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Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:25 pm
by Deleted User 89
NewtonHawk11 wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:11 pm Yeah I understand that, but California was also really aggressive with this from the start and prevented far greater deaths than what could have happened.

I mean, nothing is going to subside completely until a vaccine happens, but it's just as good to help stop the steep increase.
i totally agree

i just think the piece-meal attempt won’t work for the same reasons it hasn’t really worked nation-wide

i understand the motivation behind it, for sure. Herbert has been trying to do the same thing here in Utah from the start, but yet here we the same (or worse) boat as everyone else

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:29 pm
by Deleted User 89
i should say though, that i haven’t looked in depth at what cali is doing as far as restrictions

if they don’t have any teeth, so to speak, then it won’t matter what they’re trying to do. mandates without serious repercussions for violation end up being mere suggestions, and despite the progressive/liberal/dem lean of cali, they’ll still have idiots that are intent on exercising their “rights”

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:19 pm
by zsn
We (California) completely shut down on March 16th for about 6 weeks. Things were very much under control. Then Memorial Day happened. We got it somewhat under control, then July 4th happened. You get the picture.

California is not a monolith. Southern California is a clusterf$&#*&ck while the Bay Area is doing well, relatively. City and County of SF (population similar to the Dakotas; far more dense) was is great shape, until a few weeks ago - still fares better than the Midwest. Even now, SF and San Mateo County are doing very well. San Bernadino, Riverside (red parts of the state) and LA counties are not faring so well.

Masks work. Avoiding unnecessary travel and public interaction work. Having said that, Newsom, Breed and Liccardo (Mayors of SF and SJ respectively) have undermined the message with their behavior.

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:04 am
by Deleted User 289
Company "virtual" holiday party last night via Remo.
Have to say, it was better than I thought it would be and was actually a solid idea.
Was very nice not to not have to leave my couch to attend a "party".
Granted, I would have preferred if Covid didn't exist and we all could have been together in person.

Side note. Our company honors people for their 10 and 20 year work anniversaries.
When we have an in-person party I make a point of congratulating those people face to face.
Yesterday I chose to send them emails.
I have found the younger generation seems to not comprehend that when someone reaches out to them to give them praise - I feel the proper thing is for them to acknowledge it - and say thank you.
Blows my mind when we have so many employees that are well educated, come from "good" families, and part of what they do for a living is interact with clients, and yet they are clueless when it comes to what I feel should be proper "manners".
Oh well, the lesson learned is - Don't expect others to meet your expectations of them or you will often be let down.

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:13 am
by Deleted User 89
it’s generational, gutter...and only getting worse

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:18 am
by ousdahl
Gutter’s the one who won’t even afford the courtesy of congratulating them face to face.

What gives bro? Not like there’s a pandemic going on.

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:20 am
by jfish26
A play in three acts:

1 - yesterday, I emailed a pretty new lawyer (but not young in human years) in my firm, and gave her a heads-up that she really needs to have her time in the billing system on a daily basis this month especially, because people will want the ability to run bills really quickly (to get paid by the end of the year)

2 - she responds, thanking me for the heads-up

3 - I see a report this morning (which she knows I would see) showing that she's a week behind on her time

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:22 am
by Deleted User 289
Fish - I'm not sure how to respond other than to say - God Bless America?

On another note, probably worthy of starting a new thread and perhaps someone can figure out a better way for multiple people to answer my question but.....

My question is, will you get the Covid-19 vaccine when it is made available to you?
My answer is yes.

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:28 am
by NewtonHawk11
My wife will probably be pretty close to being forced to take it because she is a health worker. She's not thrilled but she would take it if it required her to continue to work in high risk areas (Which she loves to do)

I would as well, but I wouldn't be the first one at the door.

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:30 am
by Deleted User 89
depends when that is, gutter

right now, i’d be hesitant. there is a not insignificant number of healthcare workers that feel similarly, that we just don’t know enough about short- and long-term side effects of vaccination

i was gonna post this the other day, but forgot to - it’s crazy that the elderly are slated to get the vaccine first when none of trials have looked specifically at the effects on that group

the other issue, is that for most of us there will likely be upwards of 6 vaccines “available”, and they won’t all have been produced the same way. i think there are two basic platforms, but could be wrong

in 6 months, if everything still looks rosy as far as safety is concerned, then i’d likely get vaccinated. i haven’t seen any of my family (outside of my wife) in a year and a half (xoom thanksgiving doesn’t count). a vaccine is the only thing that’ll make me feel comfortable enough to travel and see them, in particular my parents (both right around 70)

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:34 am
by ousdahl
Beav got sent home cuz one of the kids in his class’s parents both tested positive.

He’s apparently just gotta wait til he can get a test or whatever. I dunno whether that’s to let the virus show up on a test if he’s got it, or just cuz testing still sucks.

But apparently the local health official said I’m not at risk though he was?

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:39 am
by Deleted User 89
we had two employees with direct contact with positives that live in their house (spouse and roommate). they both had to wait 4 days before they could get tested

why 4 days, when their contact was extensive and prolonged? why did they have to wait at all when subsets if this country can get tested on a daily basis, if not multiple times/day?

why can’t i go get tested just because?

i think it’s pretty obvious the main issue is that there still just aren’t enough tests. or, a combination of not enough tests and fucked up priorities for who deserves to get tested with those tests we do have

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:52 am
by ousdahl
I heard a thing a while back on the radio that the lack of testing is (supposedly) not for a lack of trying.

The q tips or the actual substance of the tests or whatever are supposedly maxed out, and we really are cranking out as many as we possibly can. Supply reserves were apparently depleted to begin with too.

It’s something I could buy if we were just a couple weeks into it. But MFers come on, this has been a problem for damn near a year now. What ever happened to some damned American ingenuity?

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:56 am
by ousdahl
I wish everyone was just sent a good supply of easy to administer tests - say a couple week’s worth.

Then when we shut down, if everybody was just testing routinely, we could have isolated hot spots and been much better off.

Then again, the narrative prob would have been half the country refusing to take the tests, out of petty defiance and fear of some conspiracy and shit.

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:03 pm
by Deleted User 89
the Defense Production Act could, and should have been used to ameliorate issues related to supply shortages

yet another instance of failure from the top

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:06 pm
by ousdahl
Too bad you can’t snuff out a pandemic with hush money like you can a scorned mistress.

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:31 pm
TraditionKU wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:30 am
i haven’t seen any of my family (outside of my wife) in a year and a half (xoom thanksgiving doesn’t count). a vaccine is the only thing that’ll make me feel comfortable enough to travel and see them, in particular my parents (both right around 70)
You haven’t seen your parents in 18 months! Oh my. You should really visit your parents.

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:34 pm
by jfish26
MICHHAWK wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:31 pm
TraditionKU wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:30 am
i haven’t seen any of my family (outside of my wife) in a year and a half (xoom thanksgiving doesn’t count). a vaccine is the only thing that’ll make me feel comfortable enough to travel and see them, in particular my parents (both right around 70)
You haven’t seen your parents in 18 months! Oh my. You should really visit your parents.
I hope for your parents' sake that they're less cavalier than you.

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:49 pm
by ousdahl
I last saw my parents in July 2019.

We attended a fundraiser auction for the local rivers, at which we run into a fellow guide friend auctioning off a float trip. I’ve floated with the guy before and know it’s a blast, particularly on a “make a float interesting for folks with no interest in fishing” kinda way, which is just what my folks would enjoy.

I encourage my parents to bid. I, and the guide, both recommend doing it in the fall, when tourist traffic is low, and when the leaves are turning. Been trying to get them out here in the fall for years.

My mom wins. But despite my and the guide’s recommendations, and in classic make-everything-about-herself fashion, she announces she would rather do it the next summer.

Fast forward to next summer, and there’s a damn pandemic, and we can’t do it any more.

So now every time my mom says she misses me, I hold that over her head. “Well I tried to invite you guys to come visit, but you said you didn’t want to...”

Re: COVID-19 - On the Ground

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:58 pm
by Deleted User 89
funny thing is that it was my folks (my pops, actually) that called off a family get-together for thanksgiving

he’s one of those progressive, liberal, college-educated, science-supporting dems though, so...