Yep, I read that today. Why wasn't I surprised that he has a parent who is "off"?
I don't like to judge books by their covers but his father doesn't exactly look like Ward Cleaver to me either.
My next question is, why did his father buy the gun 4 days earlier and why did the kid have it in his possession?
One more question is, if the kid had "concerning behavior" to the point of his parents being brought in to the school BEFORE the shooting - and ALLEGEDLY he posted at least on photo on social media in the very recent past of him holding a gun - and other students felt something was up to the point of staying home from school that day - what if anything could/should the school have done to prevent this?
Yes, I realize hindsight is 20/20 and they couldn't have known for sure he was going to shoot people in school but..... There were warning signs something wasn't right with him.