Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/10/20 + Bonus Thought

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Deleted User 289

Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/10/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Have you either vaped, smoked a cigarette, smoked a cigar, or smoked tobacco (not weed) in a pipe, in the past year?

2. Which of the following would be the biggest dick move in a grocery store?
a) Going to the chip aisle and taking 20 bags of chips that are not clear bags and smashing the chips in the bags.
b) Taking a bite out of 5 different apples and then putting them back in the stack but turning them so people can't see you took a bite out of them.
c) Taking 3 things out of someone's cart and hiding them, and putting something in their cart that they didn't put in their cart themself.
d) Bringing about 20-25 items to the 10 items or less checkout line.
e) Having the person at the deli counter slice a pound of two different meats and then tell the person you now only want a half pound of each of the meats.
f) Going to the candy aisle and opening a bag of candy and taking a few out and eating them.
g) Knowing you have bad smelling gas and purposely standing close to someone and farting.
h) Taking the store microphone/p.a. system and saying "Cleanup in aisle 5" when there is nothing that needs to be cleaned up.
i) Buying $10 worth of groceries and paying in all coins.

3. You are single. You live in an apartment building. You just bought groceries and you're in an elevator with an attractive member of the opposite sex (or same sex if you are gay) and the person asks you if you can do them a favor. They have a table in their apartment they need/want to move but they need two people to do it. They ask you if you can help them. You say sure but let me put my groceries away and then I will come back and do it. They say fine, give you their apartment number, and tell you to come back in exactly one hour. An hour later you knock on their door. They answer and you are shocked to see she/he is in a robe and seemingly wearing nothing underneath it. You go to help them move the table and sure enough - the robe opens and they have nothing on underneath the robe. They act as if nothing happened and tie the robe back together. You move the table and they say thank you and tell you, "I owe you one". On a scale of 0-100 (0 being the LEAST inappropriate thing you could say and 100 being the MOST inappropriate thing you can say) how inappropriate would it be to say, "Well, if you really feel you owe me one I would love to take you in your bedroom and fuck you right now - if you're up for it".

4. McDonalds is currently serving a "Travis Scott Meal" ... -reactions which isn't too far off from what I would want a McDonalds Grandma meal to be.
If you could choose ANY fast food restaurant to serve a "meal" named after you, what restaurant would it be and what would the "meal" be?

5. If I were to call you all of the following things/words, which would you be the most offended by?
a) asshole
b) pussy
c) bitch
d) dick
e) fart muncher
g) cracker
h) jag off
i) fag
j) dumb fuck

Bonus Thought......
Last night in the early evening about 3-4 blocks from where I live there was a woman who ALLEGEDLY was "mugged"/"robbed" by other women who had knife, gun, and "chemical spray". They supposedly took the woman's Dior purse AND $9,500 cash. According to initial police reports there were 3 suspects who fled in 3 different vehicles. There are police all over the neighborhood but obviously they can't be everywhere all the time.
That being said, I still don't understand how this happened while it was still light out and in an area where there is an abundance of police presence - and how they got away.
I do have a feeling this was a "hit" and this woman was a planned "target".
I have an app on my phone called Citizen. People were commenting about this and of course there were a lot of ignorant comments. Some not so ignorant. Some spot on.
The "muggers/robbers" were assumed by many to be Black and not from the neighborhood.
Bottom line is A LOT of people are fed up with Black people coming in to the neighborhood to cause problems and commit criminal acts. Myself included and rightfully so.
People are calling those people who are expressing they are fed up - racists.
Well, if my being pissed off that 82 year olds are being car jacked, 85 year olds are getting beat up and mugged/robbed outside their apartments, people are being shot at, stores are being destroyed and broken in to and looted, etc., etc., etc., by Black people who are coming in to my neighborhood - then by all means please go ahead and label me a racist.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/10/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by NewtonHawk11 »

1. No
2. What a weird question. Probably A.
3. 89.9
4. Chick Fil A. Spicy Deluxe, Chick Fil A sauce in sandwich. Fries. Arnold Palmer (Half tea, half lemonade)
5. I. Have been called a cracker before during my senior year of high school. That was funny because they were losing by 30+ at the time and I had about 5 inches and 40 pounds on the kid.
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Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/10/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Yes
2. In order of biggest dick move to smallest dick move....
e, b, a, g, c, i, d, h, f
3. 69
4. Wendys. I would call it the GUTTER MUMB0 JUMBO MEAL
Triple with NO cheese, only onions, bacon, BBQ sauce, ketchup, and pickles. Large Fries. 5 Nuggets with both BBQ and Buffalo Sauces on the side. Large Coke. Large Frosty.
5. NO F? In order from worst to least worst. j, c, a, h, b, d, i, e, g
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/10/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by shindig »

1. yes, I "occasionally" smoke a cig with my morning coffee (just one though)
2. b
3. 0, I mean come on, she/he obviously wants some action
4. Applebee's, "the threesome", triple stack hamburger
5. i
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/10/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by jhawks99 »

1) No
2) C. My roomie and I did I
3) Break up with her.
4) Popeye's. 4 whole fried chickens and a coke. Spicy
5) Sticks and stones.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/10/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by pdub »

1. No
2. At this moment in time ( and maybe all the time ) - b, biting apples
3. what 99 said
4. Chick fil A. Spicy chicken sandwich with CFA sauce already on it, large waffle fries, mac & cheese, Dr Pepper, 3 CFA sauces for the fries ( CFA, Polynesian, BBQ ). "Side Chick".
5. None of them would really bother me that much but I guess c.
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