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Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:24 pm
by ousdahl
There’s another vid apparently of a Chinook native tearing down the “reclaim Portland” sign

so rad

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:39 pm
by ousdahl

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 7:19 am
by jhawks99
Sooner or later this will run into real money. Not sure what the alternative is though.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:56 am
by ousdahl

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:58 am
by ousdahl
Also a commie babe posted a screenshot of this tweet reply but Instagram deleted it


Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:48 am
by jhawks99
Where would you like for the russian tanks to stop rolling, Quoussie?

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:02 am
by KUTradition
wait, the US provoked russia to invade Ukraine?


i can’t decide who is going further down the lobster path, illy or ousie

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:04 am
by twocoach
ousdahl wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:58 am Also a commie babe posted a screenshot of this tweet reply but Instagram deleted it


Just so dumb.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:22 am
by ousdahl
What exactly do you think is dumb about it?

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:24 am
by ousdahl
KUTradition wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:02 am wait, the US provoked russia to invade Ukraine?


i can’t decide who is going further down the lobster path, illy or ousie
This is concerning.

If you might be willing to compare and contrast me and lobster, please do.

I feel he and I are ideologically total opposites, but help me out if you would.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:25 am
by twocoach
ousdahl wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:22 am What exactly do you think is dumb about it?
1) We aren't "cheering it on"
2) The gov't isn't "stealing our money"
3) The US didn't "intentionally provoke" this to happen
4) The US doesn't seem to be convinced that the Ukrainians can't "win" as a win just seems to be defined by having Russia get the fuck out, which seems like it is an achievable goal.

So pretty much all of it.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:29 am
by ousdahl



Cuz for a second there Qusdahl thought it was dumb that Facebook goes all fascist about censoring anti-war rhetoric.

But of course that’s not it.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:38 am
by twocoach
ousdahl wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:24 am
KUTradition wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:02 am wait, the US provoked russia to invade Ukraine?


i can’t decide who is going further down the lobster path, illy or ousie
This is concerning.

If you might be willing to compare and contrast me and lobster, please do.

I feel he and I are ideologically total opposites, but help me out if you would.
You may be driving in the opposite direction but you're both driving cars that need to have their windshields thoroughly scrubbed. All these kooky conspiracies and unconfirmed "facts" stick to people like big juicy bugs on a windshield. The more you drive through the muck and the swamp of "news" sources full of unconfirmed stories and full-on propaganda lies, the dirtier your vehicle gets. A token squirt of wiper fluid from time to time just smears them all over your viewpoint and clouds your ability to see what is actually going on outside.

It's hard to balance seeing beyond the propaganda BS the mass market media feeds us and the propaganda BS the social media posers barf out in an effort to look like they see beyond the propaganda BS the mass market media feeds us.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:48 am
by ousdahl
twocoach wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:25 am
ousdahl wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:22 am What exactly do you think is dumb about it?
1) We aren't "cheering it on"
So all the #StandWithUkraine hashtags are just for the lulz? And all the Ukrainian flags being flown across America are just cuz blue and yellow are pretty together?
2) The gov't isn't "stealing our money"
Well then, at the very least, could you please provide me a detailed breakdown of precisely what your and my tax dollars are paying for in Ukraine, and where those resources are ending up?
3) The US didn't "intentionally provoke" this to happen
Again, I just dunno if it’s reasonable to state so definitively that escalating a years-long proxy war in Ukraine has nothing to do with Ukraine.
4) The US doesn't seem to be convinced that the Ukrainians can't "win" as a win just seems to be defined by having Russia get the fuck out, which seems like it is an achievable goal.
Yea, who knows. As has been mentioned, the US war rhetoric is an interesting combination of “Russia is a bunch of bumbling idiots who are tripping on their own dicks” and “Russia is a big scary nuclear power who will take over the world if we don’t keep throwing money at the MIC.” Who knows how this ends up. If it goes full WW3, at least Japhy will enjoy the flash.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:39 pm
by ousdahl
twocoach wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:38 am
ousdahl wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:24 am
KUTradition wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:02 am wait, the US provoked russia to invade Ukraine?


i can’t decide who is going further down the lobster path, illy or ousie
This is concerning.

If you might be willing to compare and contrast me and lobster, please do.

I feel he and I are ideologically total opposites, but help me out if you would.
You may be driving in the opposite direction but you're both driving cars that need to have their windshields thoroughly scrubbed. All these kooky conspiracies and unconfirmed "facts" stick to people like big juicy bugs on a windshield. The more you drive through the muck and the swamp of "news" sources full of unconfirmed stories and full-on propaganda lies, the dirtier your vehicle gets. A token squirt of wiper fluid from time to time just smears them all over your viewpoint and clouds your ability to see what is actually going on outside.

It's hard to balance seeing beyond the propaganda BS the mass market media feeds us and the propaganda BS the social media posers barf out in an effort to look like they see beyond the propaganda BS the mass market media feeds us.
Thanks for this.

There are lots of ways to contrast myself with the crustacean. Perhaps the only way we both compare is, we both may deviate from some mainstream narrative about a lot of things - albeit on opposite ends of the bell curve.

Lobster sought only information to validate his views. I seek all the info I can get, even if it destroys my views.

Not to mention lobster getting alarmingly cozy with all the bigoted misogynistic bullshit, which I wholly condemn.

Among other differences…

But in the context of this thread, bear in mind I’m prob only one seeking any context “beyond the propaganda BS the mass market media feeds us.”

But maybe that just makes me a social media poser.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:02 pm
by twocoach
ousdahl wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:39 pm
twocoach wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:38 am
ousdahl wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:24 am

This is concerning.

If you might be willing to compare and contrast me and lobster, please do.

I feel he and I are ideologically total opposites, but help me out if you would.
You may be driving in the opposite direction but you're both driving cars that need to have their windshields thoroughly scrubbed. All these kooky conspiracies and unconfirmed "facts" stick to people like big juicy bugs on a windshield. The more you drive through the muck and the swamp of "news" sources full of unconfirmed stories and full-on propaganda lies, the dirtier your vehicle gets. A token squirt of wiper fluid from time to time just smears them all over your viewpoint and clouds your ability to see what is actually going on outside.

It's hard to balance seeing beyond the propaganda BS the mass market media feeds us and the propaganda BS the social media posers barf out in an effort to look like they see beyond the propaganda BS the mass market media feeds us.
Thanks for this.

There are lots of ways to contrast myself with the crustacean. Perhaps the only way we both compare is, we both may deviate from some mainstream narrative about a lot of things - albeit on opposite ends of the bell curve.

Lobster sought only information to validate his views. I seek all the info I can get, even if it destroys my views.

Not to mention lobster getting alarmingly cozy with all the bigoted misogynistic bullshit, which I wholly condemn.

Among other differences…

But in the context of this thread, bear in mind I’m prob only one seeking any context “beyond the propaganda BS the mass market media feeds us.”

But maybe that just makes me a social media poser.
I get what you're shooting for, I really do. And it is certainly different than Lobster's goal for sure. You just give more credence than I do to the words of random anonymous (and occasionally fake) "people" on social media. Maybe I am just soured to it is all, I don't know.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:55 pm
by ousdahl
Yea, lobster’s sources were pretty sus.

Remember when he’d post links to literal nazi message boreds?! (Though to be fair, if he was still around to post that shit in this thread, far too many of you guys would think it was nbd)

Trust me, I’m skeptical of everything. I DONT automatically believe things just cuz someone on social media posted it. Even if it validates some held view. Even if it’s some bisexual commie babe with pretty eyes and high hips and good wingspan too.

If at any point I did post a source that was little more than some dubious social media account, please refer me to it. For real, call me out and I’ll eat that crow!

I try to confirm things with more respected sources, and even then, I maintain some feeling that not everything is as it seems.

If I may express concern of my own, it seems plenty of you guys refuse to acknowledge or consider my views and my sources even though I’m posting otherwise respectable sources.

I’ll post some Washington Post article like “we have alarmingly little oversight about what becomes of the weapons we pump into Ukraine, and honestly don’t know who gets them or what’s done with them,” or post some take like “Ukraine has been a bloody oppressive humanitarian crisis for years” or some NYT article like “some US lawmakers express concern about furnishing weapons for a country full of Nazis” or a declassified doc like “yea we’ve been up to some shady shit in Ukraine for decades,” and it all seems to fall on deaf ears.

Almost makes you wonder which among us really are the ones only seeking to validate our preexisting views.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:03 pm
ousdahl wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:55 pm it seems plenty of you guys refuse to acknowledge or consider my views and my sources
since you are a russian bot, i'm guessing you don't really care what others think of you.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:05 pm
by KUTradition
somewhat regularly i get “OMG” social media stories sent to me that i feel compelled to check out and varify their truthiness

thing is, they are sent from my 70+ year old mother

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:16 pm
by KUTradition
“If I may express concern of my own, it seems plenty of you guys refuse to acknowledge or consider my views and my sources even though I’m posting otherwise respectable sources. ”


just because we don’t agree with you doesn’t mean we don’t acknowledge or consider your views

continued engagement with you on this topic is proof enough of that

nobody, other than maybe mich, has said that US is beyond reproach, generally

dolo is really the only sabre rattler around here. most everyone else, unless i’m mistaken, would rather this not even be an issue the world has to deal with right now

but it is an issue that “we” must deal with, and you’ve offered zero alternatives to the current situation other than “let’s all just get along” and “US is bad and has no business telling other countries what to do”

i don’t even think you’ve offered an alternative solution to dealing with violent dictators generally…much less, specific to this situation

i, and i’m sure others, have pointed out numerous times that the US has often, including with Ukraine, sought diplomatic solutions long before military ones were used…but you don’t even acknowledge that part of the debate. or, if you do, it’s just a momentary lull before the next hot take solution to world problems encapsulated in 280 characters or less

quit playing the victim card