Conservative radio doesn't matter? Then why do so many conservatives tune in to listen if it doesn't matter and has no influence on them?
Speaking of influence, my guess is before the pandemic at least 50 million people in this country would go to church (and temple and mosque and......) on a semi regular basis - and happily allow themselves to get brainwashed while they are there.
Let's be honest here. We are such a soft society in which people allow themselves to believe the narish they are being told - and allow themselves to be influenced by.
I have mentioned in the past that I have a co-worker who I firmly believe if Rush said on the radio that Obama is 5 feet tall, weighs 300 pounds, has a tail, and his real name is Willam Self, she would believe him and then tell me that it's true.
Newton - BINGO. Some people refer to him as a "news" person. I say he's in the entertainment business.