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Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/31/20 + Bonus Thought

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:26 am
by Deleted User 289
1. Do you own a telescope?

2. In the last 30 days have you returned something/anything you purchased?

3. You are sitting at the beach. There is literally 1 square mile of beach in which there are only 250 people in this square mile. Someone decides to sit within 10 feet of you. Then another person decides to sit within 10 feet of you on the other side. Obviously they have the right to sit wherever they would choose but you feel they are invading your space. Is it wrong to tell them as such?

4. You HAVE TO eat one of the following choices for dinner tonight. Which do you choose?









5. On Saturday I told a lie but then admitted to it soon after.
Someone was bitching about other people not wearing masks. I wasn't wearing one at the time but make sure I am wearing one when it's required. The person bitching asked those of us who were not wearing masks, "Aren't you afraid of getting the virus"? A few of the other people either said no or used the excuse they weren't within 6 feet of others (although some were). Me being me, I told the person - "We all work for the government and have been vaccinated with a secret vaccine so we are 100% immune to getting ANY virus". It seemed the person actually believed me.
Now for the question.
Do you believe that within the next 50 years there will be something (drug/vaccine) that will be created to make people 100% immune to getting cancer? I am NOT asking if you think it will be easily available and "distributed" to everyone. I'm asking if you think it will be created - and work/s.

Bonus Thought....
It's August 31st. To me August 31st to September 1st is the biggest 1 day change of the year.
What do I mean? When I think of August I think of Summer. When I think of September I think of Fall.
FOR ME, August 31st is the last day of summer. Once September starts, it's all downhill for the rest of the year. JUNK!

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/31/20 + Bonus Thought

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:32 am
by NewtonHawk11
1. No
2. No
3. Probably. 10 feet is probably the closest that I would like.
4. Probably some pizza. Been a while since I had that. The burrito bowl a close 2nd.
5. 100% no, but I think someone will have access to get the chances up to like 80-90%.

Bonus thought: I still consider Labor Day to kind of be that cutoff. But the temps do start to decline right around the first of September. This belongs on weather thread but the warmest temp for SC Kansas for the next 2 weeks is like 88. Not bad.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/31/20 + Bonus Thought

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:34 am
by TDub
1. No.
2. No. And i pretty much never do.
3. I'd move
4. Pizza
5. No. Cancer is too varied and adaptable to solve all kinds with 1 pill.

Bonus: I like fall and im ready to be done with 100+ degree days. Bring on sept.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/31/20 + Bonus Thought

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:45 am
by jhawks99
1) Not since I was a kid
2) No
3) I'd move
4) E. Is that Red Lobster?
5) No

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/31/20 + Bonus Thought

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:51 am
by pdub
1. No. Used to when I was a kid.
2. No.
3. I'd move but I might say something like 'you kidding me' as I'm getting up.
4. a - looks like a Chipotle chicken burrito bowl
5. Immune? No. Combat it enough to keep them alive/healthy? Yes.

I'm with Newton.
After Labor Day, it's Fall ( even though technically not til late September ).

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/31/20 + Bonus Thought

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:09 am
by Deleted User 289
1. No. I do have a telescopic camera lens that is powerful but not typical telescope powerful.
2. I am in the process of doing it. Marshall Bluetooth headphones that are "faulty".
3. In terms of the spot, it was a primo spot that I was sitting in/at. The first person was a girl/woman and she was very good looking. She had zero interest in me but I had no issue with her sitting there because I still had plenty of space. The second person was an older guy and he was not good looking. The thing that set me off was that he was not wearing a mask and he kept coughing. I got up, walked away, and sat somewhere else. Didn't say anything to either of them.
4. Tonight. None. Have to eat healthy and food/s with no salt. The Subway sandwich is something I wouldn't eat nor is the Jamba Juice something I would drink. Otherwise, I would go with d in a heartbeat.
5. Yes - created BUT I believe there will be some other form of something bad that's cell related that doesn't exist today that will exist within the next 50 years. No - in terms of being made available for the "general public".

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/31/20 + Bonus Thought

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:16 am
by shindig
1. No
2. No
3. No, not wrong to say something, but I would probably just get up and move
4. e
5. Probably not

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/31/20 + Bonus Thought

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:40 pm
by zsn
1. Yes, for seeing shorebirds up close. Works reasonably well for celestial objects

2. Yes, bought a few extra parts from the orange big-box store as I added an extra water line to a fridge in the garage. Wasn’t sure what all I would need. Returned some parts bought during several recent DYI projects.

3. Quietly move

4. The list shows some of the reason why it’s difficult being a vegetarian in certain locations. Except for Jamba Juice nothing pictured is something I would eat.

5. I doubt 100% effective for anything human-body related. Ever. Mostly effective? Yes. Also realize cancer is constantly trying to find a way around whatever you throw at it. That’s what keeps me employed and fed!

Bonus: for me it’s the rapid shortening of daylight period that’s unsettling. It’s the steepest part of the reduction of daylight hours each day, as we approach the equinox.

Re: Grandma's 5 Questions for 8/31/20 + Bonus Thought

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:25 pm
by Deleted User 310
1. No. Closest i have is a Bushnell range finder for golf.

2. No.

3. You must have picked a good spot.

4. Popeyes.

5. No.