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Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:42 pm
by japhy
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:54 am Yeah I suppose there’s all sorts of corporate models and stuff. How often are shares offered only to employees who have stuck around and prove themselves? I can dig that model. How often can stocks in a bidness be bought by any old sap with the cash to do it?

One big thing that jumped out at me, that I think makes Japhy less evil than the average capitalist, is that you’re investing in your own company, that you’ve been a part of, and helped do the work to grow, and crawled under pianos for.

Too often, I’m afraid it’s the opposite - investors buy stocks in companies just cuz they think it’ll give a good dividend, with limited interest in or connection to the company or all its stakeholders beyond that. Seems there can be a disconnect. Maybe even by design.

As for “75% of profit after taxes and pay that out as dividends to the owners” who decides that? Is it a legal standard? Or by industry or company? What’s the average and stuff for that metric across the economy?

And this has been suggested, but what are the parallels to investing in stocks, and just good old fashioned gambling? There’s gotta be a good compare/contrast right? So much of the language, the way we talk about it, sounds so similar.

Go all in, some win and some loose everything, all your eggs in one basket, risk risk risk but think of the potential reward, take anyone’s money, are we talking the stock market or the craps table here?

Starting a new post, so in this one my last question will be, when you walked 10 miles to school uphill both ways was it barefoot in the snow too?
We put together a list every year of who we think are potential partners and we discuss and vote on them. Some we just put on our radar for future discussion.

I am more evil than you know, but that is besides the point. You can't be successful without being a son of a bitch sometimes. At least that is my experience.

My dad bought sticks in companies he had no real vested interest in other than making money. That is the majority of stockholders. I;'ve got no issue with that either.

The people who own the stock decided we would keep 75%. Once upon a time we kept 85% but we needed to retain employees as the profession got tighter and so we did what we needed to do to retain people. That means pay them money and give them benefits and treat them like you would want to be treated.

Stocks are better than craps cuz it's not all about chance or mathematical odds. There are performance track records you can look at.

I wore sandals with socks in the winter.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:49 pm
by ousdahl

I almost issued this a couple times already but glad I saved it for this one.

POTD Japhy.

But not just regular old Japhy. Evil Japhy!

That’s much of my problem. I’m just too not evil enough. I don’t have that black magic or whatever in me enough to go out and pursue economic conquest like I should.

It comes overwhelmingly from me taking things like the Bible too seriously growing up. All this shit about evil rich people, and siding with the oppressed, and blah blah blah.

That’s why I’m all head in the clouds about thinking, prob erroneously, that the world can be changed with good instead.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:11 pm
by japhy
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:49 pm damn.

I almost issued this a couple times already but glad I saved it for this one.

POTD Japhy.

But not just regular old Japhy. Evil Japhy!

That’s much of my problem. I’m just too not evil enough. I don’t have that black magic or whatever in me enough to go out and pursue economic conquest like I should.

It comes overwhelmingly from me taking things like the Bible too seriously growing up. All this shit about evil rich people, and siding with the oppressed, and blah blah blah.

That’s why I’m all head in the clouds about thinking, prob erroneously, that the world can be changed with good instead.
My guess is you have as much evil in you as I do. You just don't channel it into economic pursuits. To each their own. I was very poor as a little kid and economic stability was always a goal of mine growing up. The world of capitalism can be ruthless and so you have to develop a taste for it or enjoy winning in a perverse way....or both.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:02 pm
by RainbowsandUnicorns
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:11 am “Or, people will need to make rent and take the existing wages. Inflation stays under control, but wages stay low.“

Man, capitalism is such a ruthless system.

Yeah, no one is FORCED to work for poverty wages, so you always have the option of freezing to death instead
Some/many have no choice but to suck off of the government's teat but what irks me is the many who CHOOSE to do it - instead of working - because it's a lot easier than working and they can get more money than if they worked. That's a fucked up system in my mind.
I mention too often that I had a buddy who actually thought it was funny how much money he would get from our government for NOT working - even though he was perfectly capable of working. He was a licensed massage therapist.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:13 pm
by ousdahl
I wonder how much of a problem freeloaders really is.

It’s so often illustrated as the poor/working class folks who are bumming. But I can’t help but also think about the rich folks and corporations who bum so much more.

And again, “can get more money than if they worked” is SUCH AN INDICTMENT OF FREE MARKET WAGES.

At what point do we just phrase that much not as lazy freeloaders, but as savvy businessmen?

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:18 pm
i have to look myself in the mirror. my pride and self worth would not allow me to.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:20 pm
by ousdahl
Gutter, if you still need that massage, Mich is game.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:22 pm
by KUTradition
pride and self worth?

lol…i’m sure there’s no shortage

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:25 pm
by RainbowsandUnicorns
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:13 pm I wonder how much of a problem freeloaders really is.

It’s so often illustrated as the poor/working class folks who are bumming. But I can’t help but also think about the rich folks and corporations who bum so much more.

And again, “can get more money than if they worked” is SUCH AN INDICTMENT OF FREE MARKET WAGES.

At what point do we just phrase that much not as lazy freeloaders, but as savvy businessmen?
You would think we could and would have a better system in this county in which no one would have to be homeless or even "poor".
Yet we don't.
Sure I have some ideas why that is but it/they will never make GOOD sense to me.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:26 pm
by RainbowsandUnicorns
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:20 pm Gutter, if you still need that massage, Mich is game.
He said on the BKB board that Roy is his favorite. I'm wondering, favorite what?
Should I be jealous or insulted?

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:30 pm
by ousdahl
And he mentions looking at himself in the mirror…for real who brings a giant mirror to a massage?

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:34 pm
by ousdahl
RainbowsandUnicorns wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:25 pm
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:13 pm I wonder how much of a problem freeloaders really is.

It’s so often illustrated as the poor/working class folks who are bumming. But I can’t help but also think about the rich folks and corporations who bum so much more.

And again, “can get more money than if they worked” is SUCH AN INDICTMENT OF FREE MARKET WAGES.

At what point do we just phrase that much not as lazy freeloaders, but as savvy businessmen?
You would think we could and would have a better system in this county in which no one would have to be homeless or even "poor".
Yet we don't.
Sure I have some ideas why that is but it/they will never make GOOD sense to me.
I suppose Qusdahl would suggest poverty and homelessness are features of capitalism, not flaws.

If rent is due and you’re otherwise facing eviction, you’re suddenly less hesitant to settle for that poverty-wage job.

Or so the talking point goes.

Either way, it’s not like one can pay the bills with pride.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:45 pm
by RainbowsandUnicorns
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:06 pm “We keep turnover as low as possible because recruiting is expensive and takes time.” - great point, but this is so lost on so many bidnesses, both big and small. This rarely gets more than lip service, if that. More often, it’s something to the effect of “we just can’t raise wages, won’t someone think of the shareholders?!”

We also look at the company and consider their ethics. It's that woke capitalism that is so feared by the Right. If you really want to change how these companies treat employees and how the do business, get some skin in the game. Once a large group of woke investors demand that Kroger change their way of doing business, you might see them listening. The demands of the picket line will sound louder if they are amplified by someone inside the board room.”

- I can dig. so how do we promote this woke capitalism? For instance, picking on Kroger again sorry, how do we get shareholders to stop and say maybe these dividends just aren’t as sweet now that I acknowledge it took hundreds of thousands of workers living in poverty for me to enjoy them?

I dig the concept, but it ultimately seems like the only thing anyone cares about is their own money.

And there’s this underlying issue of classism, or somethin. It would be great if more in the bored room shared the concerns of those in the picket line, so how do we get that? How do we get those in power to look it those not in power as fellow human beings, rather than just some sorta economic cogs?

The longer anyone has to endure poverty, the less likely they are to ever get any skin in the game, I’d imagine. And the longer those in a position of economic power, the more they seem to do to maintain and concentrate that power.

For instance!

“If you don't think little people can have power on Wall Street look at Gamestop. A bunch of dweebs on Reddit decided to make a statement, it was an improbable concept. But they did it.”

Did they?

Or did the hedge fund assholes who just got beat at their own game go and use their economic power to have the fed nip that one in the bud for them?
I'm only replying to the last part of your post.
I say Mazel Tov to the Gamestoppers and Mazel Tov to the Cryptos! Good for them!
There are always what I consider to be "legitimate gimmicks" to make some money on.
Wish I had the capital to play the game/s because the bottom line is money makes money.
My issue is when it comes to markets and how easily they can be manipulated.
Some feel regulations are too strict while some feel they are too lax. Much of that depends on what side you're on with what you are investing in.
I'm not on any side (other than very minor stock ownership and a 401K) but by my not being on any side I feel I'm on the losing side. Can't win if you don't play.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:30 pm
by ousdahl
Oh I thought the gamestop short squeeze was awesome!

It was just a bummer that it got shot down by the man or whatever.

I recall it was basically snuffed out by the very doods who stood to loose the most, even though it was the same legitimate gimmick they made their money on to begin with?

Trying to remember what happened…did the Robinhood app, at the request of certain butthurt hedge funds, basically step in and say hey Reddit you can’t do that no more?

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:43 pm
by Mjl
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:34 pm
RainbowsandUnicorns wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:25 pm
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:13 pm I wonder how much of a problem freeloaders really is.

It’s so often illustrated as the poor/working class folks who are bumming. But I can’t help but also think about the rich folks and corporations who bum so much more.

And again, “can get more money than if they worked” is SUCH AN INDICTMENT OF FREE MARKET WAGES.

At what point do we just phrase that much not as lazy freeloaders, but as savvy businessmen?
You would think we could and would have a better system in this county in which no one would have to be homeless or even "poor".
Yet we don't.
Sure I have some ideas why that is but it/they will never make GOOD sense to me.
I suppose Qusdahl would suggest poverty and homelessness are features of capitalism, not flaws.

If rent is due and you’re otherwise facing eviction, you’re suddenly less hesitant to settle for that poverty-wage job.

Or so the talking point goes.

Either way, it’s not like one can pay the bills with pride.
What system of government has avoided poverty?

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 4:05 pm
by ousdahl
Evil japhy’s pre-industrial indigenous commies, perhaps.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 4:08 pm
by ousdahl
What metric/s of poverty?

I’m curious about homelessness by country, and living wages and inequality, and stuff like that, but I’m not sure off the top of my head.

(Short of leftist anecdotes like “I grew up in China and got to Merica and never realized how many homeless folks are everywhere” but I’d like to verify that)

But off the top of my head, does Merica have more folks living paycheck to paycheck? And is almost certainly unique in that we’re the only developed country in which citizens avoid doctors lest they risk financial ruin.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 4:19 pm
by KUTradition
per wikipedia, the 5 governments with lowest metrics of homelessness are:

1) Bhutan (Democracy, with Parliament and Prime Minister)

2) Cuba (Socialist Republic)

3) Jordan (Hereditary Monarchy with Parliament…like UK)

4) Liechtenstein (Hereditary Monarchy with Parliament…like UK)

5) Japan (Democracy, with Parliament and Prime Minister)

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 4:24 pm
by ousdahl
Cuba gets pointed to a lot by Qusdahl.

They might be kicking ass by a lot of metrics, even if they are a buncha commies.

Much of their struggles may be attributed to all the trade embargo- that comes, ironically enough, from the “free market” nations.

But that’s all Qusdahl.

As for me, I’m mostly just curious what it’d be like to fish some of them Cuban salt flats that have hardly been touched by white folks and their silly fly rods.

Re: Strikes

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 4:27 pm
by Mjl
ousdahl wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 4:08 pm What metric/s of poverty?

I’m curious about homelessness by country, and living wages and inequality, and stuff like that, but I’m not sure off the top of my head.

(Short of leftist anecdotes like “I grew up in China and got to Merica and never realized how many homeless folks are everywhere” but I’d like to verify that)

But off the top of my head, does Merica have more folks living paycheck to paycheck? And is almost certainly unique in that we’re the only developed country in which citizens avoid doctors lest they risk financial ruin.
I don't understand. You complain about "Capitalism". No country is 100% Capitalist. It's a scale, but you seem to treat it as binary.

Do you mean you want completely Socialist like the Soviet Union? Or a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid like China? Or a somewhat more Socialist yet still mostly Capitalist system like much of Europe.

And regarding going broke because of health reasons - if you're in poverty you have Medicaid. If you're above poverty up to a certain level you still get Medicaid subsidies due to Obamacare. You also can't be dropped because of pre-existing conditions, and there has to be an out-of-pocket max on the insurance policy. So who's going broke because of medical reasons now? Mostly those that choose to be uninsured, right?