Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/9/20

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Deleted User 289

Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/9/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Name a food/dish/meal from a LOCAL restaurant (NOT chain) within 50 miles of your home that you feel is in the top 25% of foods/dishes/meals you have eaten. Name the restaurant too.

2. Last night I was nervous to go to Navy Pier because of the recent massive wave of "violence" and "criminal activity" in my neighborhood. Sure enough, at 9:36pm there were reports of a fight breaking out on the street two blocks from where I live. At 10:07pm there were reports of shots heard 1 block from where I live. At 11:46pm there were reports of a man being "robbed" 5 blocks from where I live. At 2:04am (I would have been home by then) there were reports of another fight (3 blocks from where I live) in which someone pulled a gun.
Meanwhile, we have Mayor McCheesecrotch Lori Lightweight who freaked out enough to be driven to the lakefront to yell at a bunch of gay white men for congregating without masks nor social distancing.
Sooooo..... Which of the following do you feel should be THEE #1 priority for the Mayor of Chicago to focus on and address?
a) The "pandemic".
b) The massive increase in criminal activity including but not limited to shootings and innocent people getting shot and killed in ALL neighborhoods.
c) Her hair (she went out to get her hair "done" during a "stay at home order").
d) Telling an Alderman his is full of shit, calling the White House Press Secretary Karen and telling her to watch her mouth, and saying fuck you to our President - despite the Alderman, Press Secretary, and President being 100% right in terms of what she felt the need to be disrespectful about.
e) Poverty and Homelessness.
f) Tourism
g) Continuing to make her stupid fucking "memes" and trying to be funny.
h) Keeping her carpet fresh - for her wife.

3. This morning in the elevator.... Beautiful nurse headed to work. Friendly, pleasant, all good.
Except, she looked and seemed to be exhausted. Hung over? My guess is it was a strong possibility.
Should nurses be forced to take breathalyzers before starting their shifts - and if they fail a reasonable "limit" - be sent home?

4. I have neighbors (a married couple) across the hall from me who leave their window/s open probably 24/7/300 (not 365).
If I leave my window/s open, it creates an air current strong enough in which our doors actually rattle.
That's annoying. What's more annoying is that the neighbors keep their window/s open no matter what the weather is. Even if it's 95 degrees with 95% humidity. Because of it, my apartment often becomes warm, humid, and unpleasant. Even if I have the a/c running. I realize everyone has a right to keep their window/s open but it affects my mental and physical health. On a side note, the building has sent numerous emails telling people they must close their windows when not home - due to possible rain/leakage/flooding - which happened to my next door neighbor.
Is it wrong for me to say to them - When you are not in your apartment, not only because of the building requirement/s, but can you please close your window/s - and explain to them how/why it affects me. Yes or no?

5. Think of the entire United States as a whole. Which do you feel is more prevalent - Racism against African Americans or Anti-Semitism against Jews?
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/9/20

Post by NewtonHawk11 »

1. I dunno. There’s an Italian place in town that has a really good sausage pepper parmigiana.
2. B. The violence is a big issue.
3. I’m going to go off here a bit. But yeah, the number of nurses who drink the night before a shift is so damn small, I think giving them a breathalyzer before work would be 99.9% useless. They care too much about their jobs, their licenses and their patients to do that shit. Nurses is the most disrespected profession out there. They know more about their patients than the MDs do, they do shit on the fly more than anyone else and they save more lives than doctors. Yet MDs get all the glory. FOH with nurse slander if someone tries to bring it. Especially during this time, they have been on the brink of pure physical and mental exhaustion. They were a N-95, cloth mask over that, a face shield AND THEN a gown over their scrubs most days. For 10+ hours everyday.
4. Yes if it affects anything with your bills, any humidity in your apartment (can cause warping of doors and all that)
5. Racism. And it’s not even close in my eyes. I think even the most “woke” people have some form of racism. By that I mean, for example, worrying tremendously when a black guy is close to you at night as you’re walking to your car.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/9/20

Post by pdub »

1. Central Provisions - Bluefin Tuna Crudo
2. B
3. No
4. It's not wrong of you but you should understand if they refuse
5. Racism against black people
Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/9/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Pizza/Burger/Vesuvio Potatoes. Salernos.

2. Wording of the question is tough. I would say - H. Her family (wife in this case) should be her priority but serving as the Mayor - I will say B. Have to keep people safe and alive. That's not to say A doesn't apply to that.

3. Yes. I live in a building with my guess is over 50 nurses. I have seen my share of nurses fucked up the night before a morning shift. Would you want a drunk/hungover doctor operating on you? I wouldn't want a drunk/hung over nurse taking care of me. Especially if I was unable to make important decisions and they were making them for me.

4. Not wrong of me but I hesitate making my neighbors feel I am a bitch.

5. Racism against African Americans because you can see by the color of a person's skin if they are of "color" or not.
My guess is if Jews had JEW tattooed on their foreheads, that anti-Semitism would be more prevalent.
Hate is a very strong word. I try not to hate anyone. That being said, I admit as a whole, I probably dislike Jews more than I dislike African Americans but it's pretty damn close.
Funny thing is, most racist and anti-semitic people don't give too much thought to the possible fact that Jesus was a Black Jew.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/9/20

Post by ousdahl »

1. Whoa this is actually tougher than it should be...I’ll say a “Murphy style” burger from The Ditch...smothered in hatch green chilis and topped with a chili relleno...either that or the pollo en mole at Azteca aka “ass wrecka”
2. f... cuz I’m afraid how y’all will react if I say anything less
3. break up with her
4. I would address it in the most polite and neighborly tone possible
5. I don’t want to downplay antisemitism in America but I think it has to be African Americans...I mean the former at least came here largely of their own accord...the latter came here in chains.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/9/20

Post by TDub »

1. Cant think of anything specific. Not a resturant but its almost huckleberry season and the local huckleberries are the best ive ever had. Phenomenal, even if you have to fight the bears to pick them.

2. Don't know, dont care. Im not in Chicago and dont have a dog in the fight.

3. I mean....pilots do. I used to party fairly often with a group or nurses....many times the night before their shifts.

4. Theres a reason i dont live in an apartment. Its not a setting I do well in.

5. No idea. In my personal experience its racism. Ive heard more racist things in my life then i have antisemitic.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/9/20

Post by jhawks99 »

1) Torta at El Grand Tako
2) B
3) She'll sober up quick. Shut up and leave her alone.
4) Be nice and ask them nicely.
5) Probably black.
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