Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/17/20 + Bonus Thought

Coffee talk.
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Deleted User 289

Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/17/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Take a moment and think of a beverage.
What beverage did you think about?

2. Do you know what Auschwitz was/is?

3. You order a pizza. You can have whatever you want on/in/for the pizza but you must choose between ONE of the following other things on/in/for the pizza.
Which do you choose?
a) Extra cheese
b) Extra Sauce
c) Pan/Stuffed/Deep Dish
d) Anchovies
e) Pineapple
f) Onions
g) Roast Beef
h) Cheeseless

4. Yesterday, while at the cemetery, a UPS truck drove in near the gravesites. My mother and I were thinking wtf? My guess is the driver was visiting and paying their respects to someone.
I joked to my mother that my father (dead and buried in the cemetery) probably ordered a book and was getting it delivered.
Moving on... Many years ago I worked with a guy who was in his 80s that farted multiple times a day. Sometimes the odor was so vile I would literally gag. We would call him out on it to his face and he would just get a grin on his face and say something such as "What's for lunch?", "Your what hurts?", "I once knew a woman". We nicknamed him Maury/Morry Brownstain which was a derivative of his actual name.
We had little doubt he probably had some incidents of "anal leakage".
If I am not mistaken, Maury/Morry is buried in the same cemetery as my father.
On a scale of 0-100 (0 being worst thing ever and 100 being the best thing ever) how cool would it be if the next time I went to the cemetery and found Maury's/Morry's gravesite - I left a pair of brand new boxers (underwear) on his headstone - as a tribute to him?

5. This Saturday no matter what you do and where you go, you must wear one of the following pairs of pants. Which do you choose?








Bonus Thought -
Last night while walking home I was on Erie Street near Northwestern Hospital. My mother was nervous about my walking home because it was dark and allegedly earlier in the day someone with a gun was arguing with a postal worker outside of my building. My neighborhood can be and is "sketchy" at times.
I try to be aware of my surroundings and feel I have a pretty good sense of what may or may not be trouble. As I was walking on Erie Street I encountered a group of about 10 Black people who I have no idea where they were going. They were in front of me walking East.
There is a Friday's down the street that attracts a large Black clientele. Unfortunately there are often "issues" at the restaurant. "Arguing", "fighting", "threats", drug deals, etc. but they were walking in the opposite direction. A couple of them were smoking weed, some were laughing and talking loud, and basically acting as if they owned the sidewalk.
As I was walking behind them they started to slow down. Was I a "target"? I doubted it. Instead I walked a little faster TOWARDS them and made a point to sincerely compliment two of the guys on their shoes.
Next thing you know, "Thanks man - 'ppreciate it", "Thanks man, I dig your kicks too". Handshakes, smiles, and "have a good night" followed.
5 Points of my sharing that is.....
1) Don't judge a book by its cover.
2) Fine line between being ok to be "alert" and "assess" potential risk/s but it's not ok to "profile".
3) Look at how simple it was in THIS instance for people to be respectful to one another despite their possible/probable differences.
4) Shoes can be a great unifier.
5) It's a shame the only known difference between White and Black people isn't just the color of their skin.
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/17/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by pdub »

1. Coffee. Because I was just drinking it.
2. Yes.
3. b
4. 21
5. a
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Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/17/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by jhawks99 »

1) Coffee
2) Yes
3) Anchovies
4) 1000
5) I'll just stay in.
Deleted User 289

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 9/17/20 + Bonus Thought

Post by Deleted User 289 »

1. Sparkling Ice Black Raspberry
2. Yes
3. Extra sauce
4. 69
5. As long as I don't run in to anyone I know, Ill opt for comfort over style and go with the Zubaz.
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