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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:20 pm
by DCHawk1
OK. But his history -- particularly with respect to race and ridiculously exaggerated rhetoric -- is very Trumpian. If the argument is that "history" is the reason that Trump's comments are different than the Democrats' EXACT SAME comments, then Biden tends to blow that argument out of the water.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:31 pm
by DCHawk1
seahawk wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:17 am Wow, defending Trump's comments about Charlottesville--a new low for those who routinely defend/deflect Trump's statements. But defending/deflecting his scurrilous throwback to his KKK origins, really sad.
Did Illy do that?

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:40 pm
by Leawood
Biden's history on race: What year? Were you of the one's that constantly brought up Robert Byrd's association with the KKK generations ago as being applicable now or at least when he died?

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:42 pm
by DCHawk1
What year? Is 2012 recent enough?

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:55 pm
by Leawood
Oh. . . I understand. Discussing the bank reforms from 2009 and Romney allegedly wanting to undo the reforms ("unchain the banks"/"you will be put in chains") is the same as "I'm being lynched." Your "whataboutism" or "it's the same thing" is not working. Plus, you have to scour the internet to find these instances when your President does something reprehensible multiple times a day.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:58 pm
by Deleted User 266
I get the hypocrisy DC. I am in agreement with you there. People should be called out for their "outrage" if they ignore someone they support who does the same thing they are outraged by someone else doing it.
What I continue to have a difficult time with is the whataboutism that plagues our country.
My question is - Is it possible for a Democrat or Republican to feel BOTH Trump and Biden are often foolish and say outrageous things and that they both deserve major ridicule for saying those things?

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:03 pm
by Geezer
That Biden clip was really weak. Are you okay DC?

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:20 pm
by DCHawk1
Leawood wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:55 pm Oh. . . I understand. Discussing the bank reforms from 2009 and Romney allegedly wanting to undo the reforms ("unchain the banks"/"you will be put in chains") is the same as "I'm being lynched." Your "whataboutism" or "it's the same thing" is not working. Plus, you have to scour the internet to find these instances when your President does something reprehensible multiple times a day.
I don't scour anything. They all magically appear, because they're...well, you know...public record.

Moreover NONE of this has anything to do with what Trump did or did not do. It's pure grandstanding on the part of the Left and it's patently stupid. Here's the thing: you don't HAVE to comment on everything he does. Some of what he does is reprehensible in a conventional sense, in that others have done or still do the same thing. What matters is the stuff he does that is reprehensible in the non-conventional sense. THAT'S what's important, and yet y'all keep flailing away at the other stuff, which is not just irrelevant but undermines the case that he is non-conventional at all.

I can't help that y'all got yer panties in a twist about something that was totally stupid and easily disprovable and now have to backtrack and dissemble to try to show otherwise. Knee-jerk hysteria is self-defeating. And while I'd think that would be obvious by now, it clearly isn't.

Next stop on this train, BTW, is "quid pro quo."

Additionally, your defense of Biden is every bit as ridiculous as the Trumpers' defense of POTUS. He says stupid and occasionally offensive things. That's a fact.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:25 pm
by DCHawk1
Geezer wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:03 pm That Biden clip was really weak. Are you okay DC?
Obviously not -- otherwise I wouldn't be arguing with you people about stupid things that are obviously irrelevant and force you to deny reality in pursuit of the ultimate goal of proving that everything Trump thinks, says, or does is not only the worst thing ever but worse than anything anyone else ever did.

What a waste of time and energy.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:34 pm
by DCHawk1
Paul1 wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:58 pm I get the hypocrisy DC. I am in agreement with you there. People should be called out for their "outrage" if they ignore someone they support who does the same thing they are outraged by someone else doing it.
What I continue to have a difficult time with is the whataboutism that plagues our country.
My question is - Is it possible for a Democrat or Republican to feel BOTH Trump and Biden are often foolish and say outrageous things and that they both deserve major ridicule for saying those things?
A. Both Trump and Biden ARE foolish and say offensive things. The case for Biden is that he appears, at least, to be genuinely good and decent guy, as opposed to Trump.

B. "Whataboutism" is, in fact, the sole defense of Trump because the sole charge against him is that his behavior and actions are unquestionably "outside the political norm." When someone says, for example, that Trump is a horrible human being because he made aid to a foreign ally contingent on the ally first accepting his demands, the OBVIOUS and relevant response is to point out that both Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg PROUDLY did the same thing yesterday, with respect to Israel. That's "whataboutism," but it's also a relevant response to attempts to distort political reality to score partisan points.

The question is not now and never has been whether Trump made aid contingent on something. That's the very definition of foreign diplomacy. The question is whether or not that contingency benefit the nation in any way or if it was intended to benefit him personally.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 7:35 pm
by Deleted User 286
DCHawk1 wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:31 pm
seahawk wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:17 am Wow, defending Trump's comments about Charlottesville--a new low for those who routinely defend/deflect Trump's statements. But defending/deflecting his scurrilous throwback to his KKK origins, really sad.
Did Illy do that?
No. Nobody did. But that doesn't matter to her.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:33 pm
by Deleted User 266
Thanks for the response DC!
On another note, I'll chalk it up to being a gaffe but it's an eye-roller.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:49 pm
by DCHawk1
I'd suggest that Colorado is one of the 57 states Obama visited, but heaven knows what kind of meltdown that might prompt from Shirl...errr...Feral.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:15 am
by Deleted User 266
In other words, we have people who feel there have been two consecutive Presidents who made what should/could be forgivable geographical gaffes - and there are those who will say they are both complete fucking morons. I think those people are far and few between.
I have a feeling that for most people it all depends on what side of the fence they choose to be politically - in terms of how they feel in regards to the individual "mistakes".

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:22 am
by Deleted User 266
Wondering if Trump is going to break out his Sharpie and show another poster board in the Oval Office to prove what he said wasn't false.



Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:58 am
by ousdahl
to be fair, Trump HAS said all along that he doesn't want any New Mexicans entering the country...

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 5:39 am
by seahawk
IllinoisJayhawk wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 7:35 pm
DCHawk1 wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:31 pm
seahawk wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:17 am Wow, defending Trump's comments about Charlottesville--a new low for those who routinely defend/deflect Trump's statements. But defending/deflecting his scurrilous throwback to his KKK origins, really sad.
Did Illy do that?
No. Nobody did. But that doesn't matter to her.
but when he said "there's fine people on both sides" his dumbass wasn't saying neo-nazis and antifa are very fine people, to me it seemed he was clearly referencing there are fine people on both sides of the argument about removing the monuments, but he doesn't think before he speaks so it sounds pretty awful when it's following someone getting run over by a car.

That wasn't defending/deflecting what Trump said? Gosh, I must have been mistaken. I mean, given Trump's long history of racist statements, birtherism, insistence that the Central Park 5 are still guilty even though DNA says differently, I guess it's obvious that his statement was exactly what you say, just some dumb thing.

Or Not.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:55 am
by Deleted User 286
DC posted explanation on it. You could read it. Or not. Don't really care.

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 8:27 am
by seahawk
Bless your heart, DC explained how Bigfoot has Obama's birth certificate?

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:14 am
by Deleted User 286
LOL never change sea biscuit you're the best.