grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

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Deleted User 289

grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. You live in an apartment building. You are on an elevator with another person. Someone else gets on the elevator with their dog. Their dog reeks like a combination of stale garbage, vomit, and dog that hasn't been bathed in months. It's possible it's "just" the dog's breath but it's hard to say. The smell is nauseating. The other person tells the person with the dog in these exact words, "Hey man - I assume you realize your dog smells really bad - you really need to do something about it".
On a scale of 0-100 (0 being the least inappropriate thing in the world and 100 being the most inappropriate thing in the world) How inappropriate was what the person said to the dog owner?

2. You must be one of the following for a professional sporting event for one game.
Which do you choose?
a) NHL Linesman (you would have to know how to skate but would not have to skate as well as a Linesman typically does)
b) NBA Ref
c) MLB Home Plate Umpire
d) NFL"Head Ref"

3. Assuming you are in a room with a window or you are outside while you are reading this, look out a window or look up from your device and tell me what is the first thing you see when you look out your window - or if you are outside - what you see when you look up from your device.

4. Zoom work conference today which isn't really a conference and is more of a "happy hour". I have ZERO interest but my participation is "mandatory". On a scale of 0-100 (0 being the least inappropriate thing in the world and 100 being the most inappropriate thing in the world) how inappropriate would it be for me to sit on my toilet with my pants/shorts around my ankles for the entire conference?

5. What is the last thing/show/movie you recall watching on television?

Bonus thought -
Of course there are scientific reasons why the Sun always remains visually basically "full" and the moon visually has "phases". Maybe this is Lobster conspiracy theory type insanity but I believe in the next 1 million years something will happen to the solar system in which when on Earth, the Moon will remain basically full all the time and the sun will be in phases.
My guess is the majority of you are A LOT smarter than I am and know why this will never happen.
I honestly don't know why it won't.
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Re: grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by jhawks99 »

1) 50 Dude's dog is reeking up the lift. 10 if the person complaining is good chicken.
2) C, so I can be wrong and then kick out a manager.
3) My neighbor's giant hibiscus.
4) Go for it, what could go wrong?
5) WWII in Color

Lobster may disagree, not sure if he's a flat-earther, but the Earth revolves around the sun therefor the Earth faces the sun is always full. The moon revolves around the Earth but only the half facing the sun is lit up, so viewed from Earth, not all of the moon's surface is facing the sun.
Deleted User 310

Re: grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 310 »

1. 25

2. Nba ref

3. My grass that needs cut

4. 0 if you do it in a way where nobody can notice. 100 if you do it in a way where everybody can notice.

5. Thing? Houston some stupid cooking game show.
Deleted User 289

Re: grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. 18.358
2. D
3. Water (lake) and sky
4. 82.954624 and still even tempted to do it. I know the people well enough that 1/3 would be shocked and have no idea how to respond other than with an appalled look on their face, 1/3 would bust up laughing and think is was great, 1/3 would think it's Grandma being Grandma and be indifferent.
5. Being that my brain is broken, I can't remember and it was only about 9 hours ago. I think it was South Park - which if so, it was really nothing more than background noise while I was on my computer.
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Re: grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by shindig »

1. 20
2. MLB home plate umpire
3. My neighbors overgrown backyard
4. 70
5. I watched "Christine" last night on Netflix, not the car Christine, but the movie about Christine Chubbock who was a TV anchor who shot herself in the head on live television in 1974....crazy sh$t.
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Re: grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by NewtonHawk11 »

1. 29.75
2. NFL Head Ref and it's not that close. Head ref just announces the calls that a lot of the 6 other officials make while making just a few handful of calls per game. Football refs really don't have that difficult of a job. There are so many eyes on the field out there that not much gets missed and you can discuss calls plenty before they are announced.
I reffed an adults rec league game a few years back in a pinch, and that was difficult. Couldn't imagine doing it for NBA, with those guys chirping all the time. NHL linesman have tough jobs with close calls on offsides plays and MLB umps are overly scrutinized behind the plate as K zones are everywhere.
3. I'm at work and overlooking a pond type of thing next to another office building. Not bad.
4. Don't care.
5. Frozen 2. Big hit with the littlest Hawklet right now.
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Re: grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by pdub »

1. 33
2. b NBA ref - and hopefully get to ref a Rockets game so Harden and Westbrook can bitch all game
3. A river
4. 66
5. I caught about 5 minutes of GMA this morning - I guess that has to count
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Re: grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by ousdahl »

1. Only like 10. I don’t think that comment was bad if they left it at that
2. NBA ref
3. A tree
4. If you never bring it to the zoom party’s attention, no prob at all
5. The news this morning



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Re: grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by zsn »

1. 30

2. I so want to be an NBA ref so I can call all those crybabies for traveling and palming. But I can’t run and keep up with the modern game. So, MLB it would be.

3. My backyard and the neighbors houses

4. It’s an awful long time to be sitting on the porcelain throne, clothed or otherwise

5. Caught a little bit of the Tour de France as I was having my coffee and breakfast

Bonus: let’s see, where do we begin...the sun is a giant ball of fire.....
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Re: grandma's 5 Questions for 9/3/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by ousdahl »

“When is man going to walk on da sun?”

“The surface of the sun is much too hot to walk on.”

“We could just go in da winter when it’s colder...”
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