Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

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Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. I have asked this before. God willing, I will ask it again next 9/11.
Where were you when the planes hit the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11/01?

2. Skip Bayless. Forgetting what he said about Dak Prescott or including what he said about Dak Prescott - your choice. On a scale of 0-100 (0 being the the least asshole on the planet and 100 being the biggest asshole on the planet) how big of an asshole is Skip Bayless?

3. Do you remember the last time you told someone you appreciate them? If so, and you would like to share when it was and who it was and why it was - go ahead.

4. You have to listen to one of the following songs 5 consecutive times without a break in-between each time.
Which do you choose?
a) I Won't Back Down - Tom Petty
b) Smells Like Teen Spirt - Nirvana
c) Dream On - Aerosmith
d) Sweet Child 'O Mine - Guns and Roses
e) Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd
f) All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
g) I still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - U2
h) Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen
i) Back In Black - AC/DC
j) Hey Ya - Outkast
k) Poker Face - Lady Gaga
l) Rehab - Amy Winehouse
m) Single Ladies - Beyonce
n) We Will Rock You - Queen

5) You have to have choose one of the following flowers (real - not photograph) and keep it somewhere where it can and will be seen in your home - for one week. Which do you choose?









Bonus Thought -
Two of the biggest "tragedies" in the past 20 years in the USA are/were 9/11/01 and Covid-19.
I feel one united us as a country and the other has divided us as a country.
Call me crazy (I know I am) but I believe a lot has to do with who our President was/is.
True or not, I also believe 9/11/01 helped get GWB re-elected in 2004.
I don't know if Covid-19 is going to help or hurt DJT but I do believe he is going to get re-elected in 2020.
I hardly love the idea of Joe Biden being our President but I am extremely hopeful I am wrong about Trump being re-elected. Stay tuned......
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by shindig »

1. I was in all day training when I worked for Sprint. Started hearing people talk about it around 10am or so. Class was cancelled and I went home and watched on TV in dismay.
2. I don't really watch ESPN, so don't know what he said about Dak, but he seems like a know it all, so 80.
3. Probably my brother last week after he helped me install a new clutch in one of my I couldn't have done it on my own.
4. g, U2, Still haven't found what I'm looking for, I could listen to all day.
5. c, Sunflower
Last edited by shindig on Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 310

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 310 »

1. Constitution Class in HS.

2. Probably about a 71. I didn't think much negative about him until recently seeing an interview with his former close friend Jamelle Hill where she slams him.

3. My wife. I try to tell her so often that I hope she gets sick of it.

4. Outkast.

5. E is pretty cool looking.

Bonus thought: i think some has to do with the president....but i also think we were extremely divided before trump.... someone here said something along the lines of trump being elected is a symptom of that extreme division, and is not the cause of that division (although he has certainly done nothing to help reverse the division we have in our country). Unfortunately, i see it as very unlikely there is significant changing in that division over the next 10-20 years regardless of who is President. Hopefully I am wrong.
Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Trading floor CBOE.
2. 61
3. Cousin about 6 weeks ago.
4. I might smash my head against the wall after hearing the song the 3rd time so I am thinking a softer more subtle song might be the best option. I would go with (l) but that may be one of my 3 least favorite songs of the options.
5. d
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by ousdahl »

1.1st hour Spanish class sophomore year
2. I don’t know specifically what he said but Skip’s got the doucher schtick down by now
3. I dunno? Someone at work. Or beav for doing some chore
4. I’ll say Amy Winehouse, cuz the more I listen to that song the more it sounds all old school doo woppy or whatever
5. Whichever one is a scarlet begonia

Bonus: maybe it’s worth noting that when faced with tragedy, one president called for unity and the other president called it a hoax
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by jhawks99 »

1) Just pulled into the parking lot at work, radio news said something about a small, private plane hitting the WTC. By the time I got to my cube, all hell was breaking loose.
2) I've heard of Skip Bayless but I really don't know who he is or what he said, so I dunno.
3) I should do more of this.
4) F, I think it's the shortest one.
5) C, but any or all would work.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by zsn »

1. Just woke up opened Yahoo! home page and saw that “plane hits World Trade Center”. It was around 6:15 am. I thought it was an accident and clicked on the link. By then the write up said two planes. Was glued to the TV and radio the rest of the day.

2. Don’t know about this comment but generally 70

3. A coworker in a different department, couple of days ago. He works in the lab and is more frequently in the building than I am. Helped me receive some materials from one vendor, organized testing and then distributing the materials to different vendors.

4. Rose. I frequently do bring flowers from my garden and keep them for a week

5. Hendrix

Bonus: GWB was not truly altruistic in his re-election effort. He too divided the country (“you’re with us or against us”) to justify his phony war. He did unite everyone after the tragedy but used the unity for nefarious purposes. I hope you’re wrong about Trump re-election. He is overtly racist and divisive.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by ousdahl »

I think even W would have handled the pandemic better than ol’ Donny.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by pdub »

1. In my car in the parking lot across from AFH/by tennis courts ( lot D? ) before going to Color class
2. 76 - and he's paid to be one
3. The exact words 'appreciate them', it's been a while, but i've thanked my blowup doll for being there pretty recently
4. a - Petty
5. c - i'll take the sunflower
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by twocoach »

1) I had just left my house in Indy to drive downtown to coach. My wife called me and told me to turn on the radio and we listened to it together. Once I got to work, no one had any interest in doing lessons so we just watched coverage for a while on a TV and then went back home. We all just wanted to get away from tall buildings and get back home to our loved ones.

2. 80. Skip Bayless is a jackass who gets paid really well to behave like a huge jackass.

3. My oldest child and a coworker yesterday.

4. On a normal day, "I Won't Back Down" by Tom Petty would be the pick. Sad, aggressive or higher energy days would have a different answer.

5) Probably the rose but any would be fine. Like songs, flower preferences kinda depend on my mood at the time.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by NewtonHawk11 »

1. In class. Stayed in that class for many hours watching the TV in the corner of the room.
2. 65
3. Coworker and also my wife yesterday.
4. U2
5. C - Sunflower
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/11/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by NDballer13 »

1. Just walking into math class. To this day I could point out the exact tile I was standing on when the history teacher in the room next door came in and asked the math teacher "Have you heard about the Twin Towers yet?"

2. 10. I refuse to believe he is the same in real life that he is on his shows and social media platforms. His job is to provide hot takes to get people talking. He just missed the mark by a MILE with his Dak comments.

3. Can't tell you the last time I told someone I appreciate "them", but at least a couple times a week I will tell someone, mostly co-workers, I appreciate something they did that day.

4. Dream On

5. B. Simple and classic.
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