5 Questions for the first day of September

Coffee talk.
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Deleted User 887

5 Questions for the first day of September

Post by Deleted User 887 »

1. I'm not a fan of September. Reminds me we are going downhill and have at least 6 months until Spring.
On a scale of 1-12 (1 being the best and 12 being the worst) where do you rank September as a month?

2. Someone offers to bring/give you one of the following tomorrow. Which do you chose?
a) Cup of Starbucks coffee - your choice of exactly what.
b) Breakfast sandwich from McDonalds - your choice of exactly which one
c) Two Dunkin' Donuts - your choice of which ones
d) 1/3 of a gram of tasty Sativa
e) Slice of pizza from Sbarro - your choice of what topping/s
f) A bottle of Vitamin Water - your choice of what flavor

3. You are on vacation in the Bahamas and you can only do one of the following activities. Which do you choose?
a) Go snorkeling
b) Go jet skiing
c) Go paragliding
d) Swim in a pool
e) Drink a rum cocktail
f) Bang a 350 pound Bahamian

4. Tomorrow between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm you must wear one of these shirts no matter where you go and what you do. Which shirt do you choose?








5. Can you sit on a Lifesaver and tell what flavor it is?
Deleted User 863

Re: 5 Questions for the first day of September

Post by Deleted User 863 »

1. 8ish
2. I'll take the weed
3. Snorkeling
4. F
5. No
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Re: 5 Questions for the first day of September

Post by TDub »

1. 2

2. Sbarros

3. Drink Rum

4. Horrible choices. Ugh. F i guess

5. Not that I'm aware of...there must be a trick to this question.
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Re: 5 Questions for the first day of September

Post by jhawks99 »

1) I'm no fan of Sept. Means summer is coming to an end. But the weather is usually nice and the garden is in full swing, so I donno. 5?
2) Poor choices, prolly B.
3) A
4) C that's awesome.
5) Whahhhh?
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Re: 5 Questions for the first day of September

Post by shindig »

1. 3
2. Starbucks coffee
3. Snorkeling
4. g
5. Hmm, don't know
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Re: 5 Questions for the first day of September

Post by NewtonHawk11 »

1. 3. Football season, cooler weather, kids in school. Sign me up.
2. B. A plain sausage biscuit from McD's is fine.
3. A. Snorkeling there would be incredible.
4. C. What an amazing shirt.
5. ...............
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Re: 5 Questions for the first day of September

Post by defixione »

1. September
2. Starbucks
3. Snorkeling
4. Obama
Deleted User 887

Re: 5 Questions for the first day of September

Post by Deleted User 887 »

My answers....

1) 7
2) g. Blow job from a homeless dude. Wait, that wasn't an option. I'll go with b. Steak, egg, and cheese bagel - no egg and no cheese!
3) d. Swim in a pool and yet that's the easiest of the choices for me to do at home.
4) c. In a size M (I'm usually an XL).
5) Yep? Nope? I am yet to know 100% one way or the other and I don't plan on finding out soon.
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