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Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:47 am
by Deleted User 289
1) If you had to vote today - without knowing who Biden's VP candidate/running mate will be - would you vote for Biden, Trump, someone else, or abstain?

2) Many many years ago my mother was a teacher. My aunt was as well. They had students with interesting names. Perhaps the most interesting one was - Female.
Pronounced Fah Ma Lee. (Not Fem Ah Lee).
What is an interesting name of someone who you actually know?

3) For many years you have had a friend who is a member of the opposite sex (or same sex if you are gay) that you find highly attractive but your relationship is/was 100% platonic. You don't have a significant other and this person did but recently ended their relationship/marriage. You go out to dinner and/or for a few cocktails with this person. They get a little drunk and open up to you about their sexual history and likes and desires. You are unsure if they are doing as such because they are looking to "hook up". The person then asks you what your "fantasies" are. You start to share them and the person seems genuinely interested. Then all of a sudden a waitress comes to your table and interrupts the conversation. The waitress leaves and the person you are with asks you a question that has ZERO to do with what you were talking about before you were interrupted.
Do you.....
a) Go back to the conversation and ask the person flat out if they want to leave and go fuck.
b) See how the rest of evening goes and then initiate a kiss followed by whatever else may or may not happen.
c) Ask the person why they felt the need/desire to start the conversation.
d) Forget/Ignore that you ever had the conversation.
e) Excuse yourself and go to the Mens/Ladies Room and masturbate.
f) Something other that a, b, c, d, or e

4. Which statement do you feel is the most accurate for YOU?
The Bible is.......
a) The original book of laws.
b) The most important book in the world.
c) The best NON fiction book in the world.
d) The best fiction book in the world.
d) Utter bull-shit.
e) Not a good door stop.
f) My (your) favorite book.
g) Interesting.
h) Boring.
i) Don't know, never read more than a chapter or two.
j) The most uniting book in the world.
k) The most divisive book in the world.
l) A lovely book but would be more enjoyable if Harry Potter was one of the characters.

5. I have asked this one many years ago but I think it's a decent one to ponder.
I have read that there are more stars in the solar system than there are grains of sand on Earth.
Do you believe that to be true or false?

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:58 am
by ousdahl
1. We’ve been over this. I’m writing in Bill Self.
2. gutter. But it’s actually pronounced gho-t-hire
3. e (then order another round, keep the conversation momentum going, and playfully circle back to talkin dirty)
4. l
5. False, considering the book in question 4 told me the earth is flat.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:01 am
by ousdahl
Which gospel was it, anyway, where Jesus and Harry fight Lucifer and Voldemort?

It was either The Book of Luke, or The Prizoner Of Azkaban

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:03 am
by ousdahl
If there’s one thing both books have in common though, it’s that both authors hate trannies?

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:51 am
by Deleted User 289
1. Reluctantly Biden. I have expressed before that I have a difficult time "supporting" someone I prefer not be my President but I'll do whatever it legally takes to get Donald out.

2. Too many to choose between so I will go with Gutter. If I can't choose Gutter I'll go with Lemone.

3. I have no idea but I think C may be the best option.

4. I would say D but I can't prove it and I don't want to offend anyone. Therefore, I'll go with E.

5. False. Think of all the deserts, oceans, etc., on this planet. I don't give a damn how big the solar system is, I believe there are more grains of sand than stars.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:57 am
by defixione
1) Biden
2) Bemo. I can't remember his full name, but this is the shortened version we 6th graders came up with.
3) The waitress would not be able to interrupt our conversation.
4) m--the most misunderstood and least researched collection of writings by those who use it to justify their actions against other humans. Most bible thumpers know more about their investment portfolio and the lives of Hollywood stars than they do about the evolution of these manuscripts.
5) Sounds legit, but can they all be put on the head of a pin?

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:02 am
by ousdahl
On a related note, I’ve also heard we know and understand and have discovered more about outer space than we have about the bottom of the oceans...

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:06 am
by TDub
1. Someone else or no one
2. Went to school with a hippie chick named "Rainwater Sunshine Thomas"
3. B
4. A combination of those. There are some relevant interesting and important lessons in there for aways to act as a good human. But there is a whole lot of terrible in there too....proof that it is the work of man and not an omnipotent, forgiving being.
5. Absolutely true. 100 percent guaranteed. We cannot even fathom the amount of galaxies in the ever expanding infinite universe, bor the number of stars in each of those galaxies.

In short, however big the number of grains of sand there are it IS finite. Stars are potential an infinite number if the universe is truly infinite.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:07 am
by TDub
ousdahl wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:02 am On a related note, I’ve also heard we know and understand and have discovered more about outer space than we have about the bottom of the oceans...
about a very very very very tiny billionth of a percent of space. We know nothing.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:49 am
by Deleted User 310
1. Reluctantly Biden
2. Jihad (they changed his name to George when he was it is just G)
3. I dont know
4. A and/or i
5. True

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:59 am
by zsn
TDub wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:07 am
ousdahl wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:02 am On a related note, I’ve also heard we know and understand and have discovered more about outer space than we have about the bottom of the oceans...
about a very very very very tiny billionth of a percent of space. We know nothing.
Can’t both statements be true?

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:15 am
by TDub
zsn wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:59 am
TDub wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:07 am
ousdahl wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:02 am On a related note, I’ve also heard we know and understand and have discovered more about outer space than we have about the bottom of the oceans...
about a very very very very tiny billionth of a percent of space. We know nothing.
Can’t both statements be true?
Without the knowledge of the quantity/size of space it is impossible to know the percentage of which we are aware. The ocean,however big and mysterious, is finite and quantifiable.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:18 am
by Mjl
1. Biden
2. Bear
3. F. Throw out some cryptic feelers to gauge the situation better.
4. G. Would say A if not for "original".
5. True

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:20 am
by Mjl
Grandma wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:51 am

4. I would say D but I can't prove it and I don't want to offend anyone. Therefore, I'll go with E.
Which d?

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:30 am
by jfish26
I think all of you need to slow down and re-think #5 a little bit.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:32 am
by ousdahl
Also I know it’s bad to post real people’s names and stuff, but I went to high school with a kid named Stetson Barnhouse.

Dude was every bit as dorky as he sounds.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:50 am
by TDub
jfish26 wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:30 am I think all of you need to slow down and re-think #5 a little bit.
I think he (gutter) misquoted the statement to say solar system instead of universe.

Obviously the sun is the only star in OUR solar system. So either its a misquote or a dumbass trick question.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:46 pm
by Deleted User 289
YES, I fucked up question #5. I meant universe - not "solar system". ... th-you-bet

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:48 pm
by Deleted User 289
Mjl wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:20 am
Grandma wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:51 am

4. I would say D but I can't prove it and I don't want to offend anyone. Therefore, I'll go with E.
Which d?
Yes, I fucked up the answers for #4.
I was referring to the "utter bull-shit" response.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions For a Not Sunny Sunday - 8/2/20

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:48 pm
by Deleted User 289
I'm would delete the original post (because I am brain dead) but I am unable to.