Totally random thread

Coffee talk.
Deleted User 183

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 183 »

Have a date Wednesday night. She makes my ex look like Janet Reno.
Deleted User 89

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 89 »

go get it, gutter
Deleted User 89

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 89 »

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Re: Totally random thread

Post by kubandalum »

The article’s photo definitely does not help the group’s cause.
“When you think of the good old days, think one word: dentistry.” — P.J. O’Rourke
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by kubandalum »

“When you think of the good old days, think one word: dentistry.” — P.J. O’Rourke
Deleted User 183

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 183 »

Had a very happily married woman reach out to me last night.
She wrote me one of the kindest messages I have ever received. Amazing how some people who are nothing more than casual friends can express themselves in a positive manner and willingly want to tell others that they are important to them while there are also those you love who are nasty people who shit all over you.

You all suck and I hate you.
Just kidding! I consider this place to be somewhere that I can come to escape and read what my KU brothers and sisters have to say - and respond if I am so inclined.
Thanks kids for being you!
Deleted User 89

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 89 »

good for you, gutter

i had a similar experience yesterday, though with my new sister in-law

feels good
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by ousdahl »

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Re: Totally random thread

Post by ousdahl »

but for real let’s get this thread back on topic!

one of the things I’ve never understood is, if every evil wizard ever came from Slytherin, then why even have Slytherin?
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by kubandalum »

“When you think of the good old days, think one word: dentistry.” — P.J. O’Rourke
Deleted User 75

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 75 »

Bad ass.
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by KU1214 »

Gutter...hope the date went well yesterday!
Deleted User 183

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 183 »

It did 1214. Thank you for your kind words!
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by NewtonHawk11 »

“I don’t remember anything he said, but it was a very memorable speech.” Julian Wright on a speech Michael Jordan gave to a group he was in

"But don’t ever get it twisted, it’s Rock Chalk forever." MG
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Re: Totally random thread

Post by KU1214 »

Awesome. I am glad to hear it.

Happy Valentine's Day you and to everyone here!
Deleted User 104

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 104 »

So... I've got about 35,000 emails in my gmail account. Like the federal deficit, I feel I've gotten myself into a hole that is too big to recover from. Part of me wants to delete them all and just be done with it. Another part of me knows I will regret this, as there are many important messages and memories in that box.
Deleted User 183

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 183 »

Deleted User 75

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 75 »

Deleted User 183

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 183 »

I have a co-worker who is "sick" at least 3 days a month and often it's been 4 or 5 days.
Meaning I am not exaggerating when I say he very possibly may take 50 "sick days" a year.
Always emails in the morning that he is not coming in to work because he's nauseous, has a bad headache, whatever.
It affects those who he works with because they ultimately have to cover for him and do his work - which takes them away from their job and responsibilities.
This has been going on for a couple of years. No repercussions.
Now if he truly does have medical conditions - then why hasn't it been established by him and his supervisor to his fellow co-workers that it's understood and accepted he will be taking MANY "sick days" each month?
His department's employees are really fed up with it and don't understand why he is allowed to get away with this seemingly without repercussion/s.
So.... Am I the bad guy who has to go HR and the managing directors and ultimately tell them they need to bring him, his supervisor, and his co-workers together - and I have to say this is bull-shit and it has to stop?
Deleted User 75

Re: Totally random thread

Post by Deleted User 75 »

Yes. You should.
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