Israel was behind 9/11

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Re: 911 Tower 7 / Cover-up thread

Post by chiknbut »

twocoach wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:38 am
lobster wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:01 pm There's a correlation between male feminists and males who don't understand why Trump got elected. One has to be a complete lemming / idiot to believe that women are oppressed in North America. I don't need to get into this again -- it's all out there for you to research (if you want to acknowledge it). And if one is completely clueless about how great women have it in America, that person is likely going to be just as clueless about why Trump was appealing to a lot of the real men left in America. And if a person is clueless about both of those things, it's no surprise he believes the mainstream media story about 911.
Honestly,the most amusing part of all these kooky conspiracy conversations is that there is inevitably some believer touting themselves as being more intelligent and more enlightened like they have been taught something that others are simply too dumb to understand.
I don't know where you're going with this, but please limit your posts on here to Jewish chicks and lesbian soccer players, please. TIA.
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by chiknbut »

...or non-lesbian soccer players... ... gan-videos
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by chiknbut »

As a male feminist I feel obligated to post this - even though we all know the moon landing was fake. ... 1421217792
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by jhawks99 »

So, did we chase Lobster off? Tdub may have had a point that we reached the level of bullying, even if lobs brought a lot of it on himself. I hope he didn't bail on us. I'd like to hear his thoughts on the moon landing.
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by ousdahl »

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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by ousdahl »

But for real, lobster has seemed to slowly inch closer and closer to some fringe of late.

Perhaps it’s worth pointing out the similarity between him and the count/psych/Rman playbook, when they come out of seclusion to post kooky shit with dubious sources.

I admit I zoned out for some of this thread. But what was lobster’s end game? What would have not chased him off? Did he expect us all to embrace the conspiracy?
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by chiknbut »

Pretty sure Lobster's act was a schtick. He was just trying to get attention.

Which, when you look at it, is all any of us do on here.

To say people were bullying him is silly. He brought it on, failed to acknowledge anyone else's point and just kept going. He deserved to be ridiculed because he refused to consider that perhaps his opinion, you know, had flaws. And that's why I believe it was mostly an act.
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by Deleted User 89 »

PhDhawk wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:58 am Can we get back on topic and talk about how this thread is the gift that keeps giving?
like, the std kind of gift?
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by jhawks99 »

Soooo, moon landing? Yes or No?
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by chiknbut »

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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by ousdahl »

chiknbut wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:54 pm Pretty sure Lobster's act was a schtick. He was just trying to get attention.

Which, when you look at it, is all any of us do on here.

To say people were bullying him is silly. He brought it on, failed to acknowledge anyone else's point and just kept going. He deserved to be ridiculed because he refused to consider that perhaps his opinion, you know, had flaws. And that's why I believe it was mostly an act.
I think there’s a lot of truth to this. I think certain elements are also painting too broad a brush.

Sure, in a sense we’re all trying to get attention on here. But many of us make the effort at genuine dialogue - share some info, offer insight, make or counter or concede a point, or at least crack a joke. As you pointed out, lobster really didn’t. He just kept doubling down on his own narratives without addressing much else.

It reminds me of my friend’s weird conspiracy-prone mom. She was all in on the 2012 end of the world Mayan calendar shit. She would rant and preach and keep on and on, even though we would just politely nod and ask if we could go hang with her son now. After 2012 came and went without apocalypse, she just moved on to some other shit. (And certainly never offered a “my bad LOL turns out that was all kinda bonkers)

But I guess my point is, I don’t think certain folks are interested in having a dialogue. They don’t want to seek empirical understanding or objective fact. They want to embrace some fringe something just in case of, perhaps, some chance they can say they told you so.

Speaking of, I wonder what existential connection conspiracy theorists have with religious folk. Both think they’re part of some exclusive realm of understanding, they know better, and it’s like they’re crossing their fingers that they’ll be right and everyone else is wrong. So what if it don’t add up? Just think of the sense of validation they’ll get if it does!
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by pdub »

Well, I think most people, beyond conspiracy theorists and religious folks, think they are a part of some exclusive realm of understanding, they know better, and they are crossing their fingers that they'll be right and everyone else is wrong.

The people who are adamant that there is no God don't know actually.
For hundreds of years people thought that the body was made of four humors that affected physical and mental states - and it was accepted as fact - and then that went out the window.
So all the things people are so sure in believing, whether it is science, religion, or something inbetween, may end up being totally wrong or partially wrong or totally right.
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by Deleted User 266 »

I may not agree with Lobster but I can't say I think he's crazy for firmly believing what he believes. If I or others can't prove to him he's wrong - why should he accept that he's wrong if that's what he chooses to believe?
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by japhy »

There's a big difference between your private unfounded beliefs and publicly promoted conspiracy theories. My mom talks to my dad in her apartment all the time, even though he has been dead for years. We all nod our head when she tells us about it, no harm no foul. Conspiracy theory folks do and have done actual harm. They compound the grief of actual people and undermine the concept of reality. Same show different channel.
I saw the worst minds of my generation empowered by madness, bloated farcical naked,
dragging themselves through the whitewashed streets at dawn looking for a grievance fix.
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by jhawks99 »

jeepinjayhawk wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:43 pmJFC
Gutter says a lot of stuff on here that warrants a JFC, this was not one of them. When someone opens up and is vulnerable like he did, it sucks to be put down like that. It also discourages others from doing the same. Now you got me going all bleeding heart gutter.
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by Deleted User 62 »

jhawks99 wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:24 am
jeepinjayhawk wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:43 pmJFC
Gutter says a lot of stuff on here that warrants a JFC, this was not one of them. When someone opens up and is vulnerable like he did, it sucks to be put down like that. It also discourages others from doing the same. Now you got me going all bleeding heart gutter.
I shouldn't have JFC'd without explaination.

JFC, who has the time to constantly pound out 3,000 word responses dozens of times a day?
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by twocoach »

pdub wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:40 pm Well, I think most people, beyond conspiracy theorists and religious folks, think they are a part of some exclusive realm of understanding, they know better, and they are crossing their fingers that they'll be right and everyone else is wrong.

The people who are adamant that there is no God don't know actually.
For hundreds of years people thought that the body was made of four humors that affected physical and mental states - and it was accepted as fact - and then that went out the window.
So all the things people are so sure in believing, whether it is science, religion, or something inbetween, may end up being totally wrong or partially wrong or totally right.
The only thing more dangerous than an idiot is an idiot who thinks they're a genius.

I enjoy the point-counterpoint back and forth of a good conversation and debate. It's a healthy way to exercise the brain and learn new information. Many do not feel the same way and see any counterpoint made as a personal attack.
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by ousdahl »

jesus bro, quit personally attacking pdub.
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Re: Israel was behind 9/11

Post by chiknbut »

It doesn't matter to me if people speak to their long-gone loved ones at a cemetery or in their apartment or during moments of deep thought. It's how we comfort ourselves - and that's wonderful.

Hearing some religious loon, like the woman on Fox and Friends, who in a moment of self-doubt, asked God for a sign in the form of a bird flying by, and supposedly receiving it - as if God doesn't have anything better to do (you know, with wars, famine, disease, etc.) than to answer a loon's request - is what is truly awful.

As for Lobster, I go back to what I wrote earlier - he's either trolling everyone or has found a cause that makes him feel unique and special. And he's latched onto it because it makes him standout and feel important.

If he believes it, fine. I heard a guy recently talk about how the government has created dog-people hybrids as perfect military machines. Several have escaped and are living in the woods near his house. Nobody has seen or photographed any of them. But he's seen them. In this day and age, with cameras on every corner and satellite imaging, no one has seen these dog-men. But he has. He's that special.

Maybe that's Lobster.

But this is Gal Gadot.
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