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Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:38 pm
by japhy
I liked the part where trumpty, after saying Kamala "just turned black", suggested that "someone should look into this".

I looked into it. Kamala has been black longer than trumpty dumpy has been a "Republican" and longer than he has been a "Christian".

He's a charmer, and he gets older and weirder by the day. At least he didn't talk about Hannibal Lector or fucking his own daughter in the part that I watched.


I like how this photo captures the scene after the interview. Hunching over and staring slack jawed at the crowd while the interviewers walk off stage.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:46 pm
by jfish26
japhy wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:38 pm I liked the part where trumpty, after saying Kamala "just turned black", suggested that "someone should look into this".

I looked into it. Kamala has been black longer than trumpty dumpy has been a "Republican" and longer than he has been a "Christian".

He's a charmer, and he gets older and weirder by the day. At least he didn't talk about Hannibal Lector or fucking his own daughter in the part that I watched.


I like how this photo captures the scene after the interview. Hunching over and staring slack jawed at the crowd while the interviewers walk off stage.
And. Yet.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:49 pm
by twocoach
Please let today be known as the beginning of the death spiral of Trumpism.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:15 pm
by Back2Lawrence
jfish26 wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:24 pm
Shirley wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:44 pm Trump comes out swinging:


Trump appearing live at the Convention for Black Journalists.
The word "yikes" gets thrown around a lot these days...
I’m 4:39 in…holy shit this is gold! Does it get better (worse)?????

Fucking YIkes fish. This is the yikesliest, thus far. Yikely!

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:31 pm
by jhawks99
He whines a lot. He comments on Kamala are super-weird. Then his team cuts things short.

Harris Faulkner seems to like him and tries to throw him a life raft a few times.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:51 pm
by Overlander
The man never answered ONE FUCKING QUESTION.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:56 pm
by jfish26
Overlander wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:51 pm The man never answered ONE FUCKING QUESTION.
Oh he answered a great many questions.

They just weren't the ones asked.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:58 pm
by jfish26
Harris campaign must get this. Trump's comments may be outrageous. But the real significance is he's going down this path because in ten days his lead national AND across swing states has vaporized. Desperate and panicked. And she won't take her foot off the back of his neck. ... q_-8Yt1KMA

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:00 pm
by japhy
James Davenport Vance is the gift that just keeps giving.
An old interview clip featuring JD Vance has resurfaced shortly after Simone Biles made history at the Paris 2024 Olympics, in which the potential vice president criticized the media’s response towards her withdrawal from the Tokyo Olympics.

On Tuesday, July 31, the 27-year-old athlete became the most decorated gymnast in American history after the women’s US gymnastics team scored gold during the all-around finals. The victory marked a comeback for Biles, who withdrew from the last summer Olympics in 2021 due to her mental health.

Following her withdrawal from the competition, Vance appeared on Fox News’ Outnumbered in July 2021, where he called out the media for supporting Biles during her “weakest moment.”

“It’s understandable that she was going through an incredible amount of pressure,” the Ohio senator said at the time. “What I find so weird about this – and it reflects on the media more than it does on Simone Biles – is that we’ve tried to turn a very tragic moment, Simone Biles quitting the Olympic team, into this act of heroism.

“And I think it reflects pretty poorly on our sort of therapeutic society that we try to praise people not for moments of strength, not for moments of heroism, but for their weakest moments.”

Vance continued: “Being an athlete at that level is incredibly tough. A normal response in this moment would be to say: ‘It’s just a shame that she’s going through this. It’s a shame that she quit.’ But instead, what our press has done, I think, is turn this into this weird therapeutic moment. ‘Let’s praise her for doing this.’ And I think that’s really where the problem herein lies.”

In 2021, Biles pulled out of the women’s all-around gymnastics competition to focus on her mental health, after suffering from a condition known as the “twisties”. The phenomenon, typically experienced by gymnasts, involves losing control mid-air and feeling unable to land the move, creating a high-risk and dangerous situation. Biles has previously described the twisties as being “lost in the air,” likening the uncomfortable experience to being unable to drive while at the wheel in a car.

However, that all went away during Tuesday’s all-around team final, when Biles scored her eighth Olympic medal – becoming the most decorated gymnast in the US and the fifth-most decorated female Olympic gymnast in the world.
I love that James Davenport splains the difference between "normal" and "weird" for the four women on the show with him. James Davenport loves him some heroes who pulls themselves up by bootstraps, especially Peter Thiel's boots. And then lick them boots afterwards.

James Davenport Vance seems to have an issue with women,

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:48 pm
by jhawks99
James Davenport the sofa king.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:30 pm
by japhy
In the plus column for trumpty plumpty's cognitive ability today, he did seem to know he is running against Kamala and not Biden during that interview.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:56 pm
by Sparko
Train wreck. I knew Trump when he identified as a human baby. Have no idea what is under the sheet. Rosemary's Nazi.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:47 am
by japhy
James Davenport is a guy who loves him some good humor. Nuthin more funny to this backwoods country boy from Yale than a good old fashioned race based joke.

It's just locker room talk.
J.D. Vance has described the furore set off by Donald Trump’s comments on Kamala Harris’ racial identity as “hysterical,” while blaming the media for “overreacting” in the hours since.

Republican vice presidential candidate Vance was among those to support Trump, telling reporters aboard his campaign plane while en route to a campaign rally in Arizona: “I frankly just think it’s hysterical how much the media is overreacting to it,” Vance said, according to The Hill.

The 39-year-old is married to Usha Chilukuri Vance, who, while raised in San Diego, is the daughter of Indian immigrants. She is a Yale law graduate and trial lawyer. The couple have three children: Ewan, Vivek and Mirabel.

NOTUS, who first reported Vance’s comments, added the Ohio senator labelled Harris a “chameleon.”

“The president doesn’t do scripted B.S. stuff,” Vance said. “He actually goes into hostile audiences, he answers tough questions, he pushes back against them, but he actually answers them, and how nice it is to have an American leader who’s not afraid to go into hostile places and actually answer some tough questions.

“So what he said, I thought it was hysterical. I think he pointed out the fundamental chameleon-like nature of Kamala Harris,” Vance continued. “She’s flip-flopped on every issue. She’s fake. She’s phony. And I think our whole campaign is going to have a very fun time pointing that out. And it sounds like the president kicked us off in stride.”
James Davenport Vance referring to someone as a "chameleon", "fake" and a "phony" is just straight talk by someone who would know about that stuff. How long before James Davenport follows his hero into divorce court?

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:17 pm
by Sparko
He'll take that divorce before Project 2025 makes them illegal.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:03 am
by KUTradition
per NY Times:

Mr. Trump also amplified posts from Laura Loomer, a right-wing activist, who had posted copies of Ms. Harris’s birth certificate and had spread false accusations that Ms. Harris has lied about her race.

again with the birther nonsense? sure seems rather flail-y to me

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:11 am
by DeletedUser
KUTradition wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:03 am per NY Times:

Mr. Trump also amplified posts from Laura Loomer, a right-wing activist, who had posted copies of Ms. Harris’s birth certificate and had spread false accusations that Ms. Harris has lied about her race.

again with the birther nonsense? sure seems rather flail-y to me
And like has been said, it does NOTHING to gain the votes they actually need. They can't help themselves.

They are so screwed Biden dropped out. Trump was going to beat Biden, I think. He's going to have his hands full with Harris. Still going to be close.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:14 am
by KUTradition
i said early on that Harris may end up with relative landslide of a win

team trump, rather than stopping the bleeding, seems to be only opening it wider. it’s hard to see how they aren’t shedding votes weekly, if not daily

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:16 am
by japhy
The media narrative has been all about Kamala and the love she is getting for a couple of weeks. trumpty dumpty had to throw some flaming bags of shit all over to get some attention. It's what those weird people do. It seems counter intuitive to normal folks. But we can't really see things from the perspective of a malignant narcissist, and that is a healthy thing.

A sad weird little man. Imagine the tantrums his family has to endure when he fades into obscurity and no one is interested in hearing his nonsense.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:36 am
by ousdahl
With Biden on the ticket, Trump was relatively subdued, making lower-risk comments about Biden’s age, and allowing the drama to come from infighting amongst dems. It was almost like his handlers had finally reigned him in.

But now, he’s again appealing to his, and his base’s, worst instincts.

Re: trumpty plumpty

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:40 am
by jhawks99
japhy wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:16 am The media narrative has been all about Kamala and the love she is getting for a couple of weeks. trumpty dumpty had to throw some flaming bags of shit all over to get some attention. It's what those weird people do. It seems counter intuitive to normal folks. But we can't really see things from the perspective of a malignant narcissist, and that is a healthy thing.

A sad weird little man. Imagine the tantrums his family has to endure when he fades into obscurity and no one is interested in hearing his nonsense.
Probably time to lock up the ketchup.