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Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:39 pm
by pdub
And now you're scouring google trying to quickly read some articles to send me that 'prove' your point.

Were there employees at Twitter that probably weren't worth what they were being paid?
For sure.
Were they useless?
Is Musk going to be successful at 'fixing' Twitter?
Does the fact that Twitter is working currently have anything to do with those fired employees?
Is that Rugg guy a fuckwad?
Was sharing that tweet completely doused in ignorance?

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:43 pm
by KUTradition

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:43 pm
by StayCurious
Twitter will be fine. The brand is just too big. Musk had already made it much better. It doesn't need a few woke people to survive. Netflix fired most of their diversity team because it was hurting their bottom line. Netflix didn't fold.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:48 pm
by pdub
Do I agree with Musk when it comes to changing the practice of silencing opposing opinions on a platform as integrated into society as Twitter?


Do I think Twitter will be fine?
Not so sure. They've taken huge hits in their main stream of revenue, advertisers.
The advertisers who have left so far spent over 750 million dollars this year.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:50 pm
by UnholyLivingDead
StayCurious wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:43 pm Twitter will be fine. The brand is just too big. Musk had already made it much better. It doesn't need a few woke people to survive. Netflix fired most of their diversity team because it was hurting their bottom line. Netflix didn't fold.
I'm curious, how has he made it much better? Because I use Twitter daily/frequently for both work and personal use and haven't noticed a single difference either way.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:54 pm
by StayCurious
UnholyLivingDead wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:50 pm
StayCurious wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:43 pm Twitter will be fine. The brand is just too big. Musk had already made it much better. It doesn't need a few woke people to survive. Netflix fired most of their diversity team because it was hurting their bottom line. Netflix didn't fold.
I'm curious, how has he made it much better? Because I use Twitter daily/frequently for both work and personal use and haven't noticed a single difference either way.
Improving free speech.
Removing the "misinformation policy" on covid, which was actually spreading misinformation.
Exposing prior bias on Twitter (interfering with elections).
Reinstating banned accounts.

All great news if you believe in being American.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:56 pm
by pdub
He's going to say something like "Musk didn't give in to the woke blah blah blah finally people who know the truth have a voice again".

I don't think letting anti-vaxxers on the platform make it better at all.
But I do think it is the right/responsibility, when it comes to something as big as Twitter, to allow that shit to spew, as unfortunate as it is.
Silencing won't solve anything.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:57 pm
by pdub
"All great news if you believe in being American."

I got pretty close.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:58 pm
by UnholyLivingDead
StayCurious wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:54 pm
UnholyLivingDead wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:50 pm
StayCurious wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:43 pm Twitter will be fine. The brand is just too big. Musk had already made it much better. It doesn't need a few woke people to survive. Netflix fired most of their diversity team because it was hurting their bottom line. Netflix didn't fold.
I'm curious, how has he made it much better? Because I use Twitter daily/frequently for both work and personal use and haven't noticed a single difference either way.
Improving free speech.
Removing the "misinformation policy" on covid, which was actually spreading misinformation.
Exposing prior bias on Twitter (interfering with elections).
Reinstating banned accounts.

All great news if you believe in being American.
Well since I:

1. Am pretty sure the First Amendment of the Constitution doesn't apply to Twitter's terms and conditions


2. Don't immerse myself in Twitter content from people I don't care for or about

I guess it would make since that I haven't noticed any difference to the way the site operates.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:01 pm
by CrimsonNBlue
Buncha fucking weirdos in here. Decent chance the police are interested in this thread at some point.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:02 pm
by StayCurious
Sounds like a win win. Things haven't changed for you, and others have benefited.

First amendment doesn't apply, true. But with great power comes great responsibility. Trying to brainwash people with one side is being very irresponsible.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:04 pm
by UnholyLivingDead
You have the ability to curate it to where you can get the info you want and none of the nonsense. I guess I just lean a little more on free will and personal accountability. If you don't like it, don't use it.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:05 pm
by CrimsonNBlue

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:06 pm
by StayCurious
"I don't think letting anti-vaxxers on the platform make it better at all."

Yeah, that exactly what they were. Anyone who questioned the effectiveness or safety was "anti-vax".

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:15 pm
by randylahey
Tesla really fell apart after elon musk bought it too... lol

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:15 pm
by randylahey
Would love to see what he could do with the white house

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:16 pm
by pdub
I agree Twitter's moderation went overboard there.
But letting you and randy lose on these boreds posting baseless uncorroborated hot takes is in a nut shell of what I'm trying to say.
I don't think it makes the boreds better but there is a responsibility if you want to stick to an ethos.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:23 pm
by ousdahl
randylahey wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:15 pm Would love to see what he could do with the white house
Controversial business ethics…multiple failed marriages…sexual misconduct hush money…doesn’t pay taxes…shady ties to Russia…cult-like fanbase…hair plugs…have we seen this one before?

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:24 pm
by RainbowsandUnicorns
StayCurious wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:54 pm
UnholyLivingDead wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:50 pm
StayCurious wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:43 pm Twitter will be fine. The brand is just too big. Musk had already made it much better. It doesn't need a few woke people to survive. Netflix fired most of their diversity team because it was hurting their bottom line. Netflix didn't fold.
I'm curious, how has he made it much better? Because I use Twitter daily/frequently for both work and personal use and haven't noticed a single difference either way.
Improving free speech.
Removing the "misinformation policy" on covid, which was actually spreading misinformation.
Exposing prior bias on Twitter (interfering with elections).
Reinstating banned accounts.

All great news if you believe in being American.
I believe in being American but please help me to understand how your logic is "great news if you believe in being American.

"Improving free speech"? How is it "improving free speech" when you allow bad people to spew blatant lies, xenophobia, racism, homophobia, etc., etc.?

Ok, you had an issue with people not being allowed to spread misinformation - because you feel by doing as such people were actually spreading misinformation. So.... By "removing the misinformation policy" you think that's going to eliminate misinformation? It wasn't ok before for people at Twitter to decide what was and wasn't considered misinformation in their eyes and minds - but now it is ok?

Exposing prior bias in Twitter "Interfering with elections".
I 100% agree there was a bias but wasn't that an example of "free speech"? So you have a problem with free speech when it doesn't adhere to what you believe in and support? So now it's ok for Republicans/Conservatives to do what you would fault in Democrats/Liberals for doing?

Reinstating banned accounts.
I was against the banning of many/most of the accounts that were banned. That being said, let's be honest. People were often warned and continued to purposely push the envelope. People wanted to get banned and wore it as a badge of honor. I have no problem with some/many/most banned users being allowed back but let's say they start tweeting horrible things - at what point is something considered "free speech" and at what point is it truly unlawful/harmful and worthy of banishment? So what does one have to say/do to get banned? Nothing is worthy of banishment? If so, sorry, I feel free speech or not, that's a dangerous slope.

Re: Facebook, Google, et al

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:28 pm
by KUTradition