COVID-19 - On the Ground

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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

The same people declaring it wasn't safe to do anything really. Couldn't go to the gym. Couldn't gather in groups of more than 5, 10, or whatever. The same people encouraged people to gather and protest in masses, as if that was covid safe. Hell we all saw reports of where buildings were actively on fire and they called them "peaceful protests"

That whole scenario was very telling that this was always more about politics than a virus
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

Anyone who doesn't think this was politicized from all angles and spiraled into an out of control shitshow needs to open their eyes. Yes the virus is real. No the majority of the things that have happened in the past year+ were never necessary
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by TDub »

jfish26 wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:11 pm
randylahey wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:08 pm If you recall the left encouraged protesting during the shutdowns. So how does that fit into the narrative? Encouraging large groups to gather
The vapid talking point train is exhausting.
So is pretending masks at restaurants accomplish anything

So is thinking masks at the grocery store is necessary but not in sports stadiums or at shoulder to shoulder street marches

Get the vaccine, but lets not pretend the messaging and logic has been infallible and consistent
Just Ledoux it
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by Deleted User 89 »

TDub wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:09 pm
TraditionKU wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:53 am
randylahey wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:48 am Had this happened in a non election year I would have a different take on this overreaction. But how many people honestly think things would have played out the same in a non election year? Politics is dirty dirty game and a lot changes when wealth and power hang in the balance
yes, if so many on the right hadn’t called it a hoax and overtly politicized it, many more would likely be willing to adhere to mitigation measures and get vaccinated

instead, the “but, my rights” crowd was coddled, given a platform and made to believe that their personal choices were more important than public health...their (your) ignorance/opinion is not as valid as the facts available
Come on. Dont pretend this hasnt been politicized by everyone. Yea the right politicized it. The left grabbed thst snd politicized it too. Everybody has politicized the fuck out if from the get go.

Everybody is politicizing the fuck out id everything in this country. Its a big reason we're headed down the road we are, divide and conquer.
thanks, illy

again, give me an example if ANYONE on the left that politicized this the way trump did

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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by TDub »

TraditionKU wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:19 pm
TDub wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:09 pm
TraditionKU wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:53 am
yes, if so many on the right hadn’t called it a hoax and overtly politicized it, many more would likely be willing to adhere to mitigation measures and get vaccinated

instead, the “but, my rights” crowd was coddled, given a platform and made to believe that their personal choices were more important than public health...their (your) ignorance/opinion is not as valid as the facts available
Come on. Dont pretend this hasnt been politicized by everyone. Yea the right politicized it. The left grabbed thst snd politicized it too. Everybody has politicized the fuck out if from the get go.

Everybody is politicizing the fuck out id everything in this country. Its a big reason we're headed down the road we are, divide and conquer.
thanks, illy

again, give me an example if ANYONE on the left that politicized this the way trump did

Your kidding right?




Across the board. It becane a political issue the moment it appeared.
Just Ledoux it
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by Deleted User 863 »

I know we will never agree on this, but i am with TDub. It's been politically spun the entire time.

The left called trump xenophobic for wanting to institute a travel ban from China.

Trump certainly did the most damage with his rhetoric, but just because others didn't do it "as bad as Trump" doesn't excuse their behavior.

I will not allow Trump to be the one who sets the bar for what i consider acceptable/unacceptable. That's far too low of a bar imo.
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by ousdahl »

do we need to differentiate between politicizing it, and politicizing it the way Trump did?
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by Deleted User 89 »

BasketballJayhawk wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:26 pm The left called trump xenophobic for wanting to institute a travel ban from China.

Trump certainly did the most damage with his rhetoric, but just because others didn't do it "as bad as Trump" doesn't excuse their behavior.
and the bolded is why you should just say both sides do downplays the actual impact

and let’s not forget, the xenophobic accusations against trump weren’t just due to the faux travel ban (hundreds were still allowed to enter the country after the “ban” was initiated)...he also chose to intentionally label it as the “china flu” and the “kung flu”
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by Deleted User 89 »

TDub wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:25 pm
TraditionKU wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:19 pm
TDub wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:09 pm

Come on. Dont pretend this hasnt been politicized by everyone. Yea the right politicized it. The left grabbed thst snd politicized it too. Everybody has politicized the fuck out if from the get go.

Everybody is politicizing the fuck out id everything in this country. Its a big reason we're headed down the road we are, divide and conquer.
thanks, illy

again, give me an example if ANYONE on the left that politicized this the way trump did

Your kidding right?




Across the board. It becane a political issue the moment it appeared.
what did those three do that had the same impact as what trump did

quit being so’re smarter than that
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

Yes Trump wanted to shut down travel to China at the very beginning and was called xenophobic for it and later they blamed him for not doing enough to stop covid. So that was very political
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

Regardless of how you feel about Trump (I dont care to know) he was neither the racist bad man the left made him out to be nor the savior his supporters viewed him as
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

Truth be told he was doing a good job as president the first 3 years of his term. The economy was good and people were happy. I dont know many people who wouldn't go back to how things were in 2018/19
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

Then trumps political enemies launched an all out effort to make him look bad however possible. Covid was turned into a no win situation. Racism was promoted into the biggest issue in our country. The left divided our country however possible (masks,vaccines also divisive issues) to divide conquer and win an election
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by Deleted User 89 »

randylahey wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:56 pm Yes Trump wanted to shut down travel to China at the very beginning and was called xenophobic for it and later they blamed him for not doing enough to stop covid. So that was very political
it was never about travel to china, it was travel from china

and he did institute a faux ban...faux because hundreds were still permitted to come, so it wasn’t a ban at all (it was restricted)
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by jfish26 »

randylahey wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:00 pm Truth be told he was doing a good job as president the first 3 years of his term. The economy was good and people were happy. I dont know many people who wouldn't go back to how things were in 2018/19
Ugh, such horseshit. Not worth the oxygen, but just in terms of (i) exploding wealth gaps and (ii) our international reputation and relationships alone, it was a horrible presidency before the part where dereliction of our role in the global community led directly to a pandemic that's going to claim tens of millions, and then was horribly bungled (after a failed period of denial) within our own borders.

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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

So yes. The left used it politically. Sadly it worked. But at what cost? Biden is in office but he faces such an unbelievable uphill battle to restore all the damage his political party did in the process of getting him elected. And it was all so rich powerful politicians could become richer and more powerful. People need to consider what their votes really lead to
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

The wealth gap right now is the worst its ever been. Inflation is the worst its been in a long time. And bidens tax hike is going to make inflation worse and worse
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by Deleted User 863 »

TraditionKU wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:07 pm
randylahey wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:56 pm Yes Trump wanted to shut down travel to China at the very beginning and was called xenophobic for it and later they blamed him for not doing enough to stop covid. So that was very political
it was never about travel to china, it was travel from china

and he did institute a faux ban...faux because hundreds were still permitted to come, so it wasn’t a ban at all (it was restricted)
It's probably really not fair to call it faux ban if you were against the "ban" in the 1st place (not you specifically, but in general). It was the right thing to do imo. Hundreds being permitted to come was reasonable in many instances (often times they were american citizens).
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

The left tore this country apart to get biden in office. His voice calls for unity but his actions call for conformity. Its up to the citizens to heal this country. Our political class has failed. They don't want us to like eachother. A divided population is easier to control
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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Post by randylahey »

This board is a good example of division. This is a group of people with a common love for Jayhawk basketball
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