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Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:20 am
by Deleted User 183
1) * EDITED If KU was/were not the Jayhawks, what would you want KU to be?

2) Have you murdered (define "murdered" as you choose) more than 3 animals?

3) Do you believe that God and/or Satan has an influence on people's behavior/s?

4) Assuming we play a 12 game "regular" season, what will KU Football's record be next season?
Here is our 2019 schedule

5) Two parter.
First name (Bill/Sally/Chip/Moshawanafa/whatever) of the person or the title (father/cousin/aunt/whatever) of the person you are.....
a) Most looking looking forward to seeing tomorrow for Thanksgiving.
b) Least looking forward to seeing tomorrow for Thanksgiving.

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:52 am
by Deleted User 183
My answers......

1) Pickled Herrings, Free States, Kanze, or Astras. If I have to pick one I'll go with Astras.

2) No

3) I don't know if I believe in God and/or Satan but if I do - then yes.

4) 5-7 but I'm sure hoping at least 6-6.

A) As much as I allow her to make me batshit crazy and she is batshit crazy - Mom.
B) If abstaining is an option I'll choose abstain. If not - Peter.
Ok, so there really isn't anyone named Peter who will be there.
I'm going to keep my B answer to myself.

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:29 am
by Deleted User 89
1) * EDITED If KU was/were not the Jayhawks, what would you want KU to be?
how about Jayhawkers? back to the

2) Have you murdered (define "murdered" as you choose) more than 3 animals?
yes...everyone has
flies, mosquitos, ticks, etc...

3) Do you believe that God and/or Satan has an influence on people's behavior/s?
i believe the THOUGHT of god/satan does so

4) Assuming we play a 12 game "regular" season, what will KU Football's record be next season?

5) Two parter.
First name (Bill/Sally/Chip/Moshawanafa/whatever) of the person or the title (father/cousin/aunt/whatever) of the person you are.....
i'm seeing people i see on a regular basis, so it's a push for everyone

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:59 am
by NewtonHawk11
1. No clue. But would have a feeling it would be something about tornadoes or something dumb like that. Glad it is the Jayhawks though.

2. Agree with Trad. Flies, Mosquitos, Ticks, Ants, Spiders, etc.

3. Yes.

4. 5-7. Home schedule is favorable. 7 home games and road games aren't too bad with BC, TCU, ISU, oSu, UT. Can probably steal 1 game there. And win 4 at home between Ind St, Coastal Car, ksu, TT, WV, kstate, Baylor. There's a chance KU could go 6-6. The young guys on this team are special. Granted a lot of seniors leaving, but the young talent is undeniably there.

5. Just hanging out with my side of the family. Sister and boyfriend flying in, but just saw her this summer, so it's just another kind of day for me. Christmas will be a different story though.

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:26 am
by Deleted User 89
i almost went with 5-7

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:32 am
by PhDhawk
1. Chesty Lions
2. No, murder applies to other humans, and when I've killed mosquitos it's been warfare, killing for food is also not murder.
3. No. Free Will.
4. 4-8
5. I'm hoping to not have to see anyone besides my wife (and dogs)

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:42 am
by ousdahl
1. the Gayhawks...just to smack back at Jack
2. take it to the BBQ thread
3. only in like a placebo way, which can still be a powerful way. (do I think God told W to start wars? No, but don't doubt that W totally believed so)
3. 13-0 national champs woo! Or is it 14 with the conference championship? meh whatever, let's just try to suck less
5. I'm not sure what this one's about, so I'll just say: break up with her.

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:17 am
by jhawks99
1) Anything but wildcats, tigers, or bulldogs how unoriginal can you get? Free Staters would be cool.
2) If bugs count as animals, yeah.
3) I believe we have free will.
4) 5-7 would be an excellent start.
5) Just my wife and youngest daughter. I'm happy to cook T-Day dinner for both of them.

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:27 am
by NewtonHawk11
jhawks99 wrote: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:17 am 1) Anything but wildcats, tigers, or bulldogs how unoriginal can you get? Free Staters would be cool.
2) If bugs count as animals, yeah.
3) I believe we have free will.
4) 5-7 would be an excellent start.
5) Just my wife and youngest daughter. I'm happy to cook T-Day dinner for both of them.
Yeah 5-7 would be excellent. That was my guess. Solely based on schedule and the fact that a coach who is one of the most successful in CFB history is on the sidelines. Not a guy who only had HC experience in Texas HS football. That will make a difference. The level of toughness and swagger that Miles brings to the team will be invaluable.

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:35 am
by DrPepper
1. Free Staters is great. If not that, something unique and meaningful
2. Yes, I have killed animals. No, it has not been unlawful.
3. I believe there is ‘influence,’ but we ultimately have free will.
4. Dunno
5. I’m looking forward to seeing everybody.

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:52 pm
by Deleted User 83
1. The Kansas Wizards of Oz
2. Other than bugs, none
3. Lol, absolutely not
4. 6 wins
5. Not seeing anyone tomorrow because I will be working. :(

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:37 pm
by kubandalum
1. Redlegs

They were the Jayhawkers Quantrill feared most.

Re: Gutter's 5 Super Short But Not So Easy Questions of the Day 11/21/18

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:41 pm
by NewtonHawk11
kubandalum wrote: Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:37 pm 1. Redlegs

They were the Jayhawkers Quantrill feared most.
Still love how they busted those red socks anytime KU played Missouri. Just perfect.