Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

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Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Do you have a relative who has the same birthday as you?

2. Yesterday I received an email from somebody in my company's compliance department stating I did not complete a mandatory compliance training "module".
This was the email......
"If you are receiving this email, you have not completed MANDATORY cybersecurity training. Please carve out 30 minutes to complete this training ASAP as it is overdue................."
I was 100% sure I completed it, have the "documentation" that I have completed it, and let it be known (as you can see in the email I will attach below).
I told another co-worker how ridiculous I felt it was to be bothered with this when I am going through so many other "personal" things right now. Apparently the person I said this to told the person who sent me the email - that I was pissed off. I was NOT. Annoyed and inconvenienced during a difficult day yesterday? Sure. "Pissed off"? No. Well, the person who sent me the original email must have reached out to a 3rd person because I received an email from a 3rd person basically saying that I need to realize mistakes happen, it was wrong for me to be "angry" at the person, and I should not have sent a disrespectful email in regards to the situation. WHAT? Basically I was being reprimanded for doing NOTHING wrong.
This was the exact email that I had sent........
Hi Jennifer.
I assume I am receiving this message in error being that I have completed the training and the site confirms as such.
Please let me know.
Thank you!
So, my question is, do I just drop it or do I really want to deal with all 3 people AND also involve their supervisors (heads of HR and Compliance) and clarify everything as well as express that I am not happy I had to experience ALL of this yesterday - when NONE of it should have occurred?

3. If you could take a year off from work (and still get paid) but had to go back to school for an entire school year and Covid-19 did not exist, what "grade" (Kindergarten through Senior year of college undergrad) would you go back to?

4. Assuming you at least occasionally drink bottled water, if you have a choice, which bottled water is your preference?

5. Original question was a FAIL. Here is a new #5.
Have you or (someone else) taken a photo of yourself in the past 10 days?
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by pdub »

1. I don't think so.
2. Deep breaths - drop it.
3. This is a loaded question. 1. Am I going back in time into my younger self but with my current mind? If so, when I return, am I right back where I was the moment it happened or have I aged a year? 1b. And if so, can things I do affect my future self? 2. Or am I going back to that grade right now in 2020 ( magically no COVID - did I just cure COVID? ) but as a younger version of myself but with my current mind? 3. Or am I going back to that grade right now Billy Madison style? 1. Sophomore year in college 1b. Sophomore year in college, sell all my assets, convince my parents for a big loan, invest all in Netflix stock, and take freelance web developer gigs/create a web app 2. Freshman year in college 3. Senior year of college, could learn the most from the classes, and wouldn't look like a creeper ( i.e. my age in 4th grade ).
4. Poland Springs.
5. Yes. Someone else.
Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. No
2. I have dropped it.
3. As pdub stated, it's kind of a loaded question. Too many unknown variables. Keeping it simple, I am going to say 1st grade.
4. pdub mentioned one I forgot about and am a fan of. Right now without too much thought I am going to say Ice Mountain.
5. No. Hate is a strong word. I HATE having my photo taken.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by TDub »

1. No.
2. Drop it
3. Too many unknowns. If clarified I'd say either senior year of high school or freshman year of college.
4. Probably aquafina
5. No
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by twocoach »

1) No, but I have a cousin who was born the day after me, same year, same hospital.

2) Good grief, let it go.

3) Any year on a college campus.

4) I refuse to drink bottled water. It's dumb.

5) I doubt it.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by pdub »

"I refuse to drink bottled water. It's dumb."

I don't normally drink it - but if you're on a road trip and want some water and stop at a gas station, don't see why it's dumb. Or if you're going camping/boating and want some water so that people can have em in the summer heat. Or you're throwing a party.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by jhawks99 »

1) No
2) Let it go
3) I hated school. Every year. I had the most fun my junior year in HS.
4) Don't drink it, I dunno. Whatever.
5) Lots of pics with the grandkid last weekend.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by NewtonHawk11 »

1. No
2. Drop it.
3. Freshman year of college. Easiest classes but just a simple and easy schedule.
4. Nestle Pure Life. But like many have said. I don't drink it often. My town has some amazing water actually and I'll drink that 10 times out of 10.
5. Yes. Wife and I on a date last Friday. We had an afternoon to ourselves and it was great. Had to take a photo to commemorate the rare occasion that it happens.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by Deleted User 141 »

1. No
2. Watch Falling Down. Then decide.
3. Senior year at KU. Essentially had 3 classes to finish both semester. Filled schedule out to remain full time. Had many practicum partners in school of ed that hadn’t finished their MRS degree requirements yet, and it was quite fun. Also, it’d be like using the Delorean and making lots of money.
4. Fiji. I have a reusable bottle for times like Pdub describes one road trips etc. but on occasions I don’t have with me, Fuji is delicious. That said, I’ll usually side with bumblefuck springs brand, or whatever the convenience store I’m in as thats 50 cents a bottle. Bottled water is a scam.
5. Do dick pics count?
Deleted User 310

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by Deleted User 310 »

1. No
2. Drop it. Also, seems it may be better to keep frustrations to yourself since your co workers appear to gossip quite a bit. Not to say you shouldnt voice frustrations to the appropriate people/supervisors, but these do not appear to be those people (since you indicated you could reach out to the heads of HR/Compliance).
3. Senior year undergrad
4. Any kind that is cold. I tend to buy smart water when grabbing one in a gas station. No reason why. Maybe it makes me smarter?
5. Yes
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/6/20

Post by twocoach »

pdub wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 8:42 am "I refuse to drink bottled water. It's dumb."

I don't normally drink it - but if you're on a road trip and want some water and stop at a gas station, don't see why it's dumb. Or if you're going camping/boating and want some water so that people can have em in the summer heat. Or you're throwing a party.
I personally have a problem with using up a plastic bottle to drink water. I bring a container with me in the car on road trips that can be refilled at a fountain. Most of the water sold in convenience stores is just purified tap water. I haven't been camping or boating in decades. And we do serve bottled water when we host parties for my wife's students in the summer but I do not use them myself. I have probably drank water out of a plastic bottle less than five times in the last 10 years.
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