...when you ordered it, smelled delicious, when it was someone else, smelled like the whole floor got sick.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/26/20

Post by TDub »

1. No
2. Ferris or breakfast club
3. Anywhere west Montana or Cody Wyoming
4. No.
5. No idea
Just Ledoux it
Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/26/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Yes
2. Vacation
3. Carlsbad California (In-between San Diego and Los Angles).
4. Today - No.
5. A = 52 B = 95.675
Deleted User 310

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/26/20

Post by Deleted User 310 »

1. No
2. Home alone
3. Where my kids are living
4. No. But i do appreciate and support the police...but again, many times i feel some of these type campaigns are a rebuttal/response to the black lives matter movement (which i support. The movement/idea, not the organization itself necessarily).
5. A=50. My brand doesnt bother me.
B=100. I dont like the smell of other peoples shit.
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