Dumbfuck in charge

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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by japhy »

And in closing, if there is only one thing you take away from today's trump rally let it be this.

It takes 15 flushes to empty a toilet, only trumps tiny hands can fix this infringement on our constitutional rights. America will not survive the tyranny of low flow toilets.

Makes me wonder if trump is going to roll out a signature line of bathroom fixtures after the election. Why else would he spend 15 minutes of his rally time talking about toilets instead of the specifics of his wonder beautiful perfect healthcare plan? We can pay for these toilets to be installed on the lunar station maybe.

Gubermint overreach can't touch the moon!
I saw the worst minds of my generation empowered by madness, bloated farcical naked,
dragging themselves through the whitewashed streets at dawn looking for a grievance fix.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by twocoach »

Grandma wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:11 am He is such a demented utter piece of shit human being.

Gee, maybe it's because most people's entire lives are upside down because of Trump's incompetent handling of COVID.
Deleted User 310

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 310 »

twocoach wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:24 am
Grandma wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:11 am He is such a demented utter piece of shit human being.

Gee, maybe it's because most people's entire lives are upside down because of Trump's incompetent handling of COVID.
No doubt he didn't do a great job....but it wasn't/isn't going to be totally stopped no matter what.

And no matter what trump did/does/said/says, many people simply weren't willing to drastically change their lives for 1 or 2 years until it had ran its' course and a safe vaccine was developed....especially for a virus that many don't feel is a threat to their lives. You can argue whether that is the correct mindset or not, but it is undeniable fact that most people weren't going to die from it. I do not think i will die from it, yet i still take it very seriously and was/am willing to make changes in my lifestyle to prevent the spread....unfortunately, and i am sure we all know many people who think similarly, i have several friends who go with the "i don't want to live locked up in my house" type of mindset. Some people just don't want to lockdown for a long period of time. Freedom and such.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by ousdahl »

I don’t think it ever had to come to making big changes to American lifestyles, except maybe for international travelers.

We just needed a potus who took it seriously from day one, with bonus points to a potus who didn’t gut the pandemic response team before the fact.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Right guys and girls!
Not only did he and the "team"/"task force" do a horse shit job, they (Pence's advisors and chief of staff) are now are basically admitting they failed and they have ZERO plan in place until we get a vaccine.
Now getting back to the point of Donald Trump being a fuckwad guzzler.....
He's calling the "fake news" "losers" because they are reporting "real" news.
He's calling positive tests a "fake news media conspiracy".
He's claiming "the topic" will "totally change" on November 4th. "The topic" should change. We will have just had an election but "the topic" isn't going to go away.
He's saying reporting about Covid should be an "election law violation".
He's not a sane person. Period.
Deleted User 310

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 310 »

ousdahl wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:34 am I don’t think it ever had to come to making big changes to American lifestyles, except maybe for international travelers.

We just needed a potus who took it seriously from day one, with bonus points to a potus who didn’t gut the pandemic response team before the fact.
It absolutely would take major changes.

Schools aren't all that safe. Not because the virus is super dangerous to the kids themselves, but becuase many teachers/administrators are older, and because anyone who has school aged children can confirm they are germ magnets and spread colds/viruses like crazy.

Bars and Restaurants (indoor dining, not curbside pickup) aren't all that safe. To make a big difference those need to be closed. That is over 2,600,000 waiter/waitressing jobs, and another 650,000 or so bartender jobs, according to the bureau of labor statistics.

Large office buildings aren't all that safe. To stop the spread those need to be closed.

Those are huge changes to the american lifestyle of most people. Schools are many people's main source of childcare. Large offices, bars/restaurants, etc all needing to be closed. Reduced travel greatly impacts hospitality and tourism industries....to slow it would absolutely take big sacrifices and changes. Sacrifices and changes i think should have been made, but many disagree.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by ousdahl »

Yeah, schools and bars and offices aren’t safe now - cuz the virus was allowed to spread unchecked in the first place.

But it didn’t have to come to that. Not if Trump - wait for it! - actually had control of our borders.

And even if it got past the borders, then make sure we’re actually supplied with PPE. And encourage mask wearing, don’t mock it.

Heck, didn’t we have a team of Mericans working in China about just this kind of shit, until a Trump pulled them out or fired them or whatever?

This also happens to be a chapter of another essay entitled, “the end of American exceptionalism and its role as a world leader”
Last edited by ousdahl on Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by twocoach »

IllinoisJayhawk wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:30 am
twocoach wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:24 am
Grandma wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:11 am He is such a demented utter piece of shit human being.

Gee, maybe it's because most people's entire lives are upside down because of Trump's incompetent handling of COVID.
No doubt he didn't do a great job....but it wasn't/isn't going to be totally stopped no matter what.

And no matter what trump did/does/said/says, many people simply weren't willing to drastically change their lives for 1 or 2 years until it had ran its' course and a safe vaccine was developed....especially for a virus that many don't feel is a threat to their lives. You can argue whether that is the correct mindset or not, but it is undeniable fact that most people weren't going to die from it. I do not think i will die from it, yet i still take it very seriously and was/am willing to make changes in my lifestyle to prevent the spread....unfortunately, and i am sure we all know many people who think similarly, i have several friends who go with the "i don't want to live locked up in my house" type of mindset. Some people just don't want to lockdown for a long period of time. Freedom and such.
That's just a lot of wishy washy Trump word salad.

Yes, I am aware that we have a lot of childish, selfish adult toddlers in this country who don't like to be told what to do. 2020 has shined quite a harsh spotlight on them.

Those of us who choose to behave responsibly are still having to take the precautions we are mostly because of the idiots who have chosen to repeatedly, selfishly and carelessly ignore them. We're cancelling our holidays because they couldn't be bothered to restrict their lives more to this point. Our economy and our recovery will continue to drag if their behavior does not change.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by twocoach »

IllinoisJayhawk wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:04 am
ousdahl wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:34 am I don’t think it ever had to come to making big changes to American lifestyles, except maybe for international travelers.

We just needed a potus who took it seriously from day one, with bonus points to a potus who didn’t gut the pandemic response team before the fact.
It absolutely would take major changes.

Schools aren't all that safe. Not because the virus is super dangerous to the kids themselves, but becuase many teachers/administrators are older, and because anyone who has school aged children can confirm they are germ magnets and spread colds/viruses like crazy.

Bars and Restaurants (indoor dining, not curbside pickup) aren't all that safe. To make a big difference those need to be closed. That is over 2,600,000 waiter/waitressing jobs, and another 650,000 or so bartender jobs, according to the bureau of labor statistics.

Large office buildings aren't all that safe. To stop the spread those need to be closed.

Those are huge changes to the american lifestyle of most people. Schools are many people's main source of childcare. Large offices, bars/restaurants, etc all needing to be closed. Reduced travel greatly impacts hospitality and tourism industries....to slow it would absolutely take big sacrifices and changes. Sacrifices and changes i think should have been made, but many disagree.
Schools can be opened if they have money for better equipment.such as cleaning products, PPE and dividers to go with better testing and better tracing. Same with many bars and restaurants. Same with many offices.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by ousdahl »

It never even had to come to that!

Here’s a friendly reminder that in the last few days there have been more positive Covid cases reported in the White House than in New Zealand.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by twocoach »

Trump knew about how dangerous this was back in January.

My city didn't enact a mask mandate until AUGUST.

I doubt that such a delay exists if Trump had chosen the right path for this from the beginning.

Unexpected natural disasters test the leadership of a President and he has failed this test bigly.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Sparko »

A universal mask order and a president distributing PPE everywhere it was needed in quantities needed would have saved 10s of thousands of lives. He fired the pandemic ready task force. He also fired the immunization panel in 2019. He called the pandemic a democrat hoax. Insisted that testing be reduced. Screwed up testing altogether. This was a dead parrot of an administration.
Deleted User 310

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 310 »

twocoach wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:17 am
IllinoisJayhawk wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:04 am
ousdahl wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:34 am I don’t think it ever had to come to making big changes to American lifestyles, except maybe for international travelers.

We just needed a potus who took it seriously from day one, with bonus points to a potus who didn’t gut the pandemic response team before the fact.
It absolutely would take major changes.

Schools aren't all that safe. Not because the virus is super dangerous to the kids themselves, but becuase many teachers/administrators are older, and because anyone who has school aged children can confirm they are germ magnets and spread colds/viruses like crazy.

Bars and Restaurants (indoor dining, not curbside pickup) aren't all that safe. To make a big difference those need to be closed. That is over 2,600,000 waiter/waitressing jobs, and another 650,000 or so bartender jobs, according to the bureau of labor statistics.

Large office buildings aren't all that safe. To stop the spread those need to be closed.

Those are huge changes to the american lifestyle of most people. Schools are many people's main source of childcare. Large offices, bars/restaurants, etc all needing to be closed. Reduced travel greatly impacts hospitality and tourism industries....to slow it would absolutely take big sacrifices and changes. Sacrifices and changes i think should have been made, but many disagree.
Schools can be opened if they have money for better equipment.such as cleaning products, PPE and dividers to go with better testing and better tracing. Same with many bars and restaurants. Same with many offices.
As far as schools, i just totally disgree. in many areas these are small classrooms with 20+ students. Maintaining social distancing is impossible. Plus they're kids, so they don't always follow directions. They share bathrooms. They share lunchrooms. Simply too much shared air. Not enough teachers or rooms to make additional classrooms with smaller numbers of students. Hybrid schedule helps some, but that still makes it hard on parents who work full time and/or have multiple students.

Same with bars and restaurants. You can't wear a mask while you eat and drink. And again, shared air for long periods of time. It is listed as the most risky activity by the cdc.

Testing and tracing absolutely helps...but it is impossible to test small children frequently enough that schools aren't risky. And you can't only test symptomatic people and think that will solve the problem because of the high percentage of infected people who are completely asymptomatic and spreading the virus. Short of testing every single person on every single day with tests that have very short turnaround times and very low % of false negatives, it is far from a total solution.

Some offices, yes could be opened, but not fully safe. Not in large open area offices with lots of employees stuffed in cubes. Sure, if everyone has an office door that can close that makes a big difference....but in cubical type settings over vast floor plans there is just too much shared air/space when you are talking about places with limited ventilation/air flow. My office has 6ish people most days, only a few in cubes, mostly very spread out, limited interaction amongst employees, and limited shared spaces...so it is fine...but this is an exception and not the norm for many office settings in larger areas. Think about big cities. Hundreds of workers in cubes. Shared elevators. Windows that don't open. Shared bathrooms. It is impossible to make it safe.

We have an operations building...it has multiple bathrooms. Maybe 40ish employees, 10,000ish square feet....we split the building in 2 and said no travel within the building outside of the designated zone an employee was in.....it still spread like wildfire throughout that facility and we had to close and quarantine everyone in it for 2 weeks after multiple people tested positive from different zones and no known interaction with each other. Without the ability to open windows and doors (it needs to be a secure facility for privacy/safety reasons) the amount of airflow/shared air makes the spread of virus hard to completely stop.
Last edited by Deleted User 310 on Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 310 »

ousdahl wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:21 am It never even had to come to that!

Here’s a friendly reminder that in the last few days there have been more positive Covid cases reported in the White House than in New Zealand.
The USA isn't similar enough to New Zealand for that to be a meaningful comparison imo.

New Zealand is geographically isolated. Their population is half the size of New York and their land size is similar to Colorado.

They implemented a strict stay at home order for 7ish weeks right away.....

Our stay at home orders in the USA were bullshit. It was hardly a stay at home order. Tons of stuff stayed open. Tons of people still had gatherings and parties. Even if we tried to do what new zealand did too many people would refuse to listen.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by ousdahl »

I think the only real difference to point out is, New Zealand took shit seriously.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 310 »

ousdahl wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:54 am I think the only real difference to point out is, New Zealand took shit seriously.
With almost total lockdowns. Not partial half assed lockdowns. Even the strictest lockdown states in our country came nowhere close to that. Many Casinos/gambling halls stayed open in our country for goodnees sakes. Even in the blue states. Talk about essential!

That wasn't going to fly here.

And they are way smaller and more spread out than many areas of the United States. It was easier to slow the spread for them than it would have been for us.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by ousdahl »

Well I thought my post implied that Merica didn’t take that shit seriously, but thanks for fleshing it out for us.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Sparko »

Leadership is getting people to do the right thing, especially in tough situations. Trump always leads by doing the wrong thing, especially in tough circumstances. He could catch ice on fire. This has led to the conspiracy theory that surely no one is that idiotic; he must be destroying things on purpose. But he has failed at pretty much everything his entire life. Except spite. Leads the way in that.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by sdoyel »

IllinoisJayhawk wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:37 am
twocoach wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:17 am
IllinoisJayhawk wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:04 am
It absolutely would take major changes.

Schools aren't all that safe. Not because the virus is super dangerous to the kids themselves, but becuase many teachers/administrators are older, and because anyone who has school aged children can confirm they are germ magnets and spread colds/viruses like crazy.

Bars and Restaurants (indoor dining, not curbside pickup) aren't all that safe. To make a big difference those need to be closed. That is over 2,600,000 waiter/waitressing jobs, and another 650,000 or so bartender jobs, according to the bureau of labor statistics.

Large office buildings aren't all that safe. To stop the spread those need to be closed.

Those are huge changes to the american lifestyle of most people. Schools are many people's main source of childcare. Large offices, bars/restaurants, etc all needing to be closed. Reduced travel greatly impacts hospitality and tourism industries....to slow it would absolutely take big sacrifices and changes. Sacrifices and changes i think should have been made, but many disagree.
Schools can be opened if they have money for better equipment.such as cleaning products, PPE and dividers to go with better testing and better tracing. Same with many bars and restaurants. Same with many offices.
As far as schools, i just totally disgree. in many areas these are small classrooms with 20+ students. Maintaining social distancing is impossible. Plus they're kids, so they don't always follow directions. They share bathrooms. They share lunchrooms. Simply too much shared air. Not enough teachers or rooms to make additional classrooms with smaller numbers of students. Hybrid schedule helps some, but that still makes it hard on parents who work full time and/or have multiple students.

Same with bars and restaurants. You can't wear a mask while you eat and drink. And again, shared air for long periods of time. It is listed as the most risky activity by the cdc.

Testing and tracing absolutely helps...but it is impossible to test small children frequently enough that schools aren't risky. And you can't only test symptomatic people and think that will solve the problem because of the high percentage of infected people who are completely asymptomatic and spreading the virus. Short of testing every single person on every single day with tests that have very short turnaround times and very low % of false negatives, it is far from a total solution.

Some offices, yes could be opened, but not fully safe. Not in large open area offices with lots of employees stuffed in cubes. Sure, if everyone has an office door that can close that makes a big difference....but in cubical type settings over vast floor plans there is just too much shared air/space when you are talking about places with limited ventilation/air flow. My office has 6ish people most days, only a few in cubes, mostly very spread out, limited interaction amongst employees, and limited shared spaces...so it is fine...but this is an exception and not the norm for many office settings in larger areas. Think about big cities. Hundreds of workers in cubes. Shared elevators. Windows that don't open. Shared bathrooms. It is impossible to make it safe.

We have an operations building...it has multiple bathrooms. Maybe 40ish employees, 10,000ish square feet....we split the building in 2 and said no travel within the building outside of the designated zone an employee was in.....it still spread like wildfire throughout that facility and we had to close and quarantine everyone in it for 2 weeks after multiple people tested positive from different zones and no known interaction with each other. Without the ability to open windows and doors (it needs to be a secure facility for privacy/safety reasons) the amount of airflow/shared air makes the spread of virus hard to completely stop.
Don't even get me started on schools. My son is having to home school with a wonderful teacher who decided to do this on her own for the good of the kids (his large pre-school program was shut down for the school year in Mid-August). My son attends school at her home for 3 hours a day, 3 days a week (PK4) with 8 other kids. They do an amazing job all wearing their masks the ENTIRE TIME at school.

This is sad. This is ridiculous. Our government has failed us.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 310 »

Be that as it may, the government isn't the reason why viruses spread like wildfire in school settings. We have schools close for flu outbreaks almost yearly. And the flu is less contagious and less dangerous than covid.
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