Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/11/20

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Deleted User 289

Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/11/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Jimmy Carter is 95 years old. Assuming he's still alive, he will be 96 on election day.
If he ran for President as an INDEPENDENT against Biden and Trump and his running mate was Amy Klobuchar, would you vote for him?

2. I'm not "anti-gay" but to a VERY small degree I admit I have been "homophobic" at times. I'll spare you the details.
Anyways, I find the Descovy ad/commercial to be one of the most bizarre ads/commercials I have ever seen. Forgetting the "actors" in the commercial, I find there to be many weird things going on - including the music.
If you have never seen it, here it is. On a scale of 0-100 (0 being the most normal thing you have ever seen and 100 being the most bizarre thing you have ever seen) rate how bizarre you feel the ad/commercial is.

3. I have an old girlfriend that reaches out to me on a rare occasion. She's "off". I know, any woman who dated me has to be "off". I could go in to details but no need in terms of asking this question.
She's 49 years old. Compared to my most recent ex who is 55 years old, she looks 20-25 years younger.
In other words, the 49 year old ex looks to be in her late 30s or early 40s while the 55 year old ex looks to be in her early to mid 60s.
I would post semi current pics but I am afraid of retribution.
The question is.....Be honest, does your significant other look his/her exact age or how much older/younger does he/she look?

Which do you feel is the most TRUE statement AND which do you feel is the most FALSE statement of the following......
a) You can't judge a book by its cover.
b) Good things come to those who wait.
c) God loves you.
d) You never know what tomorrow will bring.
e) He who laughs last, laughs best.
f) Sliced bread is one of the greatest things.
g) You have had your own clock cleaned.
h) It's a dog eat dog world.
i) What goes around comes around.
j) Rules are made to be broken.
k) There is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people.
l) Money can’t buy happiness.

5. Freshman year at KU I was 17 and 18 years old and I lived in a dorm. I dated several girls and had several other girls I "hooked up" with.
At 53 I live in an apartment building and date zero girls/women and hook up with zero girls/women.
At 17/18 I was short (5-10) but I had long hair, was skinny, and was a decent looking guy.
At 53 I am short, bald, fat, and ugly.
I'm the same person but 35 years older and obviously physically and somewhat mentally different.
If you knew what you would be today in terms of not just your looks but your life, would you have preferred to stay YOUR 17/18 year old self for the rest of your life?
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/11/20

Post by ousdahl »

1. dangit I thought I already told you guys, I'm writing in Bill Self.
2. I didn't realize there's such a market for trannies.
3. I haven't seriously dated anyone in years
4. money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a wave runner. you ever seen a sad person on a wave runner?
5. 5'10" isn't that short, depending on your wingspan.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/11/20

Post by pdub »

1. No.
2. 15.
3. Break up with her.
4. l - true, f - false.
5. No. But give me 25 and i'll say yes.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/11/20

Post by ousdahl »

17/18 I was still a deeply devoted Catholic virgin.

It was spring semester of junior year (21yo?) when I finally experienced my existential implosion, and whores.
Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/11/20

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. No but I would vote for him over Trump.
2. 82
3. N/A
4. Too difficult to answer. I abstain.
5. Hard to answer. I have been through a lot of shit but I also experienced a lot of good things as an "adult". I'll go ahead and answer yes (I would stay 17/18) but I would be dead long ago.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/11/20

Post by NewtonHawk11 »

1. No
2. 40
3. I'd say she looks younger than what she is.
4. B - True. F - False
5. I'm really happy with my life. Yeah I looked better and did more awesome shit when I was 17-18, but my family is my focus in life and I wouldn't want to change that to go back years. This answer I'm sure would be different if I was 70 and looking back at 40 or something like that though..
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