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5 short questions for the third day of September

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 6:48 am
by Deleted User 887
1. Have you taken a dump today and if so, rate it on a scale of 1-100 (1 being the worst dump you have ever taken and 100 being the best).

2. Drake, Kanye, or Jay-Z? Answer one of the 3 and I'll let you decide what your answer means.

3. You have 10 chances to make a half court shot for 7.75 million dollars TAX FREE.
If you don't make one (or more) of the shots you can never drink alcohol AND never eat pizza AND never swim in a pool AND never use headphone/ear buds AND never watch television between 2:00am and 7:00 am ever again. Do you attempt to make a half court shot?

4. When was the last time you rode a bicycle or a motorcycle?

5. Name a subject in grade school that you excelled at/in.

Re: 5 short questions for the third day of September

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:25 am
by jhawks99
1) Not yet
2) Could not name one song from any of them, so Kanye.
3) Yeah, I can hit at least 1 of 10.
4) 20 years
5) Math

Re: 5 short questions for the third day of September

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:27 am
by ousdahl
1. Meta! Low 70s so far
2. JZ and it’s not close
3. Yeah sure, but what’s the other 9 chances for?
4. bicycle - last weekend. Motorcycle - when I was like 16
5. Gifted education

Re: 5 short questions for the third day of September

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 8:20 am
by TDub
1. Not yet
2. Jay-Z. The other 2 dont deserve to be mentioned by name.
3. Definitely
4. A month ago?
5. Math

Re: 5 short questions for the third day of September

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:23 pm
by PhDhawk
Jay-Z, Cause I'm big pimpin, spending cheese
fuck yeah,
A few years
All of them.