Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

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Deleted User 183

Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by Deleted User 183 »

1) Happy Saturday. Weather sucks in Chicago and I wish I didn't live here 5 months of the year.
Taking everything (not just weather) in to account - What is either the best place you ever lived or the worst place you ever lived?

2) Had a bizarre day yesterday for several reasons.
What is really strange is that I am the farthest thing from God's gift to women and yet for some unknown reason I was getting an unusual amount of compliments on my appearance and personality and actually had a couple women ask me if I wanted to hang out with them. Very strange and extremely unusual - especially to the extent it was.
So here is something I am pondering. I was wearing a different cologne yesterday.
On a scale of 0 to 100 (0 being 100% no and 100 being 100% yes), do you think the cologne had anything to do with it?

3) You are going to someone's home tonight and they own 3 different restaurants.
They tell you they will order in dinner - and it's on them.
They ask you right now if you would rather have a burger, pizza, or fish and chips.
You have had the burger, pizza, and fish and chips from each of the 3 restaurants and you really didn't like any of them but they were semi tolerable.
Which do you chose?

4) * Edited 4th question.
I can't recall if I have asked this recently. If so, sorry.
Have you ever been arrested? If you care to share why - please do.

5) Semi short and sweet 5th question. Your close relative is about to have a child. They don't know if it will be a boy or a girl. They tell you that they want to name the child after you but if you don't want them to use your name you can choose the name you want them to use.
A) If it's a boy you choose the name _________________?
B) If it's a girl you choose the name __________________?
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Re: Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by ousdahl »

1. I miss Oregon
2. were you wearing Eau de 85?
3. pizza
4. break up with her
5. gutter jr.
Deleted User 89

Re: Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by Deleted User 89 »

1) What is either the best place you ever lived or the worst place you ever lived?
best = SLC...everywhere else is pretty equal, good and bad everywhere

2) On a scale of 0 to 100 (0 being 100% no and 100 being 100% yes), do you think the cologne had anything to do with it?
5...probably had more to do with your state of mind and attitude

3) Which do you chose?
pizza, presuming they aren’t trying too hard to be “unique” with the toppings

4) Have you ever been arrested? If you care to share why - please do.
nope...squeaky clean

5) Semi short and sweet 5th question. Your close relative is about to have a child. They don't know if it will be a boy or a girl. They tell you that they want to name the child after you but if you don't want them to use your name you can choose the name you want them to use.
A) If it's a boy you choose the name...
my own name, i guess

B) If it's a girl you choose the name...Elizabeth. always liked that name for some reason
Deleted User 183

Re: Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by Deleted User 183 »

ousy - I was wearing Old Spice so my guess is the girls/women had/have daddy issues. That was a joke on all accounts.
Side note is when a woman you date tells you unsolicited that she likes a particular cologne that you have never worn and then she buys it for you. Is she not remembering how some other guy she used to fuck smelled and fantasizing about him when she's getting nailed by you? Well, I guess it ultimately works out well for the both of you if so - so why would you care?

My answers.....

1) Best Chicago / Worst Chicago - Although, I have spent months of my life in the LA area so I guess I "lived" there and maybe that might be my choice for best.
2) 69 No other way for me to explain it other than maybe the stars were aligned in my favor.
3) Burger. Can take off whatever I don't like on it - including cheese. If they order some pig vomit pizza with a bunch of shit on it then I'm fucked. Don't like f&c.
4) Response to unedited #4 - Broken up with her. Because she thrives on drama and is sick in the head.
Response to edited #4 - Yes. Drunk driving when I wasn't driving drunk (dismissed because I passed the breathalyzer AFTER I was arrested. I know, wtf! Also, another time for having an open container of alcohol in my car. It was a single beer can and the cop found nothing else. I may be a moron but this one actually worked. Told the judge that my family recycles and that the can must have fallen out of the bag it was in. Since I wasn't arrested for being under the influence the judge dismissed it and I walked away a free man.
5) All depends on how much I like the relative and if I think I'll give a damn about the kid.
If I like the relative and think I'll like the kid.....
A) Jack
B) Never once thought of this until just now - Genevieve (can be Gen/Jen Genny/Jenny Eve for short)
If I don't like the relative and/or don't think I will like the child
A) Equusasinus
B) Philaytia
Deleted User 89

Re: Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by Deleted User 89 »

Gutter wrote:Side note is when a woman you date tells you unsolicited that she likes a particular cologne that you have never worn and then she buys it for you. Is she not remembering how some other guy she used to fuck smelled and fantasizing about him when she's getting nailed by you...
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Re: Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by TDub »

1. Best. Eastern oregon.
Worst. Tulsa Oklahoma

2. 2.

3. Pizza

4. Yes.

5. Sherrmario
Just Ledoux it
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Re: Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by DrPepper »

1. I still think of moving back to Berlin.
2. No
3. Fish and chips get soggy as take out. I’d choose the pizza.
4. I wasn’t handcuffed or taken to the station, but I think being pulled over while driving with an expired license was technically an arrest.
5. I don’t like my first name and a relative already has my middle name. My advice would be to not pick anything that is currently top 20 and pick something reasonably easy to pronounce. Finally, make sure that there are enough up (eg l,f,t,h) and down letters (eg j,g,p,y) amongst the names to make it aesthetically pleasing.
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Re: Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by KU1214 »

1. best and worst NYC
2. 0 but thinking about Trad's theory - how were you feeling about yourself, life, etc. yesterday gutter?
3. I was going to pick fish and chips since I have that less often than pizza and hamburgers but Dr. Pepper is right. Fish and chips get soggy as take out. Pizza it is.
4. No
5. Michael and Brianna
Deleted User 183

Re: Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by Deleted User 183 »

I was feeling ok about myself yesterday. Not great not bad. Didn't look any better or worse than usual for casual Friday.
Had a really horseshit thing happen to me around 7:30pm right before I got home after work. Ruined any good vibe I had going but when I woke up this morning I saw I received a text from an extremely attractive female co-worker that she sent at 12:40am telling me she was at a bar and asking me if I wanted "to join". Would have in a heartbeat despite being 97% sure there was nothing but conversation and company that she was looking for.
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Re: Gutter's 5 questions of the day 11/17/18

Post by KU1214 »

Not really sure - just another guess then...Maybe since it was a Friday, perhaps people were looser, more casual, more willing to hang out since for most, there was no work to worry about on Saturday.
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