Totally random thread

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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Leawood »

It is no big deal. If you dislike the smell and taste of clams(in any way), then you dislike the smell and taste of pussy. If you dislike the smell and taste of pussy, then you are a proudboi like Lobster.
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by TDub »

Youve been smelling/tasting the wrong pussy/ies.
Just Ledoux it
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 89 »

fruit loops

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Re: Totally random thread

Post by ousdahl »

I heard they came up with that idea at the Apple Jacks conference
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by pdub »

When I was a kid, I put cereal on my pizza a couple times thinking it'd turn me into Michaelangelo or Raphael.
( not the artists but the ninja turtles )
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 89 »

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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 89 »

spanish from Mexico should have a different name than spanish from Spain
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 289 »

6 degrees of Gutter - or J.J. Watt......

Getting in the elevator in my building holding a bag from Nike, a bag from Trader Joe's, and a pizza (in a box).
Woman with a dog asks me what floor (so she can press the button for me). I tell her.
She says the pizza smells good and asks me where it's from. I tell her Barnaby's and that it's in the northern suburbs and ask her if she's originally from Chicago. She says no and then asks me if I have had pizza from Robert's (a place a few blocks away). I tell her no but I have heard good things.
She then tells me it's J.J. Watt's favorite pizza in Chicago and that he LOVES it.
I laughed and of course had to inquire how and why she would know that.
She laughs and says/asks, "do you know who Kealia Watt is"? I said I assume she's J.J.'s wife.
The woman then tells me she's her teammate on the Red Stars. Hmmmm. I knew Watt's wife played soccer in Chicago but didn't know the name of the team is the Red Stars.
So me being me, I went on the Red Stars website and I can't figure out who the heck this woman is - or why she would live in my building. I have to assume she was telling me the truth. That's not something you would make up.
Side note - I didn't know that Zach Ertz's wife is on the team too.

Reminded me of this.....

That's all I got for ya. Time to go eat the pizza.
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by zsn »

Did you break up with her :)
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Yes! I won't miss her but I'll miss her dog.
Now on to.....Kealia Watt, Julie Ertz, Mallory Pugh, Kayla Sharples (she's probably too tall for me but I would be content with her), Bianca St. Georges, and Katie Johnson.

On a semi related note.....
Mia Hamm looks just like two women I grew up with that are twins. When we were in grade school their brother used to tell us that he was going to win the Heisman. Not only did he not win the Heisman, he never even played H.S. Varsity Football.
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Friend of mine posted a "meme" on Facebook stating....
"24 kids went home from St. Jude's this week cancer free - I bet you won't post/share this".
Being that it's only Wednesday, I found that to be very surprising and I was skeptical it EVER happened.
I spent 30 seconds doing a simple Google search. Of course it is not true and it was something that started going around back in 2109.
I told my friend, you know that's not true - right?
She said she didn't know it's not true and she's deleting the post right now.
So..... She's yet another extremely gullible person that I know who believes pretty much anything someone tells her. Even if she doesn't know the person/source.
I'm tempted to tell her if she lets me fuck her she will never get cancer and will have a better chance of winning the lottery. I figure what do I have lose? I hope she has the same feeling/s - if she lets me, what does she have to lose?
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by jhawks99 »

Did she believe that it's 2109?
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 289 »

jhawks99 wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:15 am Did she believe that it's 2109?
Probably would have.
I wonder if she would believe I typed too fast and/or have dyslexia. One of the two (or both) are true.
Deleted User 289

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Spent about an hour in Saks Fifth Avenue.
Never realized their male clientele is 90% African American. At least today it was.
I was told a few were Denver Nuggets players.
Observed people spending literally 10s if not 100s of thousands of dollars on clothing.
Moral of the story? I really don't know what it is.
Maybe I should ask Wally what he thinks it is.

P.S. The Bucket Boys = Assholes. EVERY time I have interactions with them asking me for money they are TOTAL assholes about it.

That's all I got for ya.
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by TDub »

Don't know what a saks fifth avenue is. Dont know what a bucket boy is. Im lost.
Just Ledoux it
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 289 »

TDub wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:25 pm Don't know what a saks fifth avenue is. Dont know what a bucket boy is. Im lost.
If you really care... ... sPerPage=3

My issues with the "bucket boys" are that they aren't "boys" and they get in people's faces and harass people for money. If they just banged on their buckets and let people put money in a bucket - fantastic.
They don't and they will actually block your path on a sidewalk and stand within a foot or two of your face and will not take no for an answer. They intimidate people.
You give them a buck - they DEMAND another buck. You give them 10 bucks, they DEMAND 10 more bucks. Shit, today I was dumb enough to give them 20 bucks and that wasn't good enough for them.
FUCK them!
As I said to one guy who actually had the balls to tell me I was being cheap after I gave them $20, "Right now you have more money than I do. If I asked you for $20 for my cause how much money would you give me"?
That got him to finally walk away.
Like I said, FUCK them!
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Today's edition of this is the country I live in - Northwestern Hospital version and RCN Cable version.....

Three parts...

Part 1.
Walking home from my mother's I decided to stop and get some food at a place in Northwestern Hospital.
They have both a sit down restaurant and a "market" (serve yourself). I opted for the "market". As I am getting food, a seemingly homeless guy filled up a container with food and walked out without paying. The cashier told another employee and that employee started to go after the guy who took the food.
I said I would pay for it but there was really no way to know what food he took and the cost.
It really upset me that we live in a country where someone feels they need to resort to "stealing" food to feed themself because they are hungry - and they risk getting arrested (?) by doing as such.
I think by my reaction (and possibly others who were visibly upset with the situation) they just let the guy go. I hope that was the case.

Part 2.
There are tables and chairs set up outside the "market" for people to sit down and eat. I was sitting there and noticed that the tables that were set up were NOT at least 6 feet apart. Ok, well, so be it.
As I am sitting at my table, a guy goes and sits down two tables away. He proceeded to remove his mask (so he could eat) and then he started coughing. LOUD. A LOT. To the point where shit (saliva/phlegm) was visibly coming out of his mouth and I question if his testicles were falling off - because he was coughing so hard. It was disgusting and of all places, he was doing this in a hospital.
I said as politely as possible, "Excuse me sir - can you please cover your mouth when you cough".
He actually did use his hand to cover his mouth after I said that.
Great. Right? WRONG! He then got up from the table and started to touch other chairs and kind of push them out of his way as he was walking to go grab some napkins. A security woman observed this and TOLD (not ask) him to please use some hand sanitizer (there are many "stations" right there).
He refused and walked back to his table and sat down. BAD IDEA. The security woman didn't like that and let it be known. They both were basically face to face having an argument. I was done eating so I got up and left and didn't see how the situation was resolved. My hope is she kicked him in his junk and taught him not to fuck with her.

Part 3.
Yesterday a RCN technician had to come to my mother's home. Second time in a week there was an issue in which a technician had to come to her place. Rasheed showed up and installed a new Tivo box and did what he had to do. He said he couldn't wait for everything to reset because it could take up to an hour but gave me and my mother his cell phone number to call him if there was a problem. SURE ENOUGH, there was a problem. It didn't reset and she was unable to get channel guides and use her Tivo to record.
She called Rasheed and Rasheed PROMISED her he would be back at 4:00pm. Well, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, no Rasheed. My mother then called him again and this time he didn't answer his phone. My mother left a message saying it's ok if he doesn't come back but to please let her know one way or the other if he will be returning. No call back so she left him another message at 8:00pm. Rasheed never called her back. My mother wasn't happy. Unless he was dead, he really should have come back or at least call her and tell her he can't come back.
She called RCN last night and they didn't pick up for 45 minutes and when they finally did, the person was an asshole and was worthless. The RCN person said she (my mother) had to call back in the morning because there is no one in the Chicago office to make an appointment with. HUH?
Ok, so my mother called RCN this morning and spoke with Bertha. Bertha was kind, patient, and most importantly, competent. Bertha walked my mother through various steps to try and resolve the issue and SHAZAM! The two of them fixed the issue. Imagine that.
As far as Rasheed, I'm seriously concerned that maybe the guy died. If he didn't, then he's just simply an asshole. Who happily took $20 from me when I tipped him and then basically said fuck you to my mother and I.
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 89 »

it’s not ludicrous speed... ... -possible/

(maybe the creation of Space Force was prescient?)
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by defixione »

Grilled a green pizza tonight. Made a sourdough crust, slathered it with pesto, topped it with mozzarella cheese, and garnished it with capers when I pulled it from the grill. Mmmm.

A slight dusting, post grilling, with Romano cheese added the right bump.

I found out I didn't have enough cabernet on hand.
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by jhawks99 »

Sounds like good pizza. Hope you made do with something.
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