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Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:43 am
by Deleted User 289
Have to get ready for work so I am in a hurry.

1) Do you drink coffee in the morning? If so, what type/kind/brand and what if anything do you put in it?

2) Name something you own/possess that has very little monetary value but has a lot of meaning/value to you - other than a person, a photograph, or something a child created for you.

3) Have you ever been "pulled over" (in a car/truck, on a motorcycle, on a bicycle, or on foot) by the police and accused of something you 100% did NOT do? A yes or no answer suffices but if you would care to elaborate - please do.

4) Umbrellas. On a scale of 0-100 (0 being the WORST of all time and 100 being the BEST of all time) rank how bad/good of an invention the/an umbrella is/was.

5) Without giving it too much thought, if you could only listen to one song today (and listen to it as many times as you would like) what song would you choose?

Re: Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:26 am
by pdub
1. Starbucks Pike Place or Peets dark roast depending on what’s on sale. Very small amount of vanilla soy creamer or black.
2. Half dollar coin from my Grandfather
3. Yes. And fought in court-judge compromised and cut my ticket cost in half.
4. 63
5. Explosions in the Sky - First Breath After Coma

Re: Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:36 am
by Leawood
1. I am allowed a half a cup a day. Black.
2. Manual typewriters my Dad used. Still functional and there is still a place in KC that tunes them up.
3. No. I always deserved being pulled over.
4. 50. Unless I need to be somewhere presentable, I like being out in the rain.
5. Nick Lowe: “I knew the Bride (when she used to rock and roll).

Re: Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:37 am
by TDub
1. Folgers, Black
2. My Grandfathers WWII dog tags
3. Yes.
4. 4. Only 2 things melt in the rain, sugar and shit. We aint sweet
5. Cody Jinks : Cast No Stones

Re: Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:00 am
by Deleted User 310
1. No
2. The 3 golf balls I've gotten hole in ones with.
3. Yes. In high school.
4. 62
5. No clue.

Re: Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:05 am
by jhawks99
1) Not every day. I roast my own green beans from Sweet Maria's.
2) I have cast iron skillets from my aunt and grandmother.
3) No
4) 75, although I never use them
5) Althea

Re: Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:52 am
by Deleted User 289
1) Yes. I switch off. Not a coffee snob and I am sacrilegious because I have a Keurig and us K-Cups. Often I put a little bit of International Delight Caramel Macchiato Creamer in the coffee.

2) Pass for now. On second thought, any one of my 30+ 2016 Cubs World Series Individually Autographed Baseballs. Including ones from Theo, Tom Ricketts, Eddie Vedder, The Mayor, Ronnie Woo Woo and other non Cubs players.

3) Yes, numerous times. Too many to list individually at the moment.

4) 5. In Chicago it's usually windy when it rains. Umbrellas do little good in a strong wind.

5) No idea. I'm just going to say Happy birthday. It's NOT my birthday.

Re: Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:04 am
by defixione
Starbucks espresso with half and half

My MA degree from KU in 2001 at 50 years old.



Aria from "La Wally"

Re: Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:46 pm
by PhDhawk
1. No
2. Can't think of anything
3. No - But I was with my brother when he got pulled over during the day for driving with his bright lights on and had a gun pulled on him.
4. 53
5. Dance of the Clairvoyants - Pearl Jam.

Re: Grandma's 5 Quick Questions for 6/22/20

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 1:43 pm
by ousdahl
1. Every day. Black as my soul when I started the unholy hoops thread. I usually get whatever’s on sale at the store. Caribou, Stumptown, and World something are my favorites, but I’m not loyal to a brand so much as I am to WHOLE BEAN. Grind it fresh.
2. This ones tough. I just randomly say this spatula I got from Ikea. It was only like 3 dollars, but it was the best size and shape and design for any spatula. Quesadillas, ye be warned.
3. Not me personally but this guy I know in high school showed up to a party with underage drinking. Before this guy has a single sip, the cops show up. While underage drinkers flee and cops give chase, this guy just sits calmly on the porch. After a couple minutes and everyone clears out, this guy casually gets up and walks down the street to get in his car and leave. A cop yells, “FREEZE!” The guy freezes. GET DOWN ON THE GROUND! The guy gets down. YOU’RE UNDER ARREST! The cop runs up and cuffs him. Under arrest for what? MINOR IN POSSESSION, DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, AND RESISTING ARREST! When I jumped over the fence chasing you, my radio fell off my belt and broke, so I’m blaming you and arresting you for it.” But officer, I just got here! I was sitting on the porch while you chased everyone else, then once everyone cleared out, I got up and walked away. Please, give me a breathalyzer, I’ll blow zeros, you’ve got the wrong guy. After a lot of back and forth and a bunch of zeros on a breathalyzer, the cop took the cuffs off and told me I mean the guy to go home
4. Meh. (I guess that’s prob like low 20s)
5. “Come on baby let’s go down town” by Neil Young