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Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/9/20

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 7:19 am
by Deleted User 289
1. When was the last time you rode a horse?

2. Assuming you like ice cream, what is your favorite "flavor"? If you can't pick a favorite - what is one you are a big fan of?

3. Yesterday I saw (I seen? - no) a woman who was wearing clothes that were about 10 sizes too small for her. I have no idea how she was able to fit in to them. I am someone who likes to say to each their own but I often have a difficult time understanding why people choose to dress the way they do.
Do you recall the last time (if ever) you either insulted or complimented a "stranger" (to their face) for their attire?

4. You go to a store an hour after reading this question and you can buy ONE of the following to eat/drink immediately. Which do you choose?








5. Do you own a pair of Jordan shoes?

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/9/20

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 8:49 am
by Deleted User 310
1. 25ish years ago.

2. Neopolitan is up there. So is mint chocolate chip.

3. No.

4. I'd like to say apple, but I'd probably go cheetos.

5. No.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/9/20

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:01 am
by Deleted User 289
1. 25ish years ago
2. In my freezer - Carmel Cone. At an ice cream place - Maybe coffee?
3. Yes, about 10 days ago. Told a guy I liked his shoes.
4. D - Give me a weiner! That's what she said!
5. Yes. If I had to guess an exact number - I would say 12 pairs. Give or take a couple.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/9/20

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:07 am
by jhawks99
1) When the kids were little
2) It's pretty rare that I eat ice cream. But if I gotta, a really good natural vanilla
3) Never
4) D, as long as there's no ketchup involved
5) No

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/9/20

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:43 am
by pdub
1. 10-12 years ago?
2. Vanilla Bean - what 99 said
3. I have said nice shirt within the last 1/2 year to someone wearing KU/KC gear
4. Haven't had lunch - so let's do f
5. No

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/9/20

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:08 am
by TDub
1. Last weekend
2. Vanilla
3. No
4. Cheetos
5. Yes.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/9/20

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:59 pm
by ousdahl
1. Like 4 summers ago
2. Mint chocolate chip...but shout out to pistachio, walnut, huckleberry, or any sort of chocolate chocolate chip overload
3. It’s fun to wait until a stripper is bare ass naked then say something like, “ I like your outfit! Do you get to pick your own uniform or does your employer issue that to you?”
4. Salad...mmm fiber
5. Nope

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 7/9/20

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:39 pm
by zsn
1. Too long ago to remember
2. Mint chocolate chip, but also others, butter pecan, rum-raisin, mocha
3. Met this one Italian guy on a plane last fall. He had on a sports coat but it was only on the outer shell. The inside had a zipper and the coat itself was lined. Complemented him on how it fit and looked. I thought it was really cool, and would love to have one like that.
4. Salad
5. No