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Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:44 am
by TDub
jhawks99 wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:43 am Working from home today. Weather ain't bad. Fired up the smoker with a big ole pork butt. Sammiches tonight and tacos tomorrow.

How much TP does one need to hoard? Grocery store was completely out yesterday.

I smoked a pork butt this weekend. Pulled it last night and divvied it up in bags some for fridge some for freezer.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:55 am
by seahawk
twocoach wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:13 am
seahawk wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:26 pm My neighbors and I made plans today on how we can have picnics on the lot across the street that is not totally cleared and on a lake. We've had shrimp boils there before, but now it would be bring your own food.
That doesnt sound much like social distancing.
We'll bring our own chairs and eat our own food and sit plenty of space apart and watch the sunset. Since it's a vacant lot, there are no gates or banisters or fences or furniture to touch as is true elsewhere. Sunset watching is traditional, but if you go to the beach, you're surrounded by tourists who are driving in from all the places where things have been closed.

Walking the dogs this morning, passed 2 carloads of tourists here from Kansas for Spring Break.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:56 am
by Deleted User 89
Feral wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:54 am
probably because he’s part of the “fake news” cabal

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:00 am
by CrimsonNBlue
DCHawk1 wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:50 am
twocoach wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:40 am
jfish26 wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:17 am

As well it should be. The pictures of Spring Break and various shit are infuriating.
Agreed. I havent left my house since Friday night's grocery store run to stock up. Working from home today might include taking the dogs for a walk later but I have no plans to gather with anyone at all unless absolutely necessary.

Oh, and I found out that a woman who.was at the Seton.Hall vs. Creighton game tested positive for coronavirus, which means that anyone else who was at that game (me, my wife and my youngest kid) is eligible to get tested if we feel symptoms so I guess I will count myself "lucky" to be eligible for the test if I want it.
I saw that she attended TWO games and then spent "several hours" afterward at various bars.

It seems silly now that just a week ago we were holding out hope that the tourney was going to be played.

That shit was never going to happen.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:05 am
by Deleted User 89

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:10 am
by jfish26
Feral wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:59 am
jfish26 wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:17 am
twocoach wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:16 am This country is.going to be on lock down by Wednesday because people cant stay in their damn houses with their families for more than.a day or two without getting stir crazy.
As well it should be. The pictures of Spring Break and various shit are infuriating.
Last night at Disney World:

(Click on the pictures to appreciate how densely packed people were.)

My anxiety level is quite significant, with so many people simply disregarding the risks.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:30 am
by ousdahl

I went to the grocery store yesterday and was alarmed just how many people are there. Hundreds of tourists swarming every aisle, as if the real tragedy at hand is they can’t find the ranch dressing. I’ve never felt uncomfortable in my own community grocery store. Might as well have been a wet market.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:31 am
by Deleted User 141
The snickers motherfuckers need to up production, stat.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:51 am
by ousdahl
Went to the store early this morning, still a zoo. About 70% tourists just perusing, 20% folks coming in to hoard, and 10% actual community locals with WTF expressions.

The grocery clerk said they’re having issues with front rangers coming up here and just wiping out entire inventories. All the chicken, all the pasta, just gone in one cart.

In a way that might be scarier than the virus itself - the reaction. It’s gonna be sad if mountain communities go hungry cuz suburban Steve drove up and stocked up for 30 years.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:02 am
by TDub
Too bad they cant void poaching laws temporarily becuase assholes will do the same thing with the wildlife.

Altho.....youre not gonna have any trophy elk or bucks right now so that would cut down some of the dumbass poachers.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:08 am
by Deleted User 141
ousdahl wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:51 am Went to the store early this morning, still a zoo. About 70% tourists just perusing, 20% folks coming in to hoard, and 10% actual community locals with WTF expressions.

The grocery clerk said they’re having issues with front rangers coming up here and just wiping out entire inventories. All the chicken, all the pasta, just gone in one cart.

In a way that might be scarier than the virus itself - the reaction. It’s gonna be sad if mountain communities go hungry cuz suburban Steve drove up and stocked up for 30 years.
My dad asked hyvee peeps about this yesterday. Said joco, Manhattan, etc.

Are we carding each other to make sure we are in our ward already?

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:47 am
by Deleted User 289
How fucking stupid do you have to be to post this on Facebook?
Someone I know has a "friend" who posted it about an hour ago.

Q has posted today stating it’s “go time”. My husband is an Army vet and he said “Rig for Red” meant they had to changeover to their red lights on their gun sights and equipment right before attacking the enemy, so the enemy wouldn’t see them coming.
This means mass arrests and we know this is going to happen worldwide, so they needed a cover to restrict travel and get people prepared to have an interruption in supplies while a financial reset and the arrests occur. President Trump is trying to tell Americans to be prepared under the guise of a pandemic.
The stock market needs to adjust down in order to do a complete reset and move us to a gold backed currency and get rid of the Fed. The stock market has been falsely inflated for awhile. The CV is the perfect “crisis” to make a lot of it work. Travel will likely shut down for a brief period and maybe all schools and universities will be shut down so kids are home safe with their parents when the arrests occur. We could even have a period of Marital Law to suppress opportunities for looting and riots.
[Keeping people away from large crowds minimizes false flags, mass shootings, or other catastrophic events. Can't have a school shooting if the kids aren't in school. - M]
Having the CV crisis allows POTUS to shut down our borders so Homeland Security and our military can focus on keeping peace. Also, POTUS said everything with the CV will be over in April. He said it because he knows it is fake and they plan to take action in March and by April, the American public will be informed of what has occurred and why.
India had a full on celebration when POTUS visited. It is because he has struck a deal with India to start producing many of the things we were having China produce cheaply and it will help India A LOT. I think China’s leader is in on it with Trump, possibly. When Trump visited China, he took him to the Forbidden City and this has never been done with another world leader; likely to have complete privacy to plan. China has a Deep State, too, that is teamed up with our CIA and Deep State bad actors; the Clintons, Bidens, Romney, Feinstein and others.
Doug Collins, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo and Mark Meadows were all supposedly exposed to CV. What better way to explain their upcoming absence in DC than quarantine at their homes? Q already told us when the mass arrests happen, POTUS will be safely out of the country. AF1 can fly continuously, if needed, because it can be refueled in the air. President Trump is taking his present and future cabinet members with him in AF1 to keep them out of harm’s way and it won’t alert anyone that he is taking them all with! He already announced Mark Meadows will be his new Chief of Staff.
The “quarantine centers” have all been set up in areas where the concentration of sealed indictments are the highest. This explains why there is barbed wire slanted inward at one I saw in a video. These will be detention centers for the many criminals and traitors. They may even be set up as prisons with the sheer number of them.
Gitmo has had a multi-million $ upgrade that is completed. A new head judge has been sent to Gitmo. There was a large amount of our troops sent to Gitmo for a 2 year assignment last Summer. There were $millions spent just upgrading the Justice buildings and lawyer offices at Gitmo and another military base in the US.
I truly believe Trump, Gen Kelly and Gen Mattis are not on bad terms. I believe it is all an act to take them out of DC and allow them to fly under the radar so they could be at Gitmo and the other base to get everything set up for the military tribunals. The same goes for Sessions; he knows all of it because he was AG while the investigations were occurring and sealed indictments were ramping up. He likely recused himself from the Russia investigation to be able to focus on the other investigations and sealed indictments. He supposedly left on bad terms with POTUS, but I’ll bet he’s been working under the radar since he left DC to get everything ready.
Trump has replaced many of the Obama judges and others who would not do the right thing when the mass arrests occur. That took a long time to get them confirmed and placed strategically where they will be needed. He has the majority of the SCOTUS. Justice Roberts is highly compromised and will either be replaced with another Conservative Justice or has been given a deal to go along with ruling against any attempts to stop justice being served to the criminals and traitors in our government.
There have been a lot of National Guard and military equipment movement under the guise of a State of Emergency for the CV. They are getting into place to help deal with any civil unrest that will occur when people freak out over the arrests or groups like ANTIFA try to start problems because they have been paid by Soros to do so.
The internet, or at least all social media, will likely go dark, so don’t panic if it happens. It won’t be forever. They tested taking down specific platforms and cell service a couple of times. The CIA’s satellites have been shut down, so they have been blinded. I find it interesting, also, that Gina Haspel was at the last SOTU address smiling ear to ear. CIA directors rarely, if ever, attend SOTU addresses.
The Queen of England was locked out of Windsor Castle, briefly on Friday, for the first time ever. It was a marker to tell those following Q that it’s time.
A Q post from September of 2018 read:
Castle Lock.
Then the one directly after it read:
Panic in UK
Panic in DC
Panic in UK
Panic in DC
P atriots
A re
N ow
I n
C ontrol in the UK and DC
“Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing” -Q
Trump wore a bright yellow tie in India and today at the CV press conference. He is telling us there is no virus because it is the exact same color as the maritime flag that represents the vessel has no infected people on board. THERE IS NO VIRUS. Every state reporting the most cases and deaths are all Sanctuary States run by Democrat bad actors in an attempt to get funding for the virus since Trump has cut off any Federal funds for Sanctuary States.
Do you see it now??
Trump and Pence have been flying all over, attending group events, hugging people, shaking hands... They are not worried because the Cvirus is fake
-Be ready for Martial Law
-Be ready for schools to shut down
-Be ready for travel to be restricted
-Be ready for the internet to go down
-Be ready with supplies to get you through until it’s over
-Be ready to tell everyone panicking when it happens that it is all planned

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:02 pm
If you think it is stupid to post this on Facebook, wouldn’t it also be stupid to post this here!

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:42 pm
by jhawks99
I smell lobster.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:47 pm
by DCHawk1
Even 'Q' isn't that insane.

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:58 pm
by Shirley
Before, or after Mexico pays for the wall?

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:08 pm
by Deleted User 89 ... -who-tried

41 tests/day capacity for all of Utah

"The most ironic part for me is, one of the main criteria they're using to determine whether they do a test is whether or not [the patient] has come into contact with someone who's 'confirmed' to have the virus," said Lehi resident Shawn Ivey, who was denied a test on Thursday despite developing symptoms while he was traveling home from Hawaii

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:45 pm
by Shirley

"We are all Keynesians now"?

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:57 pm
by Shirley
Trump making republican dreams come true almost daily:

Re: Where's the petri dish thread?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:02 pm
by defixione
ousdahl wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:51 am Went to the store early this morning, still a zoo. About 70% tourists just perusing, 20% folks coming in to hoard, and 10% actual community locals with WTF expressions.

The grocery clerk said they’re having issues with front rangers coming up here and just wiping out entire inventories. All the chicken, all the pasta, just gone in one cart.

In a way that might be scarier than the virus itself - the reaction. It’s gonna be sad if mountain communities go hungry cuz suburban Steve drove up and stocked up for 30 years.
The wife and I are in Center, about the most isolated place in the SLV. There is no drive through traffic, one must exit a main road to get here. We were feeling comfortable about our decision to be here working on our property--even considering the gutted grocery shelves, etc.--until we chatted with our plumber.

According to him the town was being cool and not making the crazy TP and sanitizer runs until Friday night when "literally 100s of vehicles with Denver tags" descended on the valley and started cleaning out the stack of the aforementioned products from all the mom and pop grocery stores in the valley.

Fortunately we've not visited nor are we near any of the counties tagged by the KDHS, but we're heading back tomorrow morning to stay secluded in our home in Lawrence. And, we're driving straight through, no motel.