Dumbfuck in charge

Deleted User 295

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 295 »

twocoach wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 6:18 pm
IllinoisJayhawk wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:19 pm Your reality is not reality. Or something like that. Saw it on another thread.
Do you have any comments to offer to the actual conversation?
No...but I'll keep this for future reference.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by seahawk »

HouseDivided wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:49 pm
twocoach wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:24 pm
HouseDivided wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:13 am

Could be. I was just pointing out that the Dems blow off the hillbilly vote at their peril. They should have learned that in 2016, but apparently not.
Again, noone seems to be blowing off anyone's votes except in your own head. But your rant is a well practiced one, easily repeatable, that we have all read here a dozen times.
Meh. I make a living reading between the lines, and there is a lot of contempt for the working man and woman around here, much of it implicit. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, that is perceived by the people in question as blowing off their votes. But, hey - I'm cool with the DNC continuing their current strategy. It worked out great for me in 2016.
Waitresses are the ultimate "working women" that you demonstrated your usual contempt for.
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Deleted User 62

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 62 »

I consider myself a "working man".

Well, 45 weeks out of the year!
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 62 »

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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Leawood »

How many electoral votes does California have?
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Geezer »

Leawood wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:06 pm How many electoral votes does California have?
Google is your friend.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Leawood »

Can someone divide 3 into 538 to see Wyoming’s electoral impact on the Presidential election?
Deleted User 295

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 295 »

Leawood wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:14 pm Can someone divide 3 into 538 to see Wyoming’s electoral impact on the Presidential election?
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 295 »

That sounds like people shouldn't complain about their impact on the election.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Mjl »

The question was every vote counting equally. It doesn't. You're smart enough that you get this, I don't understand your argument at all.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Leawood »

The premise was that Wyoming has a greater impact on a national election than a more populous state.

If we don’t like the electoral college, let’s change the Constitution.
Deleted User 295

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 295 »

Leawood wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:33 pm The premise was that Wyoming has a greater impact on a national election than a more populous state.
It doesn't. In fact Wyoming has very little impact at all on the national election. Less than 1%.
Deleted User 295

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 295 »

Mjl wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:59 pm The question was every vote counting equally. It doesn't. You're smart enough that you get this, I don't understand your argument at all.
Every vote counts equally in each individual state.

It doesn't take a genius to understand the electoral college and why it's important for each individual State.
Deleted User 62

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 62 »

Mjl wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:59 pm1) You're smart enough that you get this
2)I don't understand your argument at all.
1) No, he isn't
2) The only thing that matters is that he HAS an arguement......

Deleted User 289

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 289 »

Seemingly heavily medicated at the time Donald Trump said, "No Americans were harmed".

Here, let me provide a "non-anti Trump biased" site.
https://www.foxnews.com/world/iran-rock ... al-reveals
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Shirley »

Grandma wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2020 5:18 am Seemingly heavily medicated at the time Donald Trump said, "No Americans were harmed".

Here, let me provide a "non-anti Trump biased" site.
https://www.foxnews.com/world/iran-rock ... al-reveals
Trump lies constantly, about everything, yet, we're supposed to believe him when he says Soleimani posed an eminent threat planning to attack four of our embassies, even tho his secretary of defense admitted that he hasn't seen and knows of no evidence to support Trump's claim.

And now, surprise, surprise, he lied about this too. Where is our country's self respect? smfh

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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Shirley »

“We are living through a revolt against the future. The future will prevail.”
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Deleted User 295

Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Deleted User 295 »

I don't believe there were 4 eminent threats to embassies....I still think we were justified and correct in taking him out. Trump just can't stop himself from lying. Too used to a board room where his "word" has always been enough. And it's like his brain can't adjust to the fact that there are people out there fact checking his every word thoroughly.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by seahawk »

Richard Branson explained that what Trump did in his office was plot his revenge against all those whom he felt had wronged him. He had to exact vengeance upon Barack Obama and satisfy his raging racism by telling us all that Soleimani was a worse threat than Osama bin Laden and thus Trump is hugely better than Obama.
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Re: Dumbfuck in charge

Post by Shirley »

https://twitter.com/RachelBitecofer/sta ... w">January

‘You’re a bunch of dopes and babies’: Inside Trump’s stunning tirade against generals

This article is adapted from “A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America,” which will be published on Jan. 21 by Penguin Press.

There is no more sacred room for military officers than 2E924 of the Pentagon, a windowless and secure vault where the Joint Chiefs of Staff meet regularly to wrestle with classified matters. Its more common name is “the Tank.” The Tank resembles a small corporate boardroom, with a gleaming golden oak table, leather swivel armchairs and other mid-century stylings. Inside its walls, flag officers observe a reverence and decorum for the wrenching decisions that have been made there.

Hanging prominently on one of the walls is The Peacemakers, a painting that depicts an 1865 Civil War strategy session with President Abraham Lincoln and his three service chiefs — Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, Major General William Tecumseh Sherman, and Rear Admiral David Dixon Porter. One hundred fifty-​­two years after Lincoln hatched plans to preserve the Union, President Trump’s advisers staged an intervention inside the Tank to try to preserve the world order.

By that point, six months into his administration, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had grown alarmed by gaping holes in Trump’s knowledge of history, especially the key alliances forged following World War II. Trump had dismissed allies as worthless, cozied up to authoritarian regimes in Russia and elsewhere, and advocated withdrawing troops from strategic outposts and active theaters alike.

Trump organized his unorthodox worldview under the simplistic banner of “America First,” but Mattis, Tillerson, and Cohn feared his proposals were rash, barely considered, and a danger to America’s superpower standing. They also felt that many of Trump’s impulsive ideas stemmed from his lack of familiarity with U.S. history and, even, where countries were located. To have a useful discussion with him, the trio agreed, they had to create a basic knowledge, a shared language.

So on July 20, 2017, Mattis invited Trump to the Tank for what he, Tillerson, and Cohn had carefully organized as a tailored tutorial. What happened inside the Tank that day crystallized the commander in chief’s berating, derisive and dismissive manner, foreshadowing decisions such as the one earlier this month that brought the United States to the brink of war with Iran. The Tank meeting was a turning point in Trump’s presidency. Rather than getting him to appreciate America’s traditional role and alliances, Trump began to tune out and eventually push away the experts who believed their duty was to protect the country by restraining his more dangerous impulses.

The episode has been documented numerous times, but subsequent reporting reveals a more complete picture of the moment and the chilling effect Trump’s comments and hostility had on the nation’s military and national security leadership.

Just before 10 a.m. on a scorching summer Thursday, Trump arrived at the Pentagon. He stepped out of his motorcade, walked along a corridor with portraits honoring former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs, and stepped inside the Tank. The uniformed officers greeted their commander in chief. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Joseph F. Dunford Jr. sat in the seat of honor midway down the table, because this was his room, and Trump sat at the head of the table facing a projection screen. Mattis and the newly confirmed deputy defense secretary, Patrick Shanahan, sat to the president’s left, with Vice President Pence and Tillerson to his right. Down the table sat the leaders of the military branches, along with Cohn and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon was in the outer ring of chairs with other staff, taking his seat just behind Mattis and directly in Trump’s line of sight.

Mattis, Cohn, and Tillerson and their aides decided to use maps, graphics, and charts to tutor the president, figuring they would help keep him from getting bored. Mattis opened with a slide show punctuated by lots of dollar signs. Mattis devised a strategy to use terms the impatient president, schooled in real estate, would appreciate to impress upon him the value of U.S. investments abroad. He sought to explain why U.S. troops were deployed in so many regions and why America’s safety hinged on a complex web of trade deals, alliances, and bases across the globe.


For the next 90 minutes, Mattis, Tillerson, and Cohn took turns trying to emphasize their points, pointing to their charts and diagrams. They showed where U.S. personnel were positioned, at military bases, CIA stations, and embassies, and how U.S. deployments fended off the threats of terror cells, nuclear blasts, and destabilizing enemies in places including Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, the Korea Peninsula, and Syria. Cohn spoke for about 20 minutes about the value of free trade with America’s allies, emphasizing how he saw each trade agreement working together as part of an overall structure to solidify U.S. economic and national security.

Trump appeared peeved by the schoolhouse vibe but also allergic to the dynamic of his advisers talking at him. His ricocheting attention span led him to repeatedly interrupt the lesson. He heard an adviser say a word or phrase and then seized on that to interject with his take. For instance, the word “base” prompted him to launch in to say how “crazy” and “stupid” it was to pay for bases in some countries.

...Trump proceeded to explain that NATO, too, was worthless. U.S. generals were letting the allied member countries get away with murder, he said, and they owed the United States a lot of money after not living up to their promise of paying their dues...

Before they could debate the Iran deal, Trump erupted to revive another frequent complaint: the war in Afghanistan, which was now America’s longest war. He demanded an explanation for why the United States hadn’t won in Afghanistan yet, now 16 years after the nation began fighting there in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Trump unleashed his disdain, calling Afghanistan a “loser war.” That phrase hung in the air and disgusted not only the military leaders at the table but also the men and women in uniform sitting along the back wall behind their principals. They all were sworn to obey their commander in chief’s commands, and here he was calling the war they had been fighting a loser war.

“You’re all losers,” Trump said. “You don’t know how to win anymore.”

...Trump mused about removing General John Nicholson, the U.S. commander in charge of troops in Afghanistan. “I don’t think he knows how to win,” the president said, impugning Nicholson, who was not present at the meeting.

Dunford tried to come to Nicholson’s defense, but the mild-mannered general struggled to convey his points to the irascible president.

“Mr. President, that’s just not . . .,” Dunford started. “We’ve been under different orders.”

Dunford sought to explain that he hadn’t been charged with annihilating the enemy in Afghanistan but was instead following a strategy started by the Obama administration to gradually reduce the military presence in the country in hopes of training locals to maintain a stable government so that eventually the United States could pull out. Trump shot back in more plain language.

“I want to win,” he said. “We don’t win any wars anymore . . . We spend $7 trillion, everybody else got the oil and we’re not winning anymore.”

Trump by now was in one of his rages. He was so angry that he wasn’t taking many breaths. All morning, he had been coarse and cavalier, but the next several things he bellowed went beyond that description. They stunned nearly everyone in the room, and some vowed that they would never repeat them. Indeed, they have not been reported until now.

“I wouldn’t go to war with you people,” Trump told the assembled brass.

Addressing the room, the commander in chief barked, “You’re a bunch of dopes and babies.”

For a president known for verbiage he euphemistically called “locker room talk,” this was the gravest insult he could have delivered to these people, in this sacred space. The flag officers in the room were shocked. Some staff began looking down at their papers, rearranging folders, almost wishing themselves out of the room. A few considered walking out. They tried not to reveal their revulsion on their faces, but questions raced through their minds. “How does the commander in chief say that?” one thought. “What would our worst adversaries think if they knew he said this?”

This was a president who had been labeled a “draft dodger” for avoiding service in the Vietnam War under questionable circumstances. Trump was a young man born of privilege and in seemingly perfect health: six feet two inches with a muscular build and a flawless medical record. He played several sports, including football. Then, in 1968 at age 22, he obtained a diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels that exempted him from military service just as the United States was drafting men his age to fulfill massive troop deployments to Vietnam.

Tillerson in particular was stunned by Trump’s diatribe and began visibly seething. For too many minutes, others in the room noticed, he had been staring straight, dumbfounded, at Mattis, who was speechless, his head bowed down toward the table. Tillerson thought to himself, “Gosh darn it, Jim, say something. Why aren’t you saying something?”

But, as he would later tell close aides, Tillerson realized in that moment that Mattis was genetically a Marine, unable to talk back to his commander in chief, no matter what nonsense came out of his mouth.
The more perplexing silence was from Pence, a leader who should have been able to stand up to Trump.
Instead, one attendee thought, “He’s sitting there frozen like a statue. Why doesn’t he stop the president?” Another recalled the vice president was “a wax museum guy.” From the start of the meeting, Pence looked as if he wanted to escape and put an end to the president’s torrent. Surely, he disagreed with Trump’s characterization of military leaders as “dopes and babies,” considering his son, Michael, was a Marine first lieutenant then training for his naval aviator wings. But some surmised Pence feared getting crosswise with Trump. “A total deer in the headlights,” recalled a third attendee.

Others at the table noticed Trump’s stream of venom had taken an emotional toll. So many people in that room had gone to war and risked their lives for their country, and now they were being dressed down by a president who had not. They felt sick to their stomachs. Tillerson told others he thought he saw a woman in the room silently crying. He was furious and decided he couldn’t stand it another minute. His voice broke into Trump’s tirade, this one about trying to make money off U.S. troops.

“No, that’s just wrong,” the secretary of state said. “Mr. President, you’re totally wrong. None of that is true.”

Tillerson’s father and uncle had both been combat veterans, and he was deeply proud of their service.

“The men and women who put on a uniform don’t do it to become soldiers of fortune,” Tillerson said. “That’s not why they put on a uniform and go out and die . . . They do it to protect our freedom.”

There was silence in the Tank. Several military officers in the room were grateful to the secretary of state for defending them when no one else would. The meeting soon ended and Trump walked out, saying goodbye to a group of servicemen lining the corridor as he made his way to his motorcade waiting outside. Mattis, Tillerson, and Cohn were deflated. Standing in the hall with a small cluster of people he trusted, Tillerson finally let down his guard.

“He’s a f---ing moron,” the secretary of state said of the president.

The plan by Mattis, Tillerson, and Cohn to train the president to appreciate the internationalist view had clearly backfired.

“We are living through a revolt against the future. The future will prevail.”
Anand Giridharadas
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