Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/30/20 + Bonus Thought

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Deleted User 289

Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/30/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. If you were a dog, what breed would you be?

2. What is something (if anything) have you have purchased in the last 100 days that cost over $100 that wasn't food, clothing, or transportation related?

3. Yesterday I watched complete strangers exchange insults. I approached a guy to have a conversation and was immediately called a "fascist asshole" because I told him I support "Blue Lives". That didn't bother me at all. What did bother me is that the guy and his assumed girlfriend were there to express themselves and while they may have deserved some ridicule for the things they were saying, they didn't deserve to be called a "fucking faggot", a "fat cow/pig" (both), a "fucking loser" (because the guy said he is an unemployed artist), and have the girl be told by someone that he hopes a group of Black guys rape her.
Why does it make people feel good about themselves to be so cruel?

4. You are elected President in 2024. Who do you chose to be your Chief of Staff?

5. Which of the following would be most likely to cause motion sickness for you?
a) Being in a car
b) Being in an airplane
c) Being on a train
d) Being on a boat
e) Rocking in/on a rocking chair
f) Being on a ferris wheel
g) Being on a merry go round

Bonus Thought -
Yesterday I went to the Shake Shack at 66 East Ohio in Chicago. They should be embarrassed. Burger was not bad but wasn't half as good as the burger/s they serve at the Shake Shack in Madison Square Park (NYC) and/or the one at Columbus and 77th (NYC) and the fries yesterday were flat out terrible compared to how they usually are.
Now that being said, the name of the restaurant is SHAKE Shack. I didn't have a shake but perhaps if I did, I would feel the Shake was excellent.
Point of my sharing that is, I can't help but think about how many people go to a restaurant that is known for their "specialty" and order things that are not their "specialty" - and then complain that the food wasn't good. Just like I did now.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/30/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by ousdahl »

1. Labrador retriever
2. Fishing gear. That could be food related, but I usually catch and release
3. Break up with him
4. DCHawk (assuming he’s not already my veep)
5. Prob airplane

That shake shack story sucks cuz they’re screwing up food that should be easy to not screw up. I think too many restaurants stretch themselves too thin trying to be everything to everyone. Just pick a handful of menu items you’re good at and stick to it. But heck, if you’re a burger and fry joint that’s not good a burgers and fries, gross
Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/30/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Pug
2. Head phones
3. Venting internal strife AT people and getting "it" out. It's not right but it can be a relief.
4. Can't decide between Lobster, what would be a 92/93+ year old Donald Rumsfeld, George Stephanopoulos, Rahm Emanuel, what would be a 78/79+ year old Bill Clinton, what would be a 77/78+ year old Colin Powell, Ronald McDonald, Baron Trump, Mr. Clean.
On second thought, probably my Nephew.
5. Boat
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/30/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by ousdahl »

lol how fun would it be to have a pet pug named gutter
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/30/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by TDub »

1. I'd like to say Golden retriever but thata not accurate. Probably more like a blue heeler or a catahoula
2. Air compressor
3. People suck.
4. Bill Self
5. Merry go round. I absolutely cannot handle spinning anymore.
Just Ledoux it
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/30/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by jhawks99 »

1) Alpha
2) Receiver
3) I don't know, gutter. I really don't.
4) DC
5) Boat
Deleted User 310

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/30/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 310 »

1. English Setter

2. I got my daughter a bike

3. Not sure, but there a few guys around here who could maybe answer that for you....

4. Bill Self

5. Boat
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/30/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Mjl »

1. Shiba Inu. Close to those close to me but a total dick to strangers. Not big but fairly strong. Smart but aloof. Only difference is Shibas are cute and I, not so much.

2. Dog's medical bill.

3. Animalistic competitiveness.

4. Rahm

5. Boat
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