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Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:53 pm
by zsn
Wow, right now it’s just the Republicans standing with Putin! And China

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:22 pm
by NewtonHawk11
Lines like crazy at ATMs in Russia. Russia economy on brink of collapse. Like I said plenty of times and it’s pretty well known knowledge. Putin has 50 people he gives reports and all that to. Lots of them are Russia’s richest people. You take their money, you get them mad and they’ll let Putin know.

This has lasted about 5 days longer than Putin imagined.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:08 pm
by KUTradition
at least he got them nazis

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:50 pm
by Cascadia

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 3:00 pm
by Qusdahl
They were threatening castration!

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:04 pm
by Qusdahl

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:54 pm
by twocoach
jfish26 wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:24 am So, the two major stories right now are: (1) Russia has ordered its nuclear forces to higher alert, and (2) a Ukrainian delegation is going to meet with a Russian delegation on the Belarus border.

Methinks these are not unrelated stories. And if I’m right, betrays Russia’s weakness.
Who would have thought that after the USSR broke up and they installed a bunch of mob leaders and scumbags to major positions of power that those thieves would start robbing from the Soviet government and stripping their military war machine for cash, leaving their military as an impotent shell of what it used to be?

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:15 pm
by Mjl
Former ambassador to Russia has a message for our boy Qus

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:25 pm
by sdoyel

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:04 pm
by Qusdahl
Mjl wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:15 pm Former ambassador to Russia has a message for our boy Qus

Heads up bro that’s some Grade-Q propaganda.

Of course the former ambassador wants to speak in terms of divides. and good and evil. There’s no context here, no understanding root causes, no diplomatic anything. And no space for face sitters! It’s Crystal fucking clear!

Just spitballing here: Biden stops acting like some boomer imperialist in a dick measuring contest and acts like the bigger person and calls Putin and says those drones will back off if those evil commie Soviets ceases fire too. Let’s not do something dumb here like world war 3.

And - since Q’s such a foreign policy expert and shit now - let’s concede parts of Ukraine for other parts of Ukraine or whatever, depending on whatever Ukraine wants to do.

But more importantly let’s all realize we’re all the same miserable assholes on this same fertile rock spinning through an episode of South Park and need to just act like it and chill out and get along for once

That, or settle it behind QT

but with nukes

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:15 pm
by Qusdahl
Also dunno why my phone autocorrect just capitalized Crystal.

Especially not after typing the term “face sitters”

I swear I haven’t been texting that many strippers.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:31 am
by KUTradition
yeah, Ukraine should just re-draw their borders because vlad is playing neighborhood bully


we should all get along now? after this aggression? after crimea? after georgia?

have you not learned anything?

hugs, kisses, and kumbaya will only embolden putin (and other world leaders cut from the same cloth) further. news flash, ousie, we’re not all gonna magically get along. there are assholes in this world, regardless of how many flowers you put in their rifle barrels.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:33 am
by KUTradition
i never woulda thought you’d side with trump and his sycophants on something like this

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:34 am
by KUTradition
SWIFT ban implemented by US and EU

google stopping all monetary transactions

fedex and ups halting service

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:24 am
by Qusdahl
I never thought you'd side with those so determined to put words in my mouth. Where have I said anything about Trump's stance on the war?

the big operative in my last post was "depending on whatever Ukraine wants to do." Let's give them some sense of self-determination, some sense of democracy! Do you disagree with that? Or do you think some outside foreign empire - whether Russia, US/Nato, or someone else - should decide for them?

I feel too for any other people who have to senselessly fight, senselessly be expected to die, senselessly be victimized by warmongering world leaders with some fucked up imperial aspirations - whether Ukraine, US, Russian, (oh and Somalia says hi...again). I still wish we could somehow de-escalate, rather than escalate further. And I have this awful feeling the US/Nato support in Ukraine the last 8 years hasn't been the de-escalating type.

Is the US President no longer the most powerful person in the world? Does he have no diplomatic anything here, and no choice but to escalate war, thus playing right into Putin's game?

What if this was more so the US's game all along?

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:33 am
by japhy
Qusdahl wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:04 pm
Mjl wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:15 pm Former ambassador to Russia has a message for our boy Qus

Just spitballing here: Biden stops acting like some boomer imperialist in a dick measuring contest and acts like the bigger person and calls Putin and says those drones will back off if those evil commie Soviets ceases fire too. Let’s not do something dumb here like world war 3.

And - since Q’s such a foreign policy expert and shit now - let’s concede parts of Ukraine for other parts of Ukraine or whatever, depending on whatever Ukraine wants to do.
And maybe we concede the red States to trump and declare him president of those so he will stop causing chaos here in the US?

Fuck appeasement.

putin is too much of a narcissist to put himself in actual danger of dying, just like his meat puppet trump. And putin can't afford to be poor, the rest of the oligarchs will roast him on a spit. They may already be discussing it in private. putin overreached. He didn't expect NATO to circle the wagons the way they have. Even the putin wing of the GQP is coming under fire for backing that whiney little pasty ass reptilian bitch putin. The GQP overreached as well. The more they publicly sober over putin's tiny dick and roll in the mud with the white supremacists the more they turn off voters. This might hurt them come election time.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:37 am
by Qusdahl
AGAIN, I condemn Putin's hostility here. It's awful. I condemn the hostility of the last 8 years in Ukraine as well, even if much of it has been a US proxy war. Is that allowed? Or am I only allowed to pick a side in the war, without being opposed to the war itself?

I'm giving the Ukrainian people a lot of credit here. They're apparently fighting their asses off. I'm giving the Russian people some credit here too - not Putin or the Russian oligarch warmongers - but the Russian people. There have been reports of thousands of arrests of protesters in Russia. So despite their authoritarian gummint, they still feel strongly enough to speak up against it and its hostility, even if it means being arrested.

So where's all the US people protesting the war?

With that said, and just cuz I'm tired of everyone skewing my stance: if anyone else is willing to actually exercise our right to peaceful assembly, and protest the fuck out of this war, I will gladly meet up with you anywhere in the lower 48*, and take to the streets to protest right alongside you. I'll bring a big sign and wear my tie dye peace shirt and everything!


*except for Missouri

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:53 am
by Qusdahl
This one’s making the rounds. I don’t even know if it’s real! The disinformation right now is almost as scary as the fighting itself.

Perhaps we should have some big introspective discussion on propaganda, but that’s a tough discussion to have.

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:58 am
by Qusdahl
Speaking of propaganda…

Re: Let’s have a war!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:03 am
by TDub
is this Q's lobster moment?

I agree the amount of wrong information and propaganda is astounding. I agree none of us know the truths about 98% of this.

But, this approach of defending the aggressor by way of slandering and generalizing the attacked is......odd. The entrenched stance in the face of potentially more reliable information is....lobster like.